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7.5/10 plates emptied!至去年十二月開始,稻菊就推出這一系列全新的日式下午茶,愛吃甜食的Carly一收到消息之後就立刻致電訂位,期待這新式甜食能夠帶來耳目一新的感覺,有別於一般傳統歐陸層架式下午茶。稻菊分別位於中環的四季酒店與尖沙咀的帝苑酒店,四季酒店給予人一種高貴和諧的感覺,Carly與友人走到四季酒店的四樓,緩緩走過一兩條暗暗的走廊,轉了一兩個彎才找到這似是隱世一角的日本餐廳。推開門,就看見深紅木色的調子,配上微暗泛金的燈光,有著傳統日本氣息的裝修,卻又不失新派較奪目的金色,紅色牆身和木條子裝潢。地方好像不太大,但走過門口就發現有好幾間較小型私人點的房間,適合有氣派又需要私人空間的大豪客吧。Inaguki, zen-like ambience and modern Japanese Edo interior decor, draped with shimmering gold and red wooden tones, it was like discovering a hidden gem at the glamorous corner of Central,
[Written by Carly] 至去年十二月開始,稻菊就推出這一系列全新的日式下午茶,愛吃甜食的Carly一收到消息之後就立刻致電訂位,期待這新式甜食能夠帶來耳目一新的感覺,有別於一般傳統歐陸層架式下午茶。稻菊分別位於中環的四季酒店與尖沙咀的帝苑酒店,四季酒店給予人一種高貴和諧的感覺,Carly與友人走到四季酒店的四樓,緩緩走過一兩條暗暗的走廊,轉了一兩個彎才找到這似是隱世一角的日本餐廳。推開門,就看見深紅木色的調子,配上微暗泛金的燈光,有著傳統日本氣息的裝修,卻又不失新派較奪目的金色,紅色牆身和木條子裝潢。地方好像不太大,但走過門口就發現有好幾間較小型私人點的房間,適合有氣派又需要私人空間的大豪客吧。 Inaguki, zen-like ambience and modern Japanese Edo interior decor, draped with shimmering gold and red wooden tones, it was like discovering a hidden gem at the glamorous corner of Central, the hub of Hong Kong. Presenting in front of you the spectacular Victoria harbor sea view, you cozily sit back and start to enjoy an afternoon with calmness and classiness of delicate delights. 【秋季 壽司卷物 | Autumn Sushi Roll 】
一口一件的壽司對Carly來說,簡直就是恩物。很怕那種筷子一夾就散開的壽司,就是想要吃得斯文點有很困難。一小匙的橙黃色海膽和碎拖羅放在那一口大小的壽司上面,兩種都是比較肥美類型的海鮮,放進口中,清甜的海膽和肥美的拖羅都會令人食指大動。 Chopped toro and uni topping off that sushi roll in one bite-size, can we please have more? The natural seafood sweetness of the uni was quite pronounced as the creaminess slips and melts on your palate, the toro was just a side cast; nothing beats a pleasant mouthful of uni.
【胡麻豆腐伴鮭魚籽 | Sesame Bean Curd with Salmon Roe】
Sesame goes well with anything – salad, rice paper rolls, Chinese Dim sum and of course, your favorite source of protein – bean curd. This was not very smooth, not like the regular soft silken tofu you get at wet markets or premade packages, it gives a subtle firmness as little bits of soy beans are blended in within the soft tofu without creating a coarse texture. It is interesting as you try to soothe out the curdled soy on your palate.
【燒沙甸魚乾、鱈魚乾 | Grilled Dried Sardine, Dried Cod Fish 】
長方型一條條的沙甸魚乾和鱈魚乾是咸點類的另一驚喜,Carly差點就想另外多點一客。沙甸魚乾:清晰的看見一條條細細的魚仔被烘成薄薄的脆塊,第一口的口感是驚豔的,非常輕盈的香脆,咬下去會發出聲響的那一種,且滲出濃濃的魚油香氣,實在叫人難以抗拒。點一下隨盤附上的蛋黃醬,是較濃蛋香和稠身的日式蛋黃醬,又香脆又濃滑的滋味,叫人難以忘懷。還未反應過來,已經吃掉了一整塊。要把魚脆烘得如此乾身脆口,但又不失魚香,竅門就是在烘焙的過程中塗上少量的魚油。吃到第二口時,這已經能夠在微暖的魚乾上體驗到出來。好吃到不得了,這樣形容不為過。 Heavenly devilish and delish! These were absolutely ADDICTIVE! Don't think Carly has ever had such good dried fish crisps ever, you may find Taiwanese pork crisps great to munch on already yet these were so much better. Paper-thin crisps were ultra-crunchy; crispy with that touch of feather lightness, opposed to what you might normally have solid crunches from deep fried snacks. Exquisitely profound sardine and cod fish taste was concentrated and aromatic with a seemingly layer of fish oil enhancing the flavor and golden crust crunch, easily making this the best savory snack of the afternoon tea set.
