12-min walk from Exit B, Diamond Hill MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
07:30 - 17:30
09:30 - 17:30
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level3 2021-07-24
之前係新蒲崗返工,身為懶惰的豬,一定會間中去附近的ICoffee 鬆一鬆。 一入門口就會聽到輕鬆悅耳的鋼琴音樂,令你即刻放鬆晒。我如常叫喜愛的Cappuccino, 咖啡香氣撲鼻,味道香濃細滑,為你在疲倦的身驅注入新力量。 ICoffee係忙裡偷閒的好地方,短短半小時充電後,可以回去繼續好好打拼。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-05-01
新蒲崗返工除咗餐廳多👨‍🍳咖啡店仲多☕️行到邊都總有一間喺左近可能大家工作都需要咖啡因☕️我自己都唔例外因為工作關係成日都要出外出外嘅時候梗係要買杯冰凍咖啡提提神就喺附近就有呢一間icoffee 🌟因為時間太趕同同事隨手買咗杯咖啡就走我自己就揀咗海鹽焦糖咖啡海鹽分量剛剛好提升焦糖嘅香味咖啡香濃而不苦澀而且店舖裝修清新除咗飲咖啡,不妨喺度打卡最後想讚下佢哋嘅店員,非常親切🥰就算戴住口罩都感受到佢嘅笑容😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-12-25
話說,三四個月前同朋友黎過一次,覺得幾平但質素麻麻。尋日同朋友去附近買聖誕禮物,諗住求其平平地買杯野,點知一入去覺得唔同左好多!見佢地有兩款咖啡豆,就問店員有咩分別,佢話本身set好左,但要轉都可以轉比我試。Menu亦有d少見既選擇,經過店員介紹揀左杯Lungo,朋友就揀左杯Ginger latte。杯野有驚喜!忍唔住打卡影相🤣感覺成間野都高質左,多左唔少野食,睇落都唔錯,可惜今日食左野冇機會試。總括黎講,有heart小店,值得推介!希望疫情唔會令佢地消失啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-12-16
係呢區既清新cafe,店員好nice好好態度雖然我唔係好中意咖啡佢地都推介左banana smoothie俾我,好似食緊雪糕🍦咁,好好味😋環境亦都好舒服,一啲都唔會有俾人趕走既感覺店員話係換左人去做所以所有野都改良過,見佢地裝修設計都用左好多心機好有heart既小店👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-06-28
Ordered a flat white and pork lasagna to go during lunch time, I like the simple and wooden deco of this little cafe and there’s these cute dinosaurs near the window high table. The paper cup is very good quality but the flat white is disappointing. I mean it’s prolly the worst one I had for a while, coffee taste strong yet so watery I can barely taste the milk in it. It’s more like an americano with a splash of milk so I prolly not gona grab coffee from here anymore I suspect it’s to do with either the amount or kind of milk they used? Not sure but absolutely disappointing as a flat white to my taste, the pork lasagna is alright small portion but very hot. At this price though I would expect better quality coffee. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)