2-min walk from Exit B3, Mong Kok MTR Station
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如果不是食友 Supersupergirl 介紹此店,我應該不會老遠走來喝果汁。店面對著後巷,也可以用「罨耷」來形容。有些果汁的配搭果然是很新穎,不過我想喝的牛油果汁沒有供應(檔主哥哥說由於貨源問題啊,因為沒人點所以牛油果就沒進貨喇),所以就只好點紅菜頭+蘋果汁($30)。先準備材料...切件...哥哥像調酒師般先用檸檬擦杯邊(拍不到),再把榨好的汁倒到杯裡,好像調雞尾酒。完成後就是這樣子嚕!哥哥叫我先喝一大口,初時我還以為他要我試味,原來是杯子盛不了所有的果汁,要先喝掉一些然後他再倒其餘的果汁進杯裡。這個的味道跟以往的紅菜頭果汁有點不同,有點點的酸(鹹?)味,也許就是那個檸檬汁的神效了。蘋果汁令本來帶一點點甘味的紅菜頭汁添了甜味,很易入口,也挺好喝的。
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This juice joint is located in Mong Kok, an area that I avoid dining because the food is weird.But sometimes, the weird creations in Mong Kok can be good!I was attracted by their avocado and apple juice but there was no avocado that day so I had to choose something else!The fruits and vegetables were the usual ones until I spotted okra!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Okra and guava:There was actually more than one cup in the blender so she poured some of the juice in the cup and told me to drink some before pouring the rest in.The guava was quite sweet and the juice was extremely viscous because of the okra, however there could have been more okra in proportion to the guava to taste it, but okra is probably expensive which is why they only put three in there.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Okra, beetroot and cucumber juice:Before ordering this drink, she asked if I have tried beetroot before because it tends to give people diarrhea and upset tummies.I was more suspicious whether the beetroot has been washed because that is more likely going to be the cause.The taste of this was much better than the guava but again, there could have been more okra, and there were bits of grit in the drink too.Anyway, this drink was nicer because it was thick with natrual sweetness of beetroot and the refreshing taste of cucumber!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
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好日都唔寫個食評, 但呢間咁好既鋪竟然無人寫過!?唔得!旺角咁貴租, 假若佢咁好都無人幫襯點算......?佢位於唔當眼位置, 希望有網友睇完都齊齊去飲下果汁, 健康一下又支持下果汁小店!香港人應該少飲一點那些人工色素加上調味劑的飲料吧首先鋪頭細細但背後一大雪櫃都係新鮮生果, 係眼見也覺fresh的那種種類好多好多,店內亦有一般果汁店的建議搭配方法, 唔怕唔識揀最重要係老闆實在大方, 一般果汁店都係得一杯飲, 呢間係會斟完一杯叫你飲番d再斟滿俾你務求你飲哂佢榨俾你既果汁!非常抵飲, 一杯都係十幾廿蚊!同市面係差唔多價錢...但係味道絕無加糖水, 又勁大杯杯野個樣我就無影低, 因為個紙杯大同小異.但係味道真係好不錯, 無加糖水係唔同d!我飲既係梨加甘筍, 梨就帶出清新既甜味, 而甘筍再令整杯飲品更refreshing另外女友叫既係梨加木瓜, 其實咁潤應該秋冬天飲既, 但呢家飲都好正, 一入口係好豐厚既感覺!兩杯飲品都係一杯加另一大半杯, 又抵又好味!
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