5-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Private Party
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Tue - Wed
11:00 - 19:00
Thu - Sat
11:00 - 18:45
19:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (140)
係好耐之前已經mark左想黎呢間cafe, 當初比佢既scones吸引(最後係無試到😂) 所以上星期五既就約埋朋友一齊黎試試☺️因為係晚餐時段而我地又唔太肚餓所以淨係嗌左1份dinner set(意粉+湯+飲品)落完order都應該隔左半個鐘以上先開始上菜.. 預左係慢活, 同朋友傾傾下計都好快過👯‍♀️湯唔記得影相亦都無咩特別🌝 意粉嗌左蜜糖雞扒乾蕃茄炒意粉! 雞扒煎得幾靚 唔乾, 意粉亦唔錯👍🏻碟炸物一上黎, 我就眼金金咁好期待金黃色個邊d薯條😍 因為似係用蕃薯整出黎🍠好可惜食落無咩蕃薯味 唔係想像中個回事反而一粒粒波有驚喜 係炸芝士👍🏻燒雞翼 我鐘意食☺️ 好香蜜糖味大熱天時, 飲熱飲係一種修煉食完正餐 當然唔少食甜品🥳原先仲想嗌件peach cake可惜賣曬個人黎講, 因為唔鐘意玉桂粉既味道, 所以好少嗌蘋果既甜品, 見朋友好想食就試試佢加左燕麥片 nuts落去, 幾有口感😊不過因為好少食所以比較唔到同其他鋪頭既有咩分別總括黎講, 呢間cafe係慢活 同朋友傾計唔錯既地方, 地點都算方便, 價錢都合理👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-06-26
今日約埋朋友黎呢度試下lunch set,由12:30pm 入座點完餐我朋友差唔多等到1點先有野食送上,而我個份遲遲未到。當我留意到旁邊既客人遲我十幾分鐘點餐,點既係同我一樣既餐,而佢係1點左右收到野食;我已感到不妙並向職員反映,點知得到既回應係佢地送錯餐去其他客人檯上,仲講會即刻煮過份比我,我以為會好快,點知一等就等多20分鐘都未到。作為一位普通既上班族,我只有一小時既食飯時間,一間餐廳由落單到發現出錯到更改足足50分鐘都未等到野食我覺得已經好離譜。但沒有最離譜只有更離譜,係1:25 pm 正當我取消order 準備要餓住肚趕番公司之際,發現呢間餐廳居然因爲我飲左餐湯而要收我錢,仲要係收我正價價錢$45。一個set lunch 只係$85,因為餐廳出錯令到遲遲上唔到主菜最後仲好意思問客人收番餐湯正價價錢。先唔講個湯好唔好飲,但一杯裝唔滿既餐湯要收咁既價錢仲要成個鐘都比唔到野食客人都仲好意思收錢係未合理。如果你係因爲知我趕時間唔好意思係餐廳同你理論既你成功左我的確係好趕時間要翻去我既辦公地方繼續做我小職員要做既事,但唔代表整件事該餐廳及職員處理恰當。一間餐廳既形象就係因為咁既服務態度令人感到失望,就算野食有幾好食環境有幾舒服都補唔翻,完全唔會推介比身邊朋友及同事。不可一!不可再! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-05-16
Hit the Road has a superb interior design, by superb I mean nordic - simple and cozy. I particularly like the window seats. Visiting on a sunny afternoon, I got to enjoy the smoothing sunlight. It did get quite warm afterwards, but the blinds were enough to shield the heat.My foodie friend recommended this cafe for dessert, and of course the desserts were fantastic!I chose this Earl Grey Chiffon Cake with Japanese golden mandarin. The golden mandarin on top was so fresh, juicy and delicious! And the cream? Perfectly rich and silky! The chiffon cake itself was gorgeous, it was very fluffy and had a rich earl grey flavour.My friend chose this British Strawberries & Rhubarb Custard Tart. The basil meringues on top tasted a bit funny, but other than that, everything was very enjoyable. Strawberries were fresh and sweet. The vanilla cream & custard were absolutely delightful!  Tart base was crunchy and yummy.The desserts were so tasty that we finished them really quickly…hahahaPerfect spot for a fika (Swedish word for a piece of cake/pastry with tea/coffee), with a book or a friend to chat with. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-05-11
難得weekend約左兩位閏蜜,幾個月冇見實在有好多野想講。難得搵到呢間樓上穩世cafe,最讚係可以book位唔使等,又唔會趕你走,我地足足坐左3個半鐘都冇人打擾。實在唔係咁多cafe做到。黎之前已聽聞cafe有幾好既評價,食物同環境都完全冇令我失望。我點左檸檬草花茶,味道清香,茶壺同茶杯都幾特色。都忍唔住相機食先。朋友點左Hot Latte, 鐘意飲咖啡既佢都覺得味道唔錯。牛油果三文治,一睇就知係慢功出細貨,店主好用心,牛油果同麵包都好新鮮,連配搭的南瓜湯也是很用心的。小食併盤好岩一邊傾計一邊嘆。有薯條,蕃薯條同洋蔥圈。全部都熱辣辣好香脆。羽衣甘藍蘑大餐廳既水準。本身可以加錢要雞扒或三文魚等。我地冇加都已經覺得本身D料好多好夠食。店內會有唔同既自家製0既蛋糕同tarts,下次去一定要試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-05-05
當日同朋友慶祝生日,店員好配合我地,又幫我地雪蛋糕,唔該晒!🌟環境裝修幾靚,地方不大但舒服,可令人放鬆☺️🌟食物蘑菇湯好好飲,有蘑菇粒,菇味好香,好啱我口味❤️雞扒意粉都好好食,雞扒有蜜糖味,好嫩滑👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)