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Review (26)
去完花園街買野,熱熱地又口乾乾,記起Happy Lemon出了新飲品。當然要去試試。問店員椰子爽爽陣味會唔會好椰,佢話唔會,有陣椰香味囉。好似講完=無講。算吧,照試。第一啖入口,my god, 好似好椰喎。再飲多幾啖,椰味淡了,反而茶味就出。估佢唔到又幾好味!個底充滿椰果粒粒,份量唔少,啜極都仲有。口感好爽好清新。會encore~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-10-26
Havent gone to Happy Lemon for ages, but since they had the new Gaba series I gave it a try.Ordered the French fragrant grass tea, and coconut tea, the coconut basically tasted of strong coconut milk, and the French fragrant tea was the best, cool, silky with bits of wheat in it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2008-08-14
好鐘意佢地做的奶茶飲了杯熱的珍珠奶茶勁大杯都係$12又香又滑好正呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2008-08-06
一向都是快樂檸檬的捧場客喜歡它種類多 質素不錯 而且價格相宜但這一次要的檸檬彈珠$12 實在令我大失所望淡得如開水 彈珠也不彈 可能是因為比較多人等候的原因 所以質素才會下降希望下一次可以恢復水平 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-07-20
19-JUL-08 4:40PM今日天口真係熱, 行出街成身都立癡癡, 想即時買野飲降下溫. 旺角一帶選擇眾多. 行經開心檸檬, 令我唸到不錯的$10 珍珠奶茶, 而且不見人龍, 隨即上前.抬頭一睇, 有新野喎! "咪係我O係星記最愛既綠茶鮮奶飛雪冰??" 仲係 $13 咋!! 唔洗唸, 好鬼熱, 殺! 買左之後, 人愈來愈多!! 可能多人叫茶類飲品, 我都等左 8分鐘先有得飲. 勁標汗! 不過就換黎驚喜, 沒有星記的厚CREAM, 取而代之係脆脆胚芽, 有口感又健康, 最估唔到既係, 味道竟同星記有 80% 似!! 沙冰打得細滑, 好SMOOTH, VERY NICE~計落條數, 呢度平一半呀!!!**等既時候, 有一位staff 前黎訪問我對 happy lemon 既意見, 我填左份問卷, 其他都係d普通野: 你會o係邊區買野飲多? 對於我地d飲品質數如何? 有什麼地方要改善? 講到要改善, 我就提出要加入大珍珠(=波霸珍珠), 都唔知點解佢無得賣, 得西米size, 個人喜愛都係大既, 有咬口d, 你又覺唔覺???** continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)