2-min walk from Exit C, Shau Kei Wan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
恆河咖哩屋都算係喺港島幾出名嘅印度餐廳,但筆者喺港島住咗咁耐都係第一次食。可能因為期望愈大,失望愈大。鐵板 Chicken Tikka 基本上用鐵板上菜嘅嘢食都好少好難食,所以味道的確算係ok,係成餐飯最好食嘅菜式。但個雞食落略嫌唔夠Juicy,調味又唔算惹味。行貨質素。水魚之選嘅咖哩軟殻蟹菜式連加一接近$200,但上菜只有兩隻軟殻蟹同唔算多嘅咖哩汁。平心而論,個咖哩汁有咖哩香氣,味道豐富同口感都濃稠,但份量太少。同埋軟殻蟹冇平時食開嗰種好多膏好有油香嘅感覺,所以即刻遜色咗好多。海鮮炒飯(?呢個係屋企人嗌,我都唔記得叫咩名。印象中唔使$100,足料都抵食。但味道普通,冇乜記憶點。芝士印度烤餅唔記得影相,但完全冇芝士味。烤餅亦偏乾,冇平時食開嗰種鬆軟口感。平時筆者可以一個人食兩大塊,嗰晚食半塊已經唔想再食了。Mango Lassi都係唔記得影相🥲口感偏稀,唔夠乳酪香氣。總結:價錢除咗某幾款菜式外,都算正常定價。但質素偏行貨,區內有更好嘅選擇。如非突然口痕非食印度菜不可,又懶唔想離開筲箕灣,唔建議食。
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Left Disappointed. We ordered the set menu for 2 ($298pp) as recommend by the manager. The starter was 1 slice of fried potato each, 3 small pieces of chicken tikka to share. Potato was greasy and chicken tasted of gas. I prefer there to be more charring on the tikka than they had.Main course was Lamb rogan Josh (4 pieces of lamb), vegetable curry, rice and garlic naan to share. Portions were very small and not suitable for 2. Taste wasn’t bad but not great. Naan was good but needed to be cooked longer. We added 2 mango lassi (+$20 each), which was warm and had very little mango flavour. However it did look pretty as it had a pink colour feature. The dessert was served during our main course, it was dough balls in sugar syrup. I was left hungry as I let my wife have the meat. She was fed but I ordered a double Angus burger from McDonald’s to fill the hole.
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原本諗住同friend去筲箕灣個海灘度游水 跟住熱辣辣仲話要食咖喱 喺OpenRice度望完個評分先至過嚟試吓 隨便嗌咗個餐 88蚊有肉有飯有餅有湯 打卡,就攞埋個九折 所以先至會有呢個食評出現 仲要飲咗碗湯先至見到呢個優惠😂
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串燒雞脯:💯💯💯💯💯💯雞肉超滑超juicy白咖喱雞 + 蒜蓉薄餅👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻雞肉香口,肉質好嫩。薄餅熱辣辣,配咖哩汁食一流。瑪XXX無骨魚👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻忘記左個菜名…但道菜既味道好難忘。呢道菜調味豐富,魚既肉質結實,好好食。呢間餐廳必定會encore 呀!
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