4-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Hard Rock Café is a globally chained American restaurant with over 180 branches in various countries. The rock n’ roll music-themed restaurant displays world-class musicians’ and artists’ costumes and instruments and have a series of merchandises sold in the shop. Hong Kong branch was first opened in 1994 and moved to Lan Kwai Fong till now. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
珍寶蝦牛肉漢堡 胡桃木薰燒烤組合 紐約西冷牛排 傳奇10oz漢堡 熱糖漿朱古力蛋糕
Review (77)
Level4 2020-03-20
咁快就星期五啦,同事問今晚有冇約人,佢請Happy Hour,以前就會答得好快,而家疫情吓,都諗咗一陣先答:好😉!我哋放工行咗去蘭桂坊嘅Hard Rock Cafe,因為呢度啲飲品大大杯🍹😆,而且呢度嘅調洒師,好有型格又專業,每次調校嘅雞尾酒都好好飲佢,我哋喜歡坐吧枱,一邊睇調酒師調校不同嘅雞尾酒🍸,傾吓計,好舒服。我點咗杯冰雪草莓🍓🍹,入面有白冧洒、青檸汁同埋士多啤梨混合。好fruity,好滑好順口。同事就點左杯莫吉托,白冧酒配新鮮青檸汁、薄荷葉🌱及soda。跟住佢點咗個炸魚薯條🍟送吓酒,問我想食啲乜,我話想食沙律,健康啲,叫咗呢度嘅招牌凱撒沙律🥗,呢度嘅食物不過不失,但係我覺得就貴咗啲,不過唔緊要啦,因為呢餐同事仔請💁‍♀️😄。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-12-28
We went there for a family gathering, we reserved before we went there. However, when we arrive there, there actually are a lot of tables.The waiters are all so nice, when we order our foods we get to choose which dish we want to first.For the caesar salad, the portion is enough for five people. However, I think that the salad has too much sauce, it may be too sour.We ordered full rag of ribs, we have five people but for us, we still think the portion is too big.For the Jumbo Combo, the onion ring is crispy and the chicken tender is not bad, but others are fare. Especially the chicken wings for me is too sour and the meat is rather dry.We also order a trio mini cheeseburger, the meat is very juicy and the bread is crispy, it is very nice. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
<<呀媽帶我去威系列>>2難得出到去中上環,呀媽話食完lunch之後再去多間食蛋糕,又話上次食過呢間好食,所以去左呢間Hard Rock Cafe。入到去見到啲人全部都係食緊正餐,而且食物份量都多,都幾吸引咁。但因為我地已經食完正餐,所以只叫左一件cake同2杯野飲。野飲無乜特別啦,普普通通過得去。我叫左Rider in the storm,我覺得好似什果賓治加酒😂無乜驚喜囉。呀媽叫個杯都正正常常咁,唔算太特別。但cake就真係好食啦,又唔會好乾好硬,又夠香。我媽十分喜歡,我都覺得好食,不過有啲貴囉,我記得都差唔多一百蚊。總括而言,食物比飲品好,環境都舒服。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-09-16
今日同同事去食lunch 就去咗呢間Hard Rock食西餐 12:30嘅時間都仲有啲空位睇下menu先佢有得揀set lunch 有牛有豬有all day breakfast 都算多選擇 成個set 有個湯 沙律🥗 Toast 一件個湯幾好味 粟米湯沙律菜就麻麻地 切得太碎Toast唔脆😅我叫咗杯青瓜薄荷Lime 特飲見到隻色已經好開胃 好fresh 對於鍾意食生青瓜嘅我真係啱曬口味(浸味應該唔係嗰個都啱😅)另外個西冷叫咗medium我塊西冷啱啱好 有少少血 個sauce都好味 但係配菜煮得太耐 同埋食食下有隻蚊仔飛咗去我啲配菜度😑整體黎講餐廳環境闊落 食物質素整體算幾好 職員都好友善 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-09-12
I have been told that there would not be many people at lunchtime.However, it was a full house when we got there.The price is very reasonable in Central area.Set lunch comes with house salad and daily soup. I ordered Grilled US Striploin Steak for entree.They will not ask you about the doneness of the steak, so make sure you accept all levels. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)