2-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
17:30 - 23:30
Public Holiday
17:30 - 23:30
Public Holiday Eve
17:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (43)
Level3 2023-10-13
係西營盤諗住揾啲輕食,揀咗平時好小機會食到嘅印度墨西哥野,因為見有好多餅嘅選擇(tacos, kebab roll, naanizza)。舖頭比較細,行入啲有個露天天井可以坐,見今日唔太熱就坐咗露天位。要有心理準備環境唔太乾淨,仲有蚊,但因為佢舖頭本身冇開冷氣,取捨下都係坐出面。如果佢執翻靚呢個位,涼啲黎食應該都ok 。最後揀咗炸魚kebab roll餐(連薯條加汽水)佢即叫即整,所以等嘅時間比較耐個卷好大條好扎實,熱辣辣,中間炸魚同配菜嘅比例一半一半佢個菜嘅醬汁係加咗印度香料嘅沙律醬咁,超級香!成個卷醬汁嘅部分幾平均,所以食落唔乾,魚亦炸得脆卜卜,唔厚粉。食落就係好有傳統印度風味,雖然濃味,但都易入口,食完唔會好口渴果隻。套餐配嘅薯條都係即炸,感覺好似shake shake薯條,都係一啲印度香料粉,幾好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
當日平安夜晚市OpenRice訂位有八折,  特登帶女朋友咁屯門入去食,食咗三個卷飲埋湯埋單$200都唔使, 芝士乳酪卷餅同埋炸魚卷餅好好食,即叫即整熱辣辣係基本,餅底又薄又脆又熱,餡料好足,炸魚好脆好鮮甜 ,醬汁好惹味,老闆服務態度好好,主動拎餐具俾我哋,主動問我哋啲嘢食好唔好食,仲送咗兩杯好香滑的印度奶茶俾我哋,臨走佢仲問我哋要唔要啤酒汽水,不過覺得平安夜節日流流佢哋冇加價仲要做埋優惠,想佢哋賺多啲,所以冇要到 ,服務真係好到冇得輸,下次都會在幫襯,呢個價錢呢個服務態度呢個食物質素,真係10年都冇見到有咁高質,希望呢間小店長做長有,因為位置格攝,之前我去過兩次晚市都係冇咩人堂食,利申:真心食評,唯一一次會真係想寫食評嘅體驗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-09-14
1. Hunger Chicken Tikka Roll 🌯2. Curried Beef Quesadilla 🥩🤩📍: Hunger Strike (第三街) (Western District), Shop 8, G/F, Goodwill Garden, 75-85 Third Street, Sai Ying Pun, Western District💰: 1. $56, 2. $58⭐️ : 7.8/10Review : If you are looking what to eat for lunch near SYP/HKU, you can go to this homey and comfortable restaurant! 🥰 They have an outdoor setting for you to sit, and good food to share with your friends! ⭐️ I love their hunger chicken tikka roll, it has strong flavor like any Indian cuisine, but their curried beef is too dry for me! You can also try their other food like pizza, taco, lassi, and so on! 😘❗️Download EATIGO and reserve a place in their Sai Ying Pun branch for a discount up to 50%❗️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-04
小店所有食物都係即叫即做 戶外環境都好舒服😌👧🏻招牌羊肉墨西哥夾餅墨西哥菜重點都係香料🌮羊肉食落比較乾身但香料足夠同醬汁可以解決乾身問題🐑🧄🌮👧🏻瑪沙拉薯條薯條劣得好脆🍟加埋香料粉食落更香口👍🏼值得一食再食💯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
ig/小紅書:cecifoodie_...🌯叫了牛肉panini和辣豬頸肉quesadilla 兩個都好食 牛肉panini唯一美中不足嘅係牛肉有點乾 相比之下辣豬頸肉就比較濕潤 辣辣的口感配上芝士和軟軟的quesadilla超級正 15蚊可以追加masala薯條 薯條很脆 瑪莎拉粉是一種印度香料 咸咸的 不過並不搶味 不仔細食食不太出來 是好吃的可以一試 還叫了兩杯飲料 分別是芒果和香蕉lassi 因為是乳酪 整體味道偏酸 不過因為卷餅比較重口 配著吃也會比較解膩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)