4-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
由名廚Harlan Goldstein開設的時尚輕鬆小館COMFORT,概念是要帶給賓客輕鬆寫意的用餐感覺,餐單中所有菜式都是Harlan跟好友分享的至愛美食,靈感是來自他多年來周遊列國的經驗及創作。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Antoine叔叔的漁夫雜湯 我太太的巧手咖喱牛腩 英式豬肉腸配大廚至愛椰菜蓉及HP醬 慢煮牛面頰肉配肉汁薯蓉 蟹肉三文魚配龍蝦酸汁
Review (25)
Level4 2014-12-05
朋友訂了位來試一試這裡的午餐, 沿著LKF一路上來便可。頭盆是自助形式的沙律吧,選擇不少,但多數都是冷盤, 沙律菜應該有的也有, 還有任食的param ham, 吃完還會refill的, 味道也不錯。主菜我點了一客新奇cross-over的咖哩泡菜餃子, 感覺很特別, 咖哩的味道有點像印度的口味, 辣辣的, 不是一般可食到的味道, 反之不太像吃得出泡菜的味道。餃子炸得脆脆的, 點著咖哩食竟然有種說不出的合拍, 很值得一試!朋友點的Pasta相反卻比較普通。甜品是自家制的雪糕, 剛好可清一清味蕾, 回到公司再努力工作。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-12-01
Feeling celebratory on a Friday, a couple of friends and I decided to try Comfort by Harlan Goldstein for the first time. I'd heard good things about this place, which were all to be dashed after a taste of the main.A little backgrounder: It was LKF Dining Week last week in which participating restaurants were offering lunch set specials for HK$159 per person all week. I was at Souvla and PEZ HKC on Wednesday and Thursday prior to COMFORT where I had great value, delicious meals. So my expectations were set high. Moreover, I was looking forward to COMFORT the most because it was my first time to try Goldstein fare, whose reputation precedes it.I report back with unfortunate findings: the food and service were substandard, bordering on bad.My Tomato BruschettaIt's almost impossible to go wrong with this, so for me this was fine.Crispy Italian CalamariNo fireworks here.Bucatini alla AmatricianaHere's where the horror begins. This dish came first, wayy before the burgers did. So when I started eating it it already got cold. And what did it matter when it was bad regardless of the temperature? Overly salty, the sauce was saved by nice bits of meat, including Tiger Prawns (3 big pieces), and Pancetta.  The pasta was terrible - like an udon experimental fusion with Italian sauce but gone wrong. It was too heavy and didn't go well with the sauce at all.The BLT BurgerThe only good thing about this dish is the "Secret Sauce". Other than that, it was meh. At least it wasn't horrible like the pasta.Belgian Ice-Cream (Amaretto)Creamy, almost soft-serve texture. As if it was freshly made. I recommend.Home-Made SorbetThe server told us it was a CHERRY sorbet and we got this. We didn't know what it was - lemon, passionfruit, mango?? Whatever it was, it was horrible. Like ice shavings that got artificial flavouring poured onto it. It was so bad two of us asked to change to the ice cream halfway through.Would we return? Never. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-08-15
今日再次來到Harlans旗下這家餐廳午飯。午飯時間人客不多,相對晚餐餐廳較寧靜。頭盆是自助形式沙律吧,選擇不少,有泰式粉絲沙律,日式茄子,意式燒雜菜,西式有不同的沙律菜選擇。泰式粉絲沙律的酸辣,日式茄子的甜醬油,意式燒雜菜的香,款款新鮮且做得入型入格。主菜我們均點了漢堡飽,泰式咖喱雞和海鮮貝殼粉。漢堡扒肉汁豐富,一口咬下去肉汁沿著手漏出,幸好店員很貼心,一早奉上濕紙巾。漢堡扒加上新鮮配菜,吃完也不覺漏。貝殼粉也不遜色,汁沒有太多,但沒因而太乾,配上蔬菜和海鮮,清新但飽肚。泰色紅咖喱雞配薄餅,雖然夠辣,但卻沒有正式泰國咖喱的那種香。最後的甜品也是驚喜,我不曉得那是brownie還是什麼,它沒有brownie的heavy,但有濃濃的酒香。三道菜連餐飲,肚子圓圓的走,滿足 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-06-08
