Exit C1/ D1, Kowloon MTR Station/ Exit B5, Austin MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
VIP Room Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (129)
Level2 2017-03-05
一心帶埋媽咪來試新野 來到門口已見入面好少客 等了成5分鐘至有人出來問幾位 侍應叫我地繼續等 又等左成十分鐘至比我地入 好拉入到去又係冇人理我地 跟住終於有人行埋來話 叫我阿媽唔好坐喺近路口位 話阻住佢地出菜! 我話咁你地都罷張椅係喥 咁如果係危險你地點解又擺喺度?未食已受氣 而昵個黑面女侍應竟然話 呢張椅係比人放野囉 態度囂張 跟住走左去😡😡 我地唯有立即起身走 沿路見到個經理就同佢講發生乜野事 但佢又係冇反應 冇表情 ! ..... ok 我地仲未識欣賞呢D質素 真係唔係比我地黎食囖 😡😡😡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-01-01
Service is awful! Repeatedly chasing after food and tea every time we come. Food quality has gone down continuously while price stays the same. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-07-17
A $178 beef udon taste nothing special at all. Fundamentally, even the soup of the noodles are not hot enough. This restaurant charges the price of a higher class restaurant but offers services that doesn't meet any expectations. Waitress did not even offer hot tea refill unless being asked for. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
以前成日到ELEMENTS睇戲都只係經過食渾晒咁多間係ELEMENTS0既餐廳就係未入過哩間久聞哩度0既冷烏冬很有名今日跟朋友到ELEMENTS睇E-MEN就以此作LUNCH吧朋友叫了泡菜豚肉湯鳥冬我偷飲過烏冬0既湯味道果然香濃令我更期待自己的order朋友的是LUNCH SET所以包了蔬菜沙律及八爪魚沙律八爪魚沙律真材實料!又OK好味噃入餐廳前跟朋友講一定要試他們的三色冷烏冬最後我又不敵"明太子"三個字的引誘叫了這"明太子掛烏冬"好味嗎?我還是比較喜歡昨天蘋果綠的明太子意粉烏冬是很幼滑但總是吃不出明太子的鹹香烏冬上的半熟蛋也好像有點過熟了幸好配上冷麵汁後總算有番點鮮味一齊都是冷麵汁的功勞吧!小有地....我食剩了半碟就外帶作為今天的晚餐吧要珍惜食物啊!稻庭烏冬·鍋物日本餐廳Inaniwa Udon·Nabe Japanese Restaurant尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號圓方(Elements)2樓2002號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-02-23
數年前到過稻庭覺得不錯, 前天再回去一試才發現其服務及食物已大不如前。點了一個二人安格斯牛肉鍋1) 餐飲 - 不知所謂, 青蘋果梳打不只是顏色不討好, 最過份的是用的玻璃杯是平價茶餐廳的杯子, 連翠華太興也不如。另外梅酒特別的是喝完後一點酒意都沒有。2) 上菜 - 沙律, 前菜及鍋物一窩峰地送到, 未吃完沙律服務員已經把鍋送到。明明應該是高級日本餐廳, 怎麼上菜速度竟然如大排檔一樣?3) 服務 - 落單時女侍應完全沒有眼神接觸, 也沒有好好解釋餐入面的食物內容。全晚也沒有人留意客人枱面上的熱茶, 本人及附近的客人都需要叫侍應才會加茶, 毫無服務可言。4) 食物 - 水準很普通, 不值所收取的價錢。唯一好吃的是餐外另點的烏冬。不過一個鍋物餐沒有白飯也沒有烏冬也讓本人覺得有點奇怪。相比以往經驗, 這一次再到稻庭真的大失所望, 以後也不會再到此餐廳用膳。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)