7-min walk from Exit A, Disneyland Resort MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Family Style Dining
Opening Hours
07:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay UnionpayQR
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (17)
今次去左位於迪士尼好萊塢酒店既藝彩廚食自助晚餐😍藝彩廚由入口到內部裝修都好有童真☺️用左黃、藍、白做主調😝望落都覺得自己變細個😙—————————————————————美食方面,餐廳除左有最基本既日式、中式、美式外,連印度美食都有😱真係好勁👍🏻雖然種類唔算好多,每種都係4-5款,不過最出色既一定係佢既中式🤭無論蒸魚、炒飯、燒鴨都令我哋一食再食😂最推介既係蟹肉瑤柱火鴨泡飯🍚湯底味道濃厚,食材香口,仲可以自己加櫻花蝦🦐泡飯細細碗,咁就唔驚食完泡飯食唔落其他野啦😌我最後食左3碗,不過可惜我唔記得咗影低😔藝彩廚另一樣出色既一定係甜品🍮種類多達10幾款,全部都係細細件😏一啖一口無難度🤪甜品唔會太甜😙岩晒大人小朋友👧🏻我至愛就係檸檬蛋白撻🥧清新既檸檬味令小編食咗幾個😋講到藝彩廚最有趣既一定係每枱都會有塊食得既畫板🎨🖌️大家可以發揮自己嘅創意🙆🏻‍♀️ 畫低自己鍾意嘅嘢😘之後食咗佢😂畫板唔係好甜☺️真係又玩得又食得😚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Recenlty, Ink and Plate has a special promotion for Magic Access Members Buy 2 get 1 Free. The price was around $310 per person after this discount for the lunch buffet. For this price, it was really quite a bargain given the large variety of food.Most importantly would definitely be the Disney Characters. For Ink and Plate, there is only 1 character but actually the good point is that the quality of the photo is better due the lighting being more sufficient. Also, it is less likely for your photo to have other people when compared to Enchanted Garden. Minnie appeared with her apron that day which was super cute.Although the restaurant only has 1 character, these are magical moments where one disney character appears just outside the restaurant so you likely will get to take photos with 2 disney characters. Given the time you saved from queuing and enjoying a hotel quality lunch buffet, it is definitely worth it, more so with the discount. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-17
一家團圓,慶冬至!今年比較特別,家庭的冬至飯不在酒店中菜廳或酒家舉行, 三個女&未來女婿,都請我們到位於 香港迪士尼樂園- 迪士尼好萊塢酒店 的 "Ink & Plate 藝彩廚" 吃冬至自助餐,真夠心思 ~牌子效應!迪士尼的自助餐,質素和水準當然有保證,食物種類繁多,不再話下,而且很多菜式都很特別,出面包保就吃不到 ~說到特色食品,Salami 配松露&芝士、日式海帶吞拿魚、鮮蟹肉&蟹籽日式沙律,就是我最喜歡吃的,當晚都不停 encore ~冷盤海鮮 such as 長蟹腳、海蝦、蜆肉 etc .... 都非常新鮮,而且不停供應,不需緊張吃不到 ~熱食方面,全都十分不錯,最好的就是燒豬柳,肉質鮮嫩又多汁,配上個調煮得十分出色的黑椒汁或燒汁都是其味無窮;但講到最正豆的 .... 還是個即煎麻醬木魚絲日式牛舌、汁煮牛舌、醬烤牛舌,實在好味道 ~食物固然美味,但最開心的當然就是有 Minnie 在場,真是為我們帶來無限歡樂!本篇完 ~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-03
尋日1清早玩完迪士尼跑,同老友決定豪一次去酒店食個豐富早餐。食物 - 種類夠多樣化,中西冷熱盤同甜品都有,味道唔錯(最緊要我無因味精敏感),咖啡茶都係任飲,少部分仲有迪士尼特有的造型(例如蛋糕);環境 - 濶落坐得舒服;服務 - 服務員有禮;價錢 - 大人$298+10%算合理;最開心係高飛化身廚師同大家影相,臨走仲同食客逐枱say byebye。值得到去~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一家人最近去香港迪士尼樂園的迪士尼好萊塢酒店吃自助餐,囡囡第一次來酒店體驗自助餐,超級興奮!她和米妮互動得不亦樂乎,經常要走去跟米妮擁抱及Hi5。每次經過米妮,她都要停下來,這樣的童趣讓我們全家都笑得很開心!這裡的自助餐食物種類真是多到花多眼亂!每樣我都很想吃沙律新鮮又好吃,還有各種不同的醬汁,讓人忍不住多盛幾碗。甜點區更是讓人驚喜,幾乎每樣都做成米奇或其他卡通角色的樣子,既可愛又美味,女兒吃得特別開心。還有新鮮的水果,以可愛的造型擺放,真的讓人感受到這裡的用心。總之,這次的用餐體驗不僅讓我們吃得很滿足,還為我們的迪士尼之旅增添了不少美好回憶。下次再來香港迪士尼樂園的時候,我們肯定會再來這家酒店的自助餐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)