2-min walk from Exit A2, Kwun Tong MTR Station continue reading
3148 1284
來自日本的連鎖日式意大利餐廳,主打各式意粉及蛋糕。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
士多啤梨芒果夾心餅 士多啤梨蛋糕 朱古力慕思蛋糕 紐約芝士餅 藍莓枇
Review (119)
Level2 2024-05-26
人均消費過$150元,唔係茶餐廳喎,但只得一小時用餐時間😢星期日中午lunch, 坐位不太滿,坐低便同你講1 hour 用餐, 咖喱雞扒飯,未試過日式珍珠米會咁硬,湯未飲完,兩碟類似碟頭飯已經送到你枱面,一般入座時候都係計你落order計,但係呢度,俾張q r code 已經計時,唔理你自己用咗幾多分鐘去落單,全包已一個鐘頭要起身,一夠鐘就同你講,你要離開座位,呢啲咁嘅餐廳試一次就夠。無論食物嘅質素,員工嘅態度,個人覺得真係有需要改進下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-04-14
一場櫻花的洗禮,各social media, friend group, offline market 都談論邊度賞櫻,什麽賞攻略,朋友send來的靚相。。。。。。而我?只得葡萄而已,只能在港“食”櫻。。。。櫻花嘅產品。見到Tomato有櫻花系列,就入去試試先!牛奶櫻花特飲 Sakura Latte $34Presentation幾靚,有cream加櫻花響頂。下面粉紅色,好pinky!飲落去。。。。嘩!有啲出事!好似飲緊樂必治咳藥水加奶咁。。。又甜,感覺很rich.因為似咳藥水既關係。。。我飲左三份一杯就閃人。。。感覺可惜。。。嗚嗚。。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2016-03-19
晚飯想不到吃什麼, 看到這間小小的店舖,打算試試意粉和焗飯點了德國芝士蕃茄意粉, 不但太酸, 而且蕃茄的酸味與芝士味道不融合,味道怪怪的另外是蕃茄鮮蝦焗飯, 蝦是凍鮮蝦, 味道與意粉有點相似, 但因沒有加入德國芝士, 較意粉的為好一點最後是拼盤, 有雞翼 肉丸 豬仔骨 腸仔 和薯條整晚最好的算是這個了 味道平平 點了一杯鮮奶抹茶, 個人認為奶的份量較多, 喜歡奶的人可以一試 所以這間餐廳試一次就夠了 下次會記得相機食先!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-09-28
Every time when I walk pass the restaurant, I can't keep my eyes off the cake fridge. The cakes are all so pretty and exquisite. Today, we decided to have leisure teatime here. I ordered the autumn favourite, chestnuts cake. There's abundant of chestnut puree on top of it with a whole chestnut as a decoration. It can be seen very clearly the different levels of the cake. There is a very soft spongy cake and also the smooth and tasty chocolate cream mixed with chestnut grains. The taste in my mouth was so rich and fresh. I know people sometime don't want the dessert to be too sweet, and this will be exactly what you're looking for because the smell and taste is perfectly fine and balance. Really like it! And the price is reasonable with $34 such a large piece. =] continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-09-26
三個人要去openrice攪嘅燈籠班,時間都幾長,所以食埋午餐先去,可惜我搭車遲咗!先叫朋友攞位,叫定食物!我到時剛剛好有得食!食物由佢發辦!去到坐近門口四人枱,唔迫幾舒服!淺木配紅皮椅!簡約風格!餐湯「蕃茄忌廉湯:整少見到用蕃茄煮忌廉湯(可能慣了紅/白湯分開)所以今次飲,味道竟然好好味,蕃茄酸酸地又忌廉湯幾滑!忌廉菠菜煙三文魚意粉:午餐,菠菜同三文魚都幾多!三文魚切粒,唔過鹹,仲幾滑,菠菜唔嚡口,意粉比我喜歡嘅淋啲,不過都有咬口!唔錯!櫻花蝦明太子忌廉意粉:賣相幾靚,不過唔覺明太子嘅鹹香,櫻花蝦又無乜味,只係增加脆脆嘅口感!意粉又偏淋!一般!凍檸茶:大杯,自己加糖漿,茶底唔同茶餐廳,唔夠濃!不過都合格!來西式餐廳預咗!招牌熱咖啡:朋友飲!店員好爽,攞碟埋單都好爽手!其實我哋只係食咗半小時!快快去上堂! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)