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Review (7)
Level3 2011-04-06
依個星期真系好熱,行系街度見到有yogert買,毫不猶豫地就冲上去買翻一杯解解渴。可能系中午12點左右,好似系剛剛開鋪甘,個sales仲系度收拾緊也。當日適逢做促銷,話開咗分店,所有優格都減5蚊,原本26蚊的變成21蚊,心裏面開心開心!不過,咩水果都無,我想要奇異果無。。。我想要草莓又無。。。突然覺得上咗当感最後要咗藍莓、芒果、火龍果。但系,我當面見到個sale同我整藍莓時候,居然用手拿住d藍莓放落去個杯度,大佬,我几想話可唔可以唔要啊!!!無下次,見到感場景已經無咩胃口去吃,普普通通一杯,就算几便宜我都唔想再幫襯呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-03-12
放學行過Hot.com,發現原來她們有供應乳酪雪糕,我當然要試試啦! 這裡的乳酪雪糕非常大杯,雖然冰感重,配料味道只是一般而且比較少,但十八蚊有這麼大杯乳酪雪糕也算挺抵的喇。雪糕乳酸味很濃郁,味道是幾甜的,但吃完一杯後竟然會有奶粉那種脂肪的味道徘徊在口中,很奇怪喔。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Previously visited the Mong Kok branch.http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2151238This time walked past the TST branch, so decided to try the other set which has a chicken drummette, couldnt tell from the picture if it was a chicken drumstick or a drummette, and also the chinese didnt know what it said.It turned out to be a chicken drumette in the end.Although the guy from MK said the chicken drumette wasnt spicy, it turned out to be spicy.The rest of the fried stuff tasted ok.In comparision to the MK branch, the staff here were not as organised as the MK branch, they didnt really know their product range.Also there was less people and the food took longer to arrive. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-02-22
飲完好睇唔好飲的Kami Teapresso,心裡未夠滿足,之後行經Hot.com,又忍不住去買杯Froyo。這裡只供應原味的乳酪雪糕,我也不客氣要求先試食一下,估不到試食份量十分慷慨呢! 雖然口味冰感較重,但礙於不好意思白試,怎樣也要幫襯一下。以定量的Froyo來講,這裡大概是全港最平了,份量不小的中杯裝只需$18,包一款配料;如升級至差不多大一倍的大杯裝,也只是$25,免費附送兩款配料! 雖然大杯裝要抵食很多,但媽咪不吃Froyo,試食又覺得味道只是一般,所以只要了中杯裝Froyo,配料選了藍莓。約等3分鐘,成品做好,真估不到才$18竟有如此大杯乳酪雪糕到手,不是講笑真的很墜手的!味道方面,與試食的感覺一樣,冰感較重,乳酸味不夠Yogurtime / Yo Mama等濃郁,但也不至於對面街Orangi~Yo的水漾稀薄,另外配料的藍莓不是很飽滿大粒,味道卻是幾甜的,真是大件夾抵食。之後也是時間回元朗,與剛收工的可憐老公,以及宅妹一齊吃頓整整齊齊開年飯了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-02-12
相約友人系尖沙咀shopping早到左 係流連金馬倫道 口渴 唯有到最近ge鋪頭買野飲隔多兩三個鋪位就有賣果汁同埋 one more cxp但我見hot.com之前飲過都還可以 可以就幫襯呢間門口都堆住d人ga 諗住會有別於旺角果間 所以一試.....點知 試完ge感覺仲差左....下定左決心 未搵得返果杯mocha之前都唔會再幫襯呢間買野飲我叫少冰半甜 但杯野仲好似少甜一樣咁甜本身唔鍾意飲太甜ge 但呢杯少甜 我都仍然覺得勁甜.雖然好多間都出現呢個情況,不過d珍珠的確唔好食....本來都想試多d珍珠,睇下憬自己問題定點..但自此之後就戒左食珍珠....杯奶茶飲左幾啖 怕口渴再飲多兩啖就掉左飲到我樣都變哂..同埋愈飲愈口乾.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)