總統戲院斜對面 continue reading
<a href="http://www.openrice.com/info/award09/articles/winner_article5/award_feature_5.html">瀏覽優秀開飯熱店2009得獎追訪</a> 多款不同醬汁供應, 如芝士、 酸忌廉、 蜜糖芥辣、肉醬。 continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Snacks Shop (2009)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (215)
Level4 2011-06-20
團購瘋系列 -- 兒子是個薯仔愛好者,由小至零食中的薯片、薯條、薯餅、薯蓉,以至家常菜餚中經常出現的薯仔炆雞翼、蕃茄薯仔湯等,全都是他的心頭好。星期五晚兼週末前夕,當然又是和家人外出用膳的好借口。放工後,約了兒子在銅鑼灣「祟光」會合,首站目的地就是到景隆街上的 「愛爾蘭瘋薯」 換取早前以團購價 $18 購入的 270 克重量級瘋薯杯及果子梳打一杯。拿著換領券到來,店員著我們先選兩款瘋薯口味,原來這兒的薯條,有別於一般以蕃茄沾醬,反而有一系列較特殊的醬料如芝士、酸忌廉、肉醬和蜂蜜芥辣等供應。另外還有特瘋口味的香蒜、紫菜、咖喱、甘梅胡椒、肉桂糖衣、pizza 醬、酸瓜沙律醬、日式芥辣沙律醬、水果沙律醬等以供選擇。看著店家門外這琳瑯滿目的 menu,正猶豫要點甚麼款式好,兒子已當機立斷,揀了特製肉醬和紫菜兩個味道。由於翌日是週末的關係,所以這天人潮很多,選好後,就只得耐心地站在一旁等店員叫號領取自己的點餐。幸好我們也只是等了約 10 分鐘左右,便能拿到這杯令人瘋狂的薯條。至於這杯薯條,肉醬不單放在薯條上面,連下層也沾有一些。另薯條大小較麥記的粗,但又沒 Triple O's 的出品那般厚身,拿上手熱辣辣的,吃來皮脆內軟,配上肉醬和紫菜,味道帶點鹹香,果然十分惹味,真的蠻好吃啊!至於果子梳打方面,兒子就從香橙芒果、葡萄西柚、荔枝粒粒、青蘋果等等梳打當中,揀了巨峰提子梳打。最難得的是這杯飲品,味道清新怡人,沒有難頂的藥水味,而且喝來滿口提子香氣,但又不會過甜,炎炎夏日喝著,真是暑氣全消。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-04-18
個食評係補打返上星期既.試左酸忌廉薯條, 等左一陣, 大概5分鐘啦...d酸忌廉係唔酸既, 都幾淡, 似係一pat cream淋係面多d.下面d著條好味, 係即炸既, 夠熱, 有薯味(唔似得麥xx咁......)外脆內軟.不過同果pat "cream"唔係好夾.當小食係唔錯既, 不過食多幾條就覺得好熱氣可能其他醬會好味d. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
i was strolling along the streets on my own today, and i came across this shop and i suddenly felt like wanting to grab a few bites =Pi had a Special Cheese and Honey Mustard Fries.it smelled good (:at first, i can only taste the honey mustard, which i love the hint of sweetness with the fries that makes it appetizing. but after a couple of bites, i tasted the cheese as well. the taste of cheese is not weak, but with the balance of the honey mustard, the whole thing seemed absolutely fine after all ;>i think it's pretty nice to grab a cup of fries from here as an afternoon snack ;] but of course not too often, cuz it's not very healthy to eat fried food too often after all lol x) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
11月5日, 平時經過瘋薯, 就算想食都會因為佢d唔大唔細嘅size而卻步… 真係當佢正餐又唔夠小食又太飽… 今晚正好食完個唔太飽嘅晚飯, 就買咗個 $15 杯已經可以有兩隻味嘅瘋薯試下喇~::: sour cream + 肉醬 ::: $15細細杯~ 止口痕最佳! 雖然係細杯裝, 但一個人食嘅話亦啱啱好~ 薯條係小量小量咁炸起, 所以十分新鮮熱辣! 粗身薯條炸得脆卜卜, 內裡薯肉亦夠軟. 醬汁份量亦多, 夠你點晒d薯條有餘! 兩種醬分開食好味~ 溝埋一齊食味道更豐富!都仲keep到水準! 而且只賣$10杯~ 買嚟過下口癮真係十分不錯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-01-16
之前出$10優惠果陣已經成日食..最中意食sour cream同蜜糖芥末衣家冇左$10一杯薯條,取而代之既係$15既鴛鴦味鴛鴦芝士:芝士味好重!愛芝一族之選,但有少少芝士還芝士,薯條還薯條既感覺蜜糖芥末x酸瓜沙律:2個味都好好食,特別係酸瓜沙律酸酸地同薯條好夾.而薯條亦係即叫即炸,一食落去會"辣口",好脆好飽肚要同連鎖快餐店比較的話,瘋薯既薯條真係嬴好多班!希望佢出多d唔同既味道同優惠啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)