Opening Hours
09:00 - 17:30
Tue - Fri
09:00 - 17:30
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 18:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
非常惡劣的服務態度,影響一整天的心情,店長要發洩建議去做運動,不要發洩在顧客身上。換了店長再考慮下次來不來,應該以後不會再來! very bad dining experience, food is very normal and overpriced, the worst is the staff’s attitude especially the (manager), bad tone to talk to her own staff as well as the customer. Definitely will not come again.
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咖啡正常發揮,雪糕正常,但服務態度非常非常非常超級無敵惡劣。舖頭本身細,但戴帽女店員(店長?)一路大聲責罵員工。我點單時態度非常惡劣,多問雪糕味道就叫我自己睇黑板,收錢機斷網就責怪客戶,大聲到成間舖頭都望住。難得入西貢飲杯咖啡都係想放鬆,但完全相反。希望店員檢討吓,唔好影響顧客同店員心情。惡劣的體驗a truly bad experience esp for a shop in sai kung, i hope the staff can reflect and improve. Will not visit again.
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HushHush 以前係我去西貢必飲嘅咖啡,次次都點dirty,因為整得好好. 但前幾次都同friend都去咗試市場街個邊新的咖啡店。今日我走嘅特登去hush hush 叫dirty,但今日勁失望,佢D豆已經唔係以前好香好nutty 個隻blend, 正係得苦味,有D澀,不太有咖啡香。不過我最唔滿意嘅係佢D服務態度,本來我見到雪櫃有個綠色雪糕好吸引,想試,於是問個收銀係咪味,點知個收銀叫我自己睇黑板!我一抬頭見黑板D字密密麻麻,有好多者味,即係叫我自己估?!即卡覺得懶得睇,唔食啦!加上咖啡已經大不如前,下次都係唔好懶行遠D去市場街飲咖啡!
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🍴: Hushush icecream coffee🏠🤍📍: Sai Kung, Hong Kong 🇭🇰 ✏️Sorry guys but I really wanna share the food and dessert I’ve tried before in here! 🌟Affogato is basically a shot of espresso with vanilla gelato/ ice cream on top😋Tbh I’m not a coffee drinker even Mocha tastes bitter for me….but I kinda like the matching of espresso with ice cream!! (Maybe it’s because I’m an ice cream lover?!🧡🧡 🌟The vanilla ice cream was super smooth and balanced well with the espresso.Guess I’mma visit here again and try their other ice cream flavours!!🌟I really like their spoons!! It’s soo cuteeeeeee😍🐼aww💕✨P.S. their ice creams are homemade and got special and unique flavours! Ofc coffee lovers must try their hand crafted coffee as well⭐️: affogato with vanilla icecream🍨💰:💲65
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嚟到西貢一定係玩水🏄🏻♀️🌊同chill☀️,Hushush之前已經食過ga la,今次佢搬左新舖就再幫襯啦,環境大左,坐得都舒服左!本身係嚟想試開心果雪糕🍦,可惜都賣晒,所以我就冇叫喇,反而朋友今次就叫左,佢話幾好味。不過我唔係好記得佢叫左咩味la。之後我叫左杯☕️long black (熱),特別之處係佢用左墨西哥🇲🇽水洗咖啡豆,酸味比較少。一行四個人,飲住咖啡、食下雪糕,傾下計,仲可以幫下貓貓🐈⬛,開心。
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