9-min walk from Exit B, Kowloon Bay MTR Station continue reading
Adhering to its founders’ motto “to continuously innovate to remain true”, IPPUDO stands out with its unique homemade pork broth freshly made with the finest ingredients every day to “maintain the richness and flavors of pork bones”. Apart from the signature ultra-thin noodles “Maruha Mensen #24” from Hakata, IPPUDO has also been delighting fans with innovative broths paired with noodles of various thicknesses. Our dedicated team continuously refine the noodle formulae based on the daily temperature and humidity to maximise the flavors and provide customers with the most authentic and premium ramen experience. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (206)
因為不用等位的關係,很快就選擇了它,應該也是大家在公眾假期出門的煩惱吧,怕排長龍😹————————————————明太子雞翼 $35雞翼個人覺得偏咸一點,但整體上都可以。莎莎醬餃子🥟6件 $45餃子配合莎莎醬,簡直是完美,酸酸辣辣的味道,喜歡吃墨西哥菜的你,這個餃子必點。醬油牡蠣拉麵定食 $108這個拉麵的湯底非常濃厚,豚骨雞白湯結合了日本廣島縣時令名產牡蠣,鮮味從口腔散發出來,PS很適合喜歡吃重口味的人。另外在炎熱的天氣下,定食也配了一杯可樂雪糕,簡直是救星。特製白丸元味拉麵 $82除了慢煮叉燒我覺得比較硬之外,其餘湯底配料都正常發揮。題外話店員的服務態度令我在進餐時也十分愉快, 非常有禮貌,有耐性👍🏼👍🏼環境:👅👅👅👅食物:👅👅👅👅性價:👅👅👅👅服務:👅👅👅👅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-02-18
一風堂向來是我十分喜歡的拉麵店,偶爾便會到此光顧,最近得知他們推出了新款的期間限定拉麵,便特意趁著空閒的數小時,獨自一人到此打算一嚐其質素味道,順道醫治肚子。手羽先明太子雞翼外觀肥美飽滿,製作得色澤金黃,師傅貼心地去除了雞骨,讓顧客可嚐到啖啖肉的口感。外層雞翼皮香酥爽脆,油分恰當,鮮香而不油膩,內裏雞肉嫩滑帶肉汁,並且雞味香濃,內餡料則釀製有明太子,也就是使用辣椒和香料醃制的明太魚籽,加入點綴調味後,令雞翼鹹香惹味,有著微微辛辣,讓整體層次豐富,擠上檸檬汁同食可緩和油膩感亦增添清香,是每次到此必點的小食。特製白丸元味原本想點選期間限定的鮮蜆煮乾雞白湯拉麵,但因著餐廳已售罄,所以變轉了揀選特製白丸元味。湯底色澤奶白,口感黏度恰當,鹹香鮮味,麵條選用蛋白直麵,並點選了硬身麵底,因而咀嚼時更爽口彈牙,柔韌幼滑,配料方面使用上溏心蛋和火腿,溏心蛋蛋黃部份製得流心,整體稠密緻滑,蛋香濃郁,叉燒色澤帶粉,共有四塊,是慢煮多個小時而成的,口感鮮嫩軟腍,富有肉香。總結而言,餐廳裝潢以木系為主要元素,整體風格富有日本風味,環境方面寬躺舒適,衛生整齊,食材精心製作,入味可口,拉麵湯底濃郁鮮香,味道使人回味,絕對是與朋友們吃拉麵的好地方。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-01-30
趁著半天的空閒假期,我便相約閨密姊妹來到九龍灣德福商場閒逛一番。晚飯時間我們便順道吃個拉麵再歸家,得知一風堂推出期間限定拉麵,便決定到此品嚐品嚐。餐廳從門口、以至天花、餐桌均可見裝潢以木系為主元素,內裏配搭上柔和黃調燈光,再掛上拉麵匙羹的掛牆裝飾和大幅產品介紹的日語文字,整體感覺富有日式風味。唐揚海老唐揚海老色澤金黃,炸製時間控制恰到好處,外層蝦殻香酥脆爽,可連同頭部食用,內裡肉質蝦味濃郁,整體味道鮮味十足,鹹香惹味,作普通小食或配酒同食均很是合適。明太子雞翼明太子就是經過加工醃製的魚卵,師傅將它釀造於雞翼內餡中調味點綴。雞翼入口嫩滑脆香,肉味濃郁,配搭明太子鹹香辛辣的味道,令人開胃並豐富其層次,擠上檸檬汁則既可增添清香亦可緩和油膩。Kuro 黑拉麵黑拉麵是期間限定款式,顧名思義湯底是呈黑色的,飲用時味道濃郁鮮美,表面帶有適量油分。麵條選用黃麵,其咀嚼口感柔韌順滑,彈牙爽口,且有著少許彎曲弧度可讓湯底更易掛上。配料有叉燒、溏心蛋、牡蠣,叉燒是有預先經過燒製的,以求逼出肉質油分,因而食用時甘香濃郁,軟腍鮮嫩。溏心蛋是半隻份量,內餡的蛋黃製得呈現流心,整體入口綿密滑溜,蛋香十足。牡蠣於拉麵中原本已有兩隻,但我額外加 $28 再添加了兩隻,它是出產自日本廣島縣的,肉質軟嫩彈牙,鮮甜味濃,是款富有蛋白質的海鮮食材。總結而言,餐廳裝潢富有日本風味,環境予人感覺柔和舒適,拉麵方面用料豐富,湯底製得濃郁出色,其餘食材亦新鮮高質,可嚐出製作用心,絕對是吃拉麵的好選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-11-07
So far I love to lunch my friend in here !!! This time we saw the promotion for new join member can reduce $15. We order 2 ramen in 赤丸,for extra noodle only $2 !! That’s a reasonable price !! The taste is good with bit spicy , but the most disappointed thing is the water , seems directly from the tape ! The smell is really horrible !I change a new one , still the same !! Hope that they can provide the tea next time !! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-11-07
大家去一風堂通常都係食拉麵,今次嗌埋小食試下,估唔到仲好味過碗拉麵😲 🐔炸雞外橫隔膜 依個炸雞外橫隔膜真係超好味,香氣撲鼻,邊緣炸得焦脆,咬落有啲彈性。醬汁應該混入咗蜂蜜,甜味同燒烤味恰到好處,加上碎大蔥嘅強烈氣味。。。我食咗兩碟🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏻‍♂️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)