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Review (86)
Level2 2019-01-30
之前係fb見到大埔炎天丼結束營業,所以今日同班同事一齊去食最後一次。個人覺得菜心、蝦、蓮藕天婦羅最好食。上次食天婦羅飯連溏心蛋覺得實在太飽同滯。今次叫左海鮮天婦羅配冷烏冬,跟麵豉湯,份量岩岩好,唔會太飽太滯。冷烏冬夠彈牙。麵豉湯同其他餐廳唔同,夠濃,而且仲有好多海帶、豆卜。天婦羅係即叫即炸,全部都脆口。中午唔使加一,盛惠53蚊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐都冇食過日本野啦!喺香港要食高質又平嘅丼飯真係有啲難度,想食高質就要好貴,食得太平又易中伏🙂今日難得搵到一間性價比唔錯的丼飯,即刻推介俾大家👊🏻🔹海膽天丼 $89📍8/10聽講最多人推薦「海膽天丼」,冇理由唔試下🤤呢個飯共有六款炸物:菜心苗、茄子、蓮藕、南瓜、海膽天婦羅和流心蛋;所有食物都係新鮮炸起,食落又熱又脆!主菜「炸紫菜海膽」幾新鮮,一脆一軟,口感豐富,海膽冇腥味,但就唔夠鮮甜🤔其餘的天婦羅炸得剛剛好,炸粉不厚;菜心苗好似薯片般脆口,冇草青和苦澀味,蓮藕爽口,南瓜清甜,整體不錯!🔶海鮮天丼 $76📍9/10論價錢和食物配搭,呢個海鮮天丼性價比更高!配料有魷魚、蟹肉棒和虎蝦,但就平左十幾蚊,足以填補海膽嘅空位呀🤣三樣炸物炸到好鬆脆,虎蝦仲有啲彈牙,食落不覺太油膩~今餐最期待就係炸流心蛋🙊因為要兼顧脆皮,同半生熟嘅效果真係幾難~估唔到呢間又做得唔錯,外脆內軟,又流到蛋漿🤤按喜好淋上秘製天汁和日本飯素,撈一撈,おいしい! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-12-24
成日路過,同事話得,不過冇乜選擇,今日忙到C, 快閃食個午餐,都叫自我安慰一下呢道可以有飯同烏冬,主食得炸物,天㷌羅,即叫即炸,好新鮮!蝦就得一隻咋,不過有只流心蛋,ok la. 菜嘅份量多D,南瓜茄子不過$55唔包飲品,大埔區午餐唔算特別抵食. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-12-06
Came here for lunch and got the set that included the uni!Although the picture doesn't make it look big, there's actually a lot of tempura inside! The uni was good but I don't see the need to make it into tempura. The taste of the uni itself is terrific enough just to be eaten alone. Also loved the variety of seafood and vegetables they used in the tempura, remember to eat them immediately after they deep fry it. Tempura is best eaten HOT!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-11-27
特地來到大埔食lunch 因為就腳既關係就試左呢間炎天丼 撞岩時間未係好多人 所以唔需要等位 鋪頭細細間 位置唔多 我地被安排坐左係吧枱位置 佢地有啲籃仔擺係凳底比人放袋 好貼心☺️我地叫左一個唐揚雞丼 一個海老天丼 炸物既款式都算多 有菜心、茄子、番薯、南瓜仲有海蝦!炸物唔算好粉 但比較油 如果可以再乾身少少會更好而唐揚雞丼非常好味 佢有海量既沙律醬加上啲雞嫩口、又熱 炸得岩岩好!再沈海量既飯素!真係勁好味😋😋😋😋😋最後隨餐附送麵豉湯乙碗 滿足~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)