Love hanging out with my gals coz they don't mind go new restaurants to have some adventures. This time, Harlan's comfort.We order different cocktails for each of us. We haven't tried the others but we all love ours!!!Normally I don't fancy deep fried foodie, but this  Japanese wagyu beef croquettes it's tasty, slightly dip the source is just perfect!The platter is actually too heavy for 3 gals, and we are glad that we didn't order more dishes (the staff said we may need to order more foodie!) we couldn't finish them all but they taste good. Probably we are not too meaty meaty!The nitrogen tiramisu is absolutely interesting and we did play around it quite a while! The smoke, the crumbs, and seeing it melt. Yes, we are just too exciting having fun with it! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
 自從年多前到過Harlan's旗下的"Gold"吃過一頓令人愜意的brunch之後,對這個品牌就有了信心。對這個名牌大個子大廚的廚藝及態度,也就多了一分佩服....得悉他在蘭桂芳同地方內開了一所走casual dining路線的"Comfort",就一路很想再試一下他的手勢....終於等到有假期了,向太太說不如過來吃一餐吧....對著一面懇求充滿誠意眼光的我,她也不太好意思說不好了....很早便抵達到餐廳,甫一到便看到Mr. Goldstein已在打點一切。一間有水準的餐廳,老闆永遠也會留在店內坐鎮監場的,這樣食物質素才會有保證....上次去的"Gold"如是,今趟的"Comfort"也屬同一個情況....這裡的lunch set跟"Gold"一樣是以半自助形式奉客,當然"Gold"的前菜沙律陣容比這兒更鼎盛,亦有少許熱盤的供應。這裡的除了有好幾款的凍肉片以外便是一系列燒菜蔬及沙律,可以說是以貴精不貴多取勝....A Selection of Healthy Salads ---- 普通常見的羅馬生菜大大片亦爽囗新鮮,咬入囗是嗦嗦有聲的;較少見的選擇則有將薯仔塊弄得極爽的德國式薯仔沙律。說老實話質感不是太"粉"的薯仔自己吃落始終是未太習慣。相反那些開邊的小蕃茄是相當的甜美多汁,配上同樣味相對上清淡的feta cheese可說是深慶得人;另一道smoky eggplant的味道是甚創新特別,磨成跡近茸的茄子口感細軟滑溜,調味方面是出奇地heavy的,雖說是"smoky"但個人認為煙燻味是不覺太重,取而代之的是頗濃厚的辣香及鹹惹。拿起一塊中東式pita bread伴而食之,確是不俗的配搭;至於凍肉方面有好幾款的salami及巴馬火腿。純以Harlan的名氣再加上$198連主菜及甜食飲料的午餐價來說,實可用抵食去形容....況且那巴馬火腿的品質也是不差的,入囗帶脂香而不死鹹....從值吃的角度來說,叫半自助套餐一定是最化算的。但今次我來的目標是要嚐一下這裡的好幾道招牌嘢....所以小弟便集中火力研究a la carte餐牌,看看有沒有收穫....其中一道想試的,便是這份Spanish Pork & JJ Ham Meatballs in a Corriander Tomato Sauce....記起前數天在愉景灣內的西班牙餐廳也吃過相類似的頭盤,水準也是有的....但想不到Harlan's做出來的是比西班牙餐廳弄出來的更為西班牙 ---- 醬汁除了有豐厚的茄香及醒胃的酸度以外還充滿著莞莤香氣及黑椒帶來的辣香。從惹味的角度來看似乎是更勝一籌;肉丸的質地是頗為實淨的咬落蠻有肉香。不過以小弟的個人意見認為,用上了一個如此濃厚的醬料去處理這份肉丸的話,若是硬去用所謂的靚料 (甚麼來自西班牙的火腿及肉)去搓這丸子就真的是暴殄天物了....再來的,便是一味台式的刈包,Mr. Goldstein就簡單稱之為"Bao Bao"...這可是店內小吃的名物之一,亦是我為此而來的其一原因。包本身是十二分的軟綿易入囗且略帶微甜。一向熱愛吃包的小友自然就是嘴不停;夾層的那塊豬腩肉個人就略嫌太薄身少了咬頭,但肉本身的質素是好得沒話說,望上去是肥瘦相間而又均稱,脂肪部位燒得滿帶有焦香脆脆的十分惹味,論豐腴程度亦是有數的高;其餘的配菜如紅蘿蔔絲、洋蔥及酸瓜等都是用以消去pork belly之膩滯的,就連醬汁本身亦是帶微酸,這樣吃起來自然一些也不覺"漏"....值得一提的是另外附加的一小碗醬料,好在只是嚐了一點點,不然便儘會辣到跳舞了.....Set lunch的主食看上去也很對勁,一道Bacon wrapped pork loin with cinnamon apple, onion jam and melted taieggio cheese,豬柳弄至七至八分熟,肉中心顏色仍帶微微嫣紅,咬入囗是相當的柔軟而帶點點爽彈富肉汁,肉味之香濃也是不在話下,火喉控制得十分到位;Side dish方面有的是肉桂味濃郁,質地粉粉的蘋果片,味道酸咪咪的同樣是用以消去肉之肥膩。相同之理論亦可應用於那甜而杰撻撻黏黏的洋蔥絲"jam"醬內。至於後舖上至豬柳面的taieggio cheese,感覺稀稀的反而未覺有太濃烈的芝香,小弟倒覺得這層芝士是可有可無的;另外包著豬柳的那一大片煙肉,吃時一點也不覺肥膩,感覺良好.....全個下午小弟覺得最精彩的,當要數到Harlan的這個算是半私房咖喱牛腩.....咖喱汁濃而杰身,味道調得偏甜也為個人所好;加入了不少花生粒碎的它是增添了咬囗之外又充滿香料之惹香。辣度方面是並不霸道的調得甚有分寸;牛腩件件是揀手之選沒有吃到一口是渣,至於牛筋就更是黏而帶啜囗充滿骨膠原....這咖喱汁配上加了少許炸蒜粒在頂的白飯吃,光只是吃汁撈飯就能令我回味無窮了....至於那一小堆伴碟的醃蘿蔔,小弟倒是覺鹹多於酸起不了醒胃的作用;醃菜旁的是一小撮的森巴醬,味道辣與香兼而有之,配上咖喱及飯來食又是另一番風味來....甜品的配搭也是挺花過心思的,奶凍配上乳酪是自己平常較少吃的組合,加上黑芝麻醬就更是頗創新之舉。奶凍很夠滑不過沒很香奶味;黑芝麻醬反而有著蠻粗的texture且有濃郁芝麻氣味,老實說是比奶凍還要出色....記得上一次喝過harlan的熱朱古力令人印象深刻,今次重遇之,味不會死甜,朱力味濃突出且口感細滑,是依舊出色....食物整體水準一如以往的高....但一記看上去普通不已的咖喱牛腩竟令人殺個措手不及,真是意料之外... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)