4-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
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Spot payment
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Review (39)
今日因為工作關係去左中環,中環街市呢頭雖然多嘢睇,但係其實都冇咩好食,感覺天橋連珠嗰個小食街有啲舖頭,有啲特色飲品係台式手搖飲品嚟嘅,所以呢啲天氣咁熱,都想買返一杯嚟嘅時候,今次我叫咗呢一個火龍果配芒果嘅凍飲,咁佢又唔賣得唔貴喎,只係$45 ,而且個賣相都幾靚!呢杯野飲落都幾夠凍,而且啲水果都算幾多,下次都應該會再幫襯,而且喺中環地段嚟講呢杯嘢都唔算貴,期待下次試其他飲品,希望黎緊會有更加多嘅選擇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-03-04
肥仔水係lunch tea 買定支持生活既良藥呀! 如名,我都想日日可以無所事事😹😹 間野既定位其實都好正,呢名改到好似mamaday 咁,超長超搞笑!文青女神是吃不到我葡萄青檸銀毛茉莉😹真心笑左出聲!個個同事都係會成句讀哂出黎! 不過好幾次都真係等好耐🥹🥹飲得其實會直接講名🐯🐯飲咁多次會再飲既都係荔枝鐵觀音,因為可以拖長慢慢飲,之前飲過乳酸奶果啲,真係唔可以放太耐唔飲。鳳梨梳打好飲,水蜜桃西柚伯爵茶都好飲! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-23
As I had a friend visit from out of town, we decided to take her to the newly renovated Central Market.  And as it was unbearably hot outside, we decided to get something to drink and sit in the food court area. It was here we came across 我想和你無所事事 (English name: Idle Awhile). Your typical bubble tea shop but this one is not from Taiwan. It's locally owned.Menu is in English and Chinese. It's takeaway only so there is no 10% service charge.They come in three basic sizes where two of them are for cold drinks.I had the Mango and Apple With Silver Tip Jasmine Tea ($38). It was really good. Not too sweet as the apple balanced out the super sweetness of the mango so you coul still taste the tea base. There was also a couple of slices of frehs apple added as well.My friend had the Peach and Strawberry Smoothies with Cheese Milk Topping ($40). The cheese milk topping was so thick, she had a hard time trying to drink it. It was a bit salty and mixed with the peach and strawberry it was like drinking a cheesecake. The smoothie was well blended so the ice was very fine.Boyfriend had the Salted Coconut Grape and Blue Curacao Milk ($46). A seaonal item. I really didn't like it but he did. He thought the saltiness brought out the sweetness of the coconut milk. The blue make it look pretty. There was also some crushed grape at the bottom.Our first time trying this local tea shop as we usually veer towards Taiwanese brands. The drinks were very good. We'd definitely order from here again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-13
呢2日去完中環海濱市集,熱到爆炸,一去到中環街市即刻買返兩杯茶飲解一解渴。啲名全部都好特別🤣又好搞鬼。。🥢入U溝女最緊要疊水蜜桃西柚伯爵茶$36水蜜桃西柚伯爵茶,茶底好濃味,加左水蜜桃西柚,酸酸甜甜好特別。加黑糖珍珠 $5,個人覺得佢啲珍珠幾彈牙幾好味。。🥢夏天為大地帶來乳酪藍莓奶 $48季節限定既奶藍莓奶 ,濃濃既乳硌奶加上清甜既藍莓,簡直一絕,唔使加糖都好甜入心。。🥢GG紅火龍果$47其實即係紅火龍果+芝士奶蓋沙冰茶🤭沙冰必加蘆薈$5,但令到成杯野飲都好QQ好味,奶蓋幾唔錯,夠晒滑。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-09-10
中環街市經過活化之後,裝修好靚同會有好多唔同既活動。今次去左行下小市集,經過呢間茶飲店見到佢個menu d飲品名幾搞笑,玩晒食字,點知除左d名特別之外,味道水準都好有驚喜。 🍴好似freshman咁新鮮橙銀毛茉莉$34 + 椰果$5面頭有大大片橙,飲到有好清新既橙味另外加點左椰果可以增加咬口😆銀毛茉莉茶底有茉莉香,唔會蓋過鮮橙既甜味飲晒成杯都係清爽無負擔! 🍴懶過西柚梳打$33呢杯係排行榜榜上有名,果然好正。除左有大大片西柚,原來入面都有好多柚子果肉!好surprise😳梳打係飲得出西柚既味,而唔係糖漿假味。冇特別揀甜度,但覺得啱啱好,唔會好甜。 🍴GG百香芒果$47超好飲,係超。好。飲。新鮮既百香果芒果整成既沙冰,係咁熱既天氣飲落真係好爽。見到有d黑色百香果籽係入面,就知道佢真係好真材實料!沙冰打得幼滑,清甜既味道,配埋帶有少少鹹味既芝士奶蓋,係好夾又好有層次🤩。 冇誇張真係3杯都好好飲🥺,係新鮮水果味,唔係糖漿/粉溝出黎既味道,必試!!!❤❤ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)