6-min walk from Exit C, City One MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (104)
Opening Hours
08:30 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
08:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Accessible Environment Details
Sustainable Seafood
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (4)
Level2 2021-03-22
食品其實ok, 選擇亦算多,可惜這間分店員工服務態度越來越差。還記得4至5年前,這店舖仍在商場2樓時,當時全舖職員對客服務均是非常有禮貌及熱誠,因為這點亦成為他們長期顧客。但自從店舖從2樓搬到地舖之後,情況大不如前,職員面目全非,他們只有機械式銷售,態度非常冷漠,有些更是會對客說話大大聲但又不禮貌,像是呼喝客人,對客服務的確差。觀察接近1年,完全沒有進步。真想不到最後因為這點亦決定不再惠顧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-10-22
16-10-2020 (Fri)晚,同女同事IL食完晚飯後,送佢搭車時,見到有鴻福堂,於是用我寬頻供應商送,呢喥奶茶買一送一嘅電子優惠劵,一支正價係$20.00,每支310毫升.到大前晚(19-10-2020 Mon)食完飯後,我就攞嚟飲,睇見佢顏色都幾深,飲落,茶味好夠,奶味唔多,口感就嚡咗啲.而最重要係,佢有沉澱物,就算我用力搖,都搖唔散,佢係奶茶嘅結精?呢樣嘢又令我諗返起2009年竹蔗甘筍海底椰有沉澱物嘅事件,估唔到連奶茶都有,唔通呢啲係佢哋嘅特質? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-07-13
買左兩支野飲,$28蚊一支,我用現金劵就要俾正價,如果吾係,就好似有100蚊5支!勁抵,但我就冇得用啦😢最後買左一支川貝雪梨海底椰,另一支就係粟米鬚薏米!!!本身呢啲野飲都甜架啦,不過佢地都叫做可接受既甜!比較中意粟米鬚果支多啲!!!佢冇甘多糖得黎又係甜既!應該係佢自己本身粟米鬚都好甜☺️☺️☺️好正啊 岩哂想飲呢啲舊式’涼茶‘又吾得閒煲既人士😂即係我☺️☺️(自己講😂健康飲品真係幾岩而家既都市人,仲要佢會mark埋你睇佢有咩功用,知道自己想調理咩問題,飲返對應既飲品就搞掂都係吾錯既!不過都係果句,太多糖啦☹️😂😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
As I was in the area, I spotted this modern branch of HFT which is different from the rest.It is modern with wooden window frames and glass which lets you see the whole shop.There is a dine in area by the window.Tried these crispy egg rolls with Sakura shrimps which are a Taiwanese brand called Hiwalk.The design of the box looks a bit like sanitary napkins.Inside there are 4 rolls.When you open it, there is a prominent crispy sakura shrimp aroma and the rolls are sweet and crispy! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)