【日式梅子煮季節魚 | Simmered Seasonal Fish with Plum in Japanese Style 】
Plum sauce was mild sweet without being too pungent. Seasonal fish in one chunk was slightly overcooked, leaving it a bit dry to chew on.
【明太子魷魚天扶良 | Squid Tempura Rolled with Spicy Cod Fish Roe】
This is going to surprise you – the roll looked mini in that bowl but it was an overpowering burst of flavors. Slightly crunchy deep fried squid tempura, relatively chewy, wrapped with the spicy cod fish roe elevated the seafood flavors.
【紅豆抹茶卷 | Green Tea Cake with Red Bean Paste】
相信不會有人否認綠茶與紅豆是最佳拍檔之一,又紅又綠的配搭在甜品上光看就很漂亮。最令Carly驚訝的是,一卷普通的紅豆抹茶卷有甚麼值得盛讚?首先,絕對要讚的是稻菊打出來的忌廉吃上口都極其豐盈,同時間又帶著一種輕盈幸褔的感覺,沒有濃濃的奶味,只有很輕微的甜,很少在外面吃到這種不會過膩又輕盈綿滑的口感。綠茶卷做得很鬆軟,重點是撒在忌廉上的抹茶粉,味濃帶甘,是出色高檔的抹茶粉,不會只有深綠色卻沒有抹茶的回甘,加上被稍微壓煮過的紅豆,成功做出一款茶味不會被掩沒的精緻甜吃。友人盛讚這甜品讓她感到滿滿幸福的感覺,沒錯,豐盈的忌廉配最佳的抹茶紅豆配搭,芬芳甘香的抹茶味和微甜幽香的紅豆味,Carly品嘗過後也對此難而忘懷。 Matcha and red bean – the best partners when it comes to Japanese desserts. Without a second thought, it looks easy yet hard to master. The airy and soft matcha roll sponge cake, topped off with angelic light whipped cream, sprinkled with rich and aromatic matcha powder, creamy and mushy red bean filling – mildly sweet and yet so delicate. Loved the delicacy and elegance of this little piece of roll cake rather than a milky heavy matcha green tea that overwhelms you, the optimal balance of lightness and sophistication is perfectly illustrated in this masterpiece. Carly’s friend acclaimed in wonderful joy as the fairy lightness overflows. Ample satisfaction - absolute paradise - simple indulgent.
【日式芝士蛋糕 | Japanese Cheese Cake】
有趣的是,Carly留意到每一檯的芝士蛋糕看上去都不一樣,有些藍莓醬上還有一抹忌廉,有些卻沒有。不打緊吧,最重要是Carly不喜愛芝士蛋糕,卻立刻愛上稻菊的甜食種類。日式芝士蛋糕多半是芝士味較淡,質感較輕盈。嘗一口,沒有很油膩但卻較一般的厚身,較滑又帶出淡淡的芝士味,就算是不喜歡芝士的朋友們也應該會頗享受這甜食。最重要的是那滿滿的藍莓醬,不會過甜,吃得出是新鮮藍莓,簡單加白沙糖煮成的,大大粒的藍莓不會被壓碎,所以每一口軟滑的蛋糕,加上一點點咸脆的graham craker餅底,Carly拿這個與她喜愛的Tony Wong Blueberry Cheesecake比較,意外地發現她更喜歡日式芝士蛋糕的輕盈綿滑的質感。 Bountiful blueberry jam topping, dripping over the cheesecake, overflown with fruity sweetness, Carly drooled over this divine sweet. Japanese cheesecake being less dense and softly baked till it turns creamy and light did not have a strong cheese flavor, liked how the graham cracker cake crust had a hint of salt to tone down the overall sweetness as the blueberry jam was indeed a bit thick and condensed in sugary taste.
