7-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
I Love You Dessert Bar is a popular souffle pancake shop, which provides desserts with reasonable price. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin Street Food (2018-19)
Opening Hours
*If Monday is public holiday, rest day will be postponed to weekdays.
Mon - Fri
15:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
13:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
13:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (227)
Level4 2020-08-23
This Michelin-recommended soufflé shop offers some of the most spongy soufflés in town!-Just look at how thick they are!!! As someone who likes to make desserts myself, I learn that it’s very challenging to make soufflé airy because you needa have a good control of beating the egg white, particularly in differentiating at which point it’s stiff with a peak or it’s grainy and over-beaten.-Not only is the soufflé very fluffy, but it also has a rich eggy aroma! I also like that it’s not too sweet! The Michelin recommendation is so well-deserved! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-09-11
終於食到喇!自從呢間甜品舖獲選米之蓮之後,我都未去過食,今日見有時間去開旺角,當然要去試吓啦!日式綠茶梳乎厘班戟 ($48)每一件都係用厚厚嘅梳乎厘煎成,香噴噴、鬆軟、厚實,加上綠茶醬香濃、creamy,每一啖都好有幸福感💕鮮芒果雪花冰 ($59)雪花冰用牛奶打成碎冰,用刨冰機即叫即做,所以要d時間等,係值得等嘅😋放入口裡面等佢溶化,奶香就會慢慢滲出黎😋😋😋面層舖滿鮮芒果肉,再加上芒果雪糕,芒果控必食!雖然舖頭細細,而且只有企位,不過CP值高!值得一食😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-09-05
聽人講呢間野性價比高,咁就一心嚟試下啦,點知大失所望,直頭可以用差劣嚟形容,買左梳芙厘,入面一d都冇蓬鬆的感覺,而且1d奶香味都冇,唯一優點就係外形正常。最大問題係呢間野要排隊,排完食d咁的質素,未食過咁難食的梳芙厘,我覺得呢間野真係吹捧出嚟,1d都唔好食而且店員態度都非常之一般,可能佢地心中覺得自已多人幫襯,多你一個唔多,少你一個唔少,找錯錢之餘,有禮貌話返比佢知,眼神仲要啤住你,呢間野永無幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-09-05
本身係好鐘意食梳乎里pancake,今次渣車出開旺角,就試下呢間I love you。首先等候時間都幾耐,成十幾20分鐘,好彩有車可以坐緊車入面等,叫左一個原味同一個芝士。先講個pancake,鬆軟彈彈度都ok既,聞落都okay,但係味道真係無蛋香味無奶香味,忌廉唔香滑,糖漿甜而唔好食,一食就知d原材料係平價野無要求。芝士個個,睇落好正,食落除左無乜芝士味,係乜味都無乜,呢個價錢只有外賣,仲要等咁耐,真係未必會再幫襯又要用銅鑼灣flixxpers黎比較,原味黎講如果flippers係10分,呢間係2分,呢2分係比個鬆軟彈彈度。想食好食梳乎里pancake,請去銅鑼灣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-08-14
I Love You Dessert Bar的梳乎厘吃完了沒有一種有負擔的感覺取到班戟就聞到濃濃的蛋香班戟表面鋪上軟滑的忌廉讓食客配搭品嚐而並非一般搭配的朱古力醬讓人吃完也不會有罪惡感一份梳乎厘有兩大件厚厚的而且非常有空氣感鬆軟的感覺讓人很想立即再吃一份下次或會再試試其他口味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)