Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Island Gourmet located on the 5th floor of the Island Shangri-La hotel, Island Gourmet is a Western bakery great for relaxing. The restaurant features an inviting selection of home-made pastries, chocolates, breads, sandwiches and other light dishes. continue reading
Opening Hours
09:00 - 19:30
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 19:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Grilled vegetables with pesto and mozzarella Panini Island Gourmet’s signature cakes: Island Gourmet triple decker Island Gourmet chef’s salad Spicy Thai cuttlefish salad with chilli sauce Raspberry Mille-Feuilles - Caramelised puff pastry, vanilla pastry cream and fresh raspberries
Review (133)
Level2 2025-03-12
賣相已經好靚,超香又好食五星級酒店餅房都唔算真係好貴,間唔中都可以試一次。聖安娜St. Honore呢款法國經典甜點,曾經都喺帝苑酒店意大利餐廳Sabatini Ristorante Italiano度試過,同樣係外型獨特有啲似千層酥嘅甜品。但Island Gourmet既忌廉係食得出好重雲呢拿既香,但又唔會覺得好heavy好甜。蛋糕酥皮香脆,搭配忌廉會令人想繼續食。蛋糕上有一個個焦糖球,外脆內空,口感唔錯,我覺得係甜咗啲。但有朋友指太甜焦糖味係敗筆,我認同可以係少啲焦糖,但我都係認為唔影響佢整體。唯一美中不足嘅就係串錯咗朋友嘅名,但都係自己有冇喺餅店睇清楚,不過佢嘅價錢我就期望呢啲小錯誤唔會有。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-08
簡單的就是美生日收到老公送給我的蛋糕🫶無食過咁貴又咁靚簡直美極透了完全盡顯到簡單就是美🥰唔好以為佢只有外表 內涵也是多層次得像女人一樣外面糖霜蛋白打成形成一層層的花瓣(硬硬咬落脆脆的)先吃~咬落並沒有想像中那麼甜內在真的酸甜味適中🙊一口咬落去入面蛋糕多重刺激我味蕾~杏仁餡餅,還有綠茶味(我仲食到好似有檸檬味既餡)而中間柚子啫喱~好清新~你拍嘅朱古力都係好食嘅(講真食左6份之1件都好夠喉)👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-04
朋友生日,佢鍾意黑森林蛋糕,所以就訂咗香格里拉嘅黑森林畀佢。🎂層朱古力海綿蛋糕應該浸過櫻桃酒,所以有淡淡嘅酒香,而且濕得嚟唔太淋唔太黏口,恰到好處,而且佢中間有一層粉紫色櫻桃味嘅cream,味道比較重。蛋糕上面嘅白色whipped cream 好細滑,唔太甜又唔太膩, 啲whipped cream帶出咗蛋糕嘅酒香櫻桃味,就算唔鍾意cream都建議試下一啖cream一啖蛋糕咁食咗先,呢個蛋糕有個好處,就係如果唔鍾意cream,基本上整走啲白色cream,個蛋糕就少好多cream。另外,如果本身唔鍾意酒味或者鍾意濃郁嘅朱古力味,呢個黑森林蛋糕可能唔係the best choice,因為佢酒味櫻桃味會重啲,而且whipped cream上嘅jam酸酸地。但諗諗下,如果佢酒味又重,朱古力味又重,個蛋糕應該會好漏~~🤔🤔🤔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-08
Promoted, we bought cakes from the Island Gourmet to thank our colleagues for their support. .Among all I liked the Exotic Toffee the most. Topped with tonka bean chocolate light cream, its banana sponge cake in the middle consisted of toffee sauce and banana compote, and had a crispy biscuit base. The chocolate and banana flavour complemented each other nicely, and the sweetness was just right. The Clementine Mont Blanc was made of chestnut mousse, almond sponge cake and clementine compote. Divided into two parts, its almond sponge cake in the bottom was surrounded by a thin layer of white chocolate. The clementine compote added a bit sourness to the dessert too. The Ecuador combined layers of praline sponge cake and coffee and hazelnut cream, with a bit gold foil on top. The hazelnut and coffee flavour was not that intense though. The Black Forest contained chocolate sponge cake soaked with kirsch, dark chocolate mousse, griottines jelly and kirsch whipped cream. The sponge cake was a bit moist. The Raspberry Mill Feuille got fresh raspberries on top. It mixed layers of caramelised puff pastry with whipped vanilla cream. Didn't try the Manga Coconut, so I was unsure of its flavour. The Fraisalia was a sponge cake which got strawberry and vanilla cream for its interior. The strawberry was fresh and the cake was soft. The Seasonal Fruit Tart was a strawberry and blueberry tart. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-29
之前都有去港島香格里拉酒店吃過下午茶,不過是在大堂那邊享用。用餐環境較寧靜的 Island Gourmet 原來都有供應下午茶。但由於位置不多,建議大家先打電話訂座,因為我那天平日去都滿座。這邊還有個很吸引的甜品櫃,在店內可享用自家製的特色蛋糕。配合歐陸簡雅的裝修,很適合三五知己閒談或是獨自享受恬靜的時光。"The Spring Melody" Afternoon Tea「春漾語韻下午茶」(HKD 888/For Two)包每人一杯精選香格里拉茗茶或咖啡。我選的是 獅峰明前龍井。頗喜歡這種入口清新的茶,甘香而不澀。3層架很快就上桌,最底層的鹹點有三款。雞肉、露筍配香蒜醬及半乾番茄三文治 蒜香味都幾濃郁。煙三文魚配春花泡芙 煙三文魚的奶油很細膩香滑。豌豆配意大利芝士多士 這個吃落沒有很濃烈的豆腥味,多士也很脆口。中間那層是原味和有提子乾的 英式鬆餅,每個口味各有一個。鬆餅不會切下去就散掉,外脆內軟的口感濕潤度剛剛好。可配忌廉和果醬一起吃。精緻的甜品放在3層架的最頂層,從外貌來看感覺不會太甜。檸檬果醬配柚子啫喱冷杉蜂蜜蛋糕 味道很有層次,喜歡那種酸是不過份的。果仁糖配慕絲林忌廉泡芙 三款中這個偏甜一點。櫻花朱古力忌廉配櫻桃蜜餞杏仁瑞士卷 鬆軟的瑞士卷,配上不甜膩的忌廉。同行還有一位小朋友,所以點了一份 高美食店公司三文治 (HKD 165)烘至香脆的麵包夾了雞胸肉、煙肉、番茄、紅蔥和沙律醬。菜肉配搭均勻,還配一配清新的沙律菜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)