【士多啤利蛋糕 | Strawberry Sponge Cake】
外貌看似普通蛋糕的款式,上下兩層比雪芳蛋糕還要鬆軟的蛋糕,少了點蛋香但口感非常輕盈。最出色的大大粒新鮮的士多啤利,爽爽的很清甜,不知道是否士多啤利當造的季節,最出奇的是中間那層忌廉夾著清新的士多啤利味道,絕對不是人造的生果味,這令Carly非常驚訝,因為純如白色的忌廉卻沒有丁點粉紅色,那清甜的水果味想必是從新鮮的士多啤利來的,一點點的滲進較薄身的忌廉當中,適度的甜,不會很heavy,就算從不喜歡士多啤利的Carly,也大口大口地把這美味的蛋糕送進口中。 Looks ordinary yet another mind-blowing dessert for the day. This was not mentioned on the menu but Carly was so glad that they served this. Never a fan for strawberries, Carly found them easily artificial when it comes to desserts. Most stunning part was the air whipped cream putting forward a rich strawberry fruity scent, freshness over sweetness, stunningly beautiful. Spongy cake being so light, simply made this the most indulgent and intriguing simple kind of cake you can enjoy for a Japanese afternoon tea.
【精選季節布甸 | Seasonal Flavor Pudding】
芒果布甸不夠軟綿細滑,好像還嘗到一點點的粉粒在布甸中。雖然說是季節精選的水果,但在冬季選上芒果讓人一點摸不著頭腦。 Mango pudding served in a blue patterned cup. Pudding was not smooth or creamy enough and slightly too sweet on the mango sauce. Mango should not be the seasonal flavor for a winter season? Apples or pears might have been a better choice.
【手造脆曲奇及馳名帝苑酒店蝴蝶酥 | Homemade cookie & The Royal Garden homemade Butterfly Cookie】
馳名帝苑酒店蝴蝶酥是不錯的,比較香港有名的曲奇四重奏,帝苑的蝴蝶酥周邊都焗得比較脆,硬身一點,且鋪上多點的沙糖,不會太甜,但曲奇四重奏的蝴蝶酥則較鬆脆、牛油香較重。最後有兩粒硬身且甜到不行的朱古力和士多啤利糖果子,吃了一口就放棄了。 Two pieces of chocolate were offered, alongside with the famous homemade butterfly pastries from Royal Garden. Carly still preferred Cookie Quartet’s butterfly pastries as they were flakier and less sweet on the crusted edges. Royal Garden’s version butterfly cookies were nicely golden burnt on the edges with caramelized sugar cubes which made it sweeter than pure buttery cookies. By the time Carly tried out the two pieces of chocolate, she was definitely overdosed with sugar and too excited already. 說得上是近期Carly吃過頗滿意的下午茶,原因是咸點和甜吃也同樣出色,不會像一般的歐陸式層架,吃過沒甚驚喜的芝士火腿三文治,再加你一個乾到令人欲哭無淚的英式鬆餅,偶然還有點甜得過份的蛋糕,一味就是朱古力慕絲,以為這樣就可以滿足到一眾愛好下午茶的人士。稻菊創新推出下午茶無疑是多了個選擇,在花款和味道的設計上都做到多元化並感受到他們的一絲不苟。最讓Carly意外的是,稻菊成功在最簡單的食品中帶出自己獨有的性格,無論是綠茶紅豆卷的綠茶粉,沙甸魚乾、鱈魚乾上桌是仍是微暖, 侍應體貼地建議我們點綠茶去油膩,或不太刺眼的落地玻璃海景,來這裡悠閒的度過一個下午,這帶有幸福甜蜜的和風式享受,絕不奢侈過份。 份量雖然不多,如果多一、兩件糕點就完美了。Carly在離開時已經決定會再來稻菊一嘗他們的正餐,想再次感受到滿滿幸福的感覺。 Am I going to come back again? Yes, YES! Being one of the exclusive places that offer Japanese high tea, Inagiku aced and scored some high scores on both the savory and sweet snacks. Carly saw some gentlemen around the corner gobbling down their udons after the tea sets; indeed it would have been nice if the portions were a bit bigger for her friend did take notice of the portions being a bit slim too. Carly is tempted to make a return visit for lunch or dinner to experience the finest culinary experience from Chef Masakazu, if you can make such delightful refreshments, undoubtedly, it won’t go too bad for a regular meal. Carly is already looking forward to another blissful night spent at Inagiku.
Other Info. :
*Book ahead and request for the seats near the window for the sea view
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)