4-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station
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A little Indian joint located on High Street. The friendly service creates a homey atmosphere. Delicious Indian curry and tandoori dishes are served in inexpensive price.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
包控都好鍾意食印度餐,特別係Naan🤤呢間餐廳真係由印度人主理好似幾正宗·<🐟Fish Massala w/ Garlic Naan>Massala係有番茄嘅咖哩,酸酸地好開胃,加上有印度香料正係好香🤤魚都有幾塊,就係普通嘅魚柳,夠滑👍🏼Garlic Naan都好夠香夠蒜味🤭配埋咖哩食真係一流👍🏼食完Naan仲有咖哩剩我仲清埋盤添🤪朋友叫左嘅butter chicken都幾好食😋味道比較creamy
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I think it's safe to say that we're well-suited to judge the quality of their naans, having ordered nearly every single naan on their menu. We ordered a total of 7 different naans, one each of the plain roti, the plain naan, garlic naan, onion naan, cheese naan, lamb naan, and the butter naan. All were delicious in their own ways. The garlic and onion naans were rich in garlic and onion, while the lamb naan was unique with its minced lamb stuffing. The plain roti and naans were superb for dipping into the curry, especially the lamb vindaloo, as it perfectly compliments and balances the spiciness of the vindaloo curry. I especially enjoyed the butter naan, which was so fragrant and buttery that I could easily just eat it plain without the curry.
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在高街的印度餐廳,之前已經經過幾次,今日終於可以一試。中午一時多來到餐廳,不用等位,因為附近太多餐廳太多選擇,故附近一帶的餐廳多不用等位,餐廳內有不少學生,也許是因為有學生餐,挺抵吃的。午餐的選擇也頗多,有雞、有羊、有海鮮,也有素菜,而且可以選要飯或印度烤餅,飯的話是印度米,很大碟。友人選了印度烤餅,份量亦不少呢!我點了butter chicken (印式奶油雞塊),只有微辣,很易入口,質感亦很creamy,不錯。飲品是一個驚喜,因為可以選mango lassi!而且不用加錢!西營盤午餐愈來愈貴,動輒要六、七十元,這個印度午餐HK$ 68 (不用加一),可以選mango lassi,加分呢!但友人點了檸檬茶,喝出仔的味道雀檸加兩片檸檬,就有點奇怪了。食物不算很突出,但以價錢來看就很抵食了,而且服務態度不錯,會再去呢。
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從港大東閘往西營盤方向走,在西邊界往右轉就是高街,這條街上有不少餐廳和酒吧,昨晚聽完講座,帶兩個首次來薄扶林的朋友去吃飯,其中一人很喜歡印度菜,嚷著要去King’s College對面的Tulsi & Wine。因為我不久前才去過,我說先去高街看看其他選擇,看到了這家我從未光顧的Indian Spices,便入去了。餐廳內部不大,只擺了5、6張桌子和一個酒吧,店面比起Tulsi&Wine少了至少一半以上。我們星期三7點鐘左右入去,不用等位,也是店內第一桌客人。我點了combo for 1 person ($148),有點似dinner set,有餐湯、咖喱角、串燒雞一件、咖喱雞+囊餅,餐飲我轉了mango lassi。另外兩人點餐有點麻煩,其中一人雖然愛好印度菜但她既不吃肉也不吃麥麩(gluten),而另外一人不能吃辣和冷凍飲品。這裡要稱讚店家的優良服務態度,他一邊細心地為那位素食+麥麩不耐受的客人講解那些食物是不含動物脂肪和麥麩,一邊跟另一外不能吃辣的客人推介餐牌上寥寥可數的不辣食物。再來,當這位客人要求她點的mango lassi要室溫,老闆解釋他可以不放冰塊,但由於製作lassi要用到yogurt,而yogurt不可能是室溫的,因此會有一點冷,問那位客人可否接受比起室溫低一點的溫度。說到這兒,我真的滿佩服老闆的耐性,因為這兩位客人真是要求多多,不過老闆一點也沒有不耐煩,很願意遷就每位客人的用餐需求。本地店家應該要在這方面向人家學習,畢竟現在越來越多客人有不同飲食要求,從素食、純素、生素到麥麩不耐受、蛋奶素不耐受等等,店家越是能照顧不同客人的飲食需要就越有市場吸引力。上菜了。番茄味的餐湯香甜濃郁,比起tulsi & wine的可口,咖喱角是剛剛炸出來的,外皮酥脆,內陷包了咖喱口味的薯泥和青豆,很惹味,tikka燒雞也烤得很香,很柔軟。還未上主菜前,我覺得這家餐廳無論服務和味道都是我吃過最好的。結果主菜一上,才明白未吃到最後一口都不能下判斷的道理。我點的主菜是curry chicken,咖喱汁很稀,除了peppercorn就吃不到其他香料的味道,雞肉更是大失所望,用了帶有雪藏味的冰鮮雞,而且雞肉又柴又硬,我吃了一塊,是勉強吞下去的,剩餘的3-4塊我碰到沒碰,我只能靠吃囊餅點那稀釋過的咖喱汁去填飽肚子。我不知道為什麼主菜咖喱雞的雞和前菜燒雞的雞味道會差那麼多,不過以後我再來的話會盡量點tikka,而不會點咖喱。在店家推薦下,那不吃辣的朋友點了炒黃魚飯(fish biryani)。她吃第一口,就說她還是覺得辣,過了第三口,她說真的很辣,老闆過來說上菜前他試過味,他覺得不辣,但既然客人覺得不能接受,他願意為這位客人換一道菜,換了腰果百汁九珍時菜(navrattan korma),而之前點的fish biryani就不收錢。果然這個korma真是一點都不辣,我嚐了一口,味道有點似葡汁。總括而然,雖然主菜咖喱雞是失望之作, 其他食物還是相當不錯,加上店主超一流的服務態度,我應該會再光顧。對了,如果你說你是HKU的學生或職員,不用show 證明文件也可以有10% off,即是免加一。
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We have dined at Indian Spices regularly over the past 2 years and we have to mention that on our last two visits/orders, ww have noticed the food and service has gone downhill substantially. Last weekend, we dined in at Indian Spices and noticed that the portions were tiny compared to what we are usually accustomed to. We tried to use our Entertainer app and the waiter refused the coupon claiming it had expired. We contacted Entertainer after and they told us the deal doesn't expire until Dec 2016. Unsure why the restaurant would refuse then. Last night, we ordered a delivery at Indian Spices and were super disappointed (after waiting for 90mins) that the portions are now SO TINY!! We ordered a butter chicken dish and there were only 3 pieces of chicken in the curry. What happened?Sorry to say we won't be eating at Indian Spices again. After being a regular customer for 2 years, it really is such a shame that the food quality and quantity and customer service has declined so much.
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