5-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station
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It is a caviar and champagne themed restaurant, and mainly serves French-Mediterranean dishes. This shop is like a gallery. It is decorated with many paintings which are drawn by a local artist, to introduce the information of caviar and champagne.
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Opening Hours
08:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 22:30
*Happy hour 時段為1700-1900
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
昨天約咗幾個朋友食晚餐聚聚,適逢中環石板街酒店嘅Huso有dining city嘅特價套餐,於是走去試試。▪️ Appetizer➰ Crab Meat with Tomato Consommé蕃茄凍湯啫喱配上啖啖嘅蟹肉絲,整個味道好鮮甜。➰ Amaebi Tartare·Cavier北海道甜蝦爽甜味美,配埋一層厚厚嘅魚子醬,魚子醬在口中爆醬,細膩而又充滿層次感。▪️ Celery Soup呢個芹菜湯擺盤好精美,而且個湯充滿濃郁嘅芹菜香氣,夠晒清新。▪️ Pasta ➰ Linguine Red Prawn呢道菜嘅主角當然係意大利紅蝦,蝦肉好鮮甜爽口,而且蝦頭嘅蝦膏勁多,把蝦膏均勻地融入在意大利麵條裡,令到麵條嘅味道更加濃郁。▪️ Main➰ Duck Leg Confit呢個油封鴨係係我嘅至愛,酥脆嘅外皮兼嫩滑多味嘅肉質,再配上清新嘅柚子醬汁,絕對可解鴨肉嘅膩。▪️ Daily Dessert呢個朱古力三重奏蛋糕,味道夠晒濃郁且醇厚。
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呢排朋友仔問生日想食咩時久久都無咩頭緒Brunch Menu 做緊半價優惠實在好吸引呢🤩位於中環石板街嘅Pottinger 酒店一樓環境佈置典雅酒店大堂嘅古典梳化位打卡無難度牆上同天花嘅掛畫Feminie得嚟帶點erotic (矇住眼、口微微張開食魚子醬😈咁似嗰啲經典情欲電影畫面嘅😝)出品精緻、加上酒店級數嘅服務好適合閏密聚會、紀念日慶祝等等🔖Starter🔹Steak Tartare 🥩🔹Potatoes Egg Salad 🥔(即席加魚子醬!)🔹Burrata Cheese 🧀🔹Tempura Rock Shrimp 🍤🔹Crab Salad 🦀 最欣賞呢款!啖啖蟹肉上面放咗香檳啫喱好吸睛🔖 Soup🔹Carrot Soup (Daily Soup) 🥕🔖 Main🔹Halibut (Catch of the day) 🐟煎比目魚用半蒸焗方式放喺透明袋入面上檯魚柳表面煎得香脆入面保持嫩滑魚柳底下仲有海鮮煮成嘅鮮甜湯頭可以當湯飲呢🔹Duck Leg Confit 🐤Potato Puree, Raisin Gravy朋友仔心心念念嘅一道菜鴨腿皮脆肉嫩一啲都唔會太咸太油膩🔖 Dessert🔹Soft Serve 🍦Caviar Champagne Jelly🥂雪糕口感比較似雪芭底下有香檳啫喱面頭嘅魚子醬帶出咸甜交融嘅味道🔖 Coffee/ Tea ☕️🫖❣️Weekend lunch 只供應Brunch Menu❣️OpenRice , Dining City 平台都做緊唔同嘅折扣優惠❣️訂檯時註明生日話唔埋會有意外驚喜呢🎂
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再一次返嚟Huso, 今次係同朋友慶祝生日,餐廳環境超靚,食好味。撞啱Restaurant Week,menu其實同佢哋個Set Dinner Menu一樣,不過Restaurant Week就多一杯Prosecco送。首先最緊要嘅係食物保持到水準,service亦都好好值得一讚,餐廳經理Vincent影相亦都好有心機🤣一定一定要提嘅係Linguine Red Prawn, Signature Roast Chicken, Pork Loin, Caviar Ice-Cream 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Restaurant Week Dinner Set Menu ($498),推介嘅我會用星星:APPETIZER (choose 2)♦️Slow Cooked Octopus Artichoke♦️Japanese Pumpkin Quinoa Salad⭐️Crab Meat with Tomato Consommé⭐️Tempura Rock Shrimp⭐️Steak Tartare♦️Amaebi Tartare. Caviar Hokkaido (+$58) —> 冇試SOUP♦️Daily Soup —> 冇試⭐️Seafood Soup (+$38)PASTA♦️Spaghetti Al Limone. Clams with dry Caviar —> 冇試⭐️Linguine Red Prawn (+$188) —> 一定要試, 超級好味MAIN♦️Daily Catch♦️Duck Leg Confit⭐️Pork Loin⭐️Signature Roasted Chicken (Half Free Range Chicken. Suitable For 2)♦️Ribeye (+$68) —> 冇試ADD ON♦️Daily Dessert (+$48) —> 冇試⭐️Soft Serve Ice Cream. Caviar (+$68)♦️Pan Seared Scallop (+$68) —> 冇試♦️Fresh Oyster. Caviar (+$78) —> 冇試
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very nice environment and great atmosphere. It’s my birthday treat booked by my friends. I am glad they choosed this place. Foods are amazing. Highly recommended and would come back again.
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1. 性價比好高 抵食又好味2. 格調好 地理位置優越3. 三五聚會 首選!4. 用埋openrice訂非常抵75折叫左dinner set menu very nice and worth to order.
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