來自日本的連鎖日式意大利餐廳,主打各式意粉及蛋糕。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
士多啤梨芒果夾心餅 士多啤梨蛋糕 朱古力慕思蛋糕 紐約芝士餅 藍莓枇
Review (56)
cesar salad ...chicken taste frozen it s disgusting.eggplant...eggplant probably has a more than 2 year old life...which made it even difficult to seperate.this s the highlight: seafood risottoit a like when i wrong to cook rice at home...super soggy n taste crap...if crap has a taste.still can beat it....cos that s totally taateless with soggy n definetly not.riosotto. even my eat everything daughter refuse to eat.i leave all my food there which s a meal i.buy for the manager or chef in italian tomato.if they hv the guts n dignity to eat.insulting....insulting to the name italian...insulting to tomato..n insulting to customerspls post my msg since s quite oven openrice refuse to poat my honest opinion continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-05-07
與父母下午茶。兩老對外吃的要求都很隨和,鑑於本人不想喝中茶,於是想到[意大利蕃茄]這間店。咖啡/意粉/飯,統統沒甚好說。不過是日的點睛,是那款限定的櫻花蛋糕。忌廉清新,伴著蛋糕一起吃,滋味無窮。其實我並不知道櫻花是什麼味道的,不過這個櫻花蛋糕,吃下去的味道是有點酸酸甜甜的,很合我口味。餅上有一朵鹽清櫻花,咸!這件蛋糕,可以散買回家。又,現在的貴價蛋糕,動輒四五十元一件,雖然賣相精美,但味道卻不如這件看似粗糙但味道平衡的蛋糕。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-09-16
下午買4件CAKE. 眼見妹妹用真手從櫃中拿出. 吓, WHY 冇用"CAN"? 因為, 佢D CREAM 太SOFT 啦. 黑衣人同我講. 用挾會整花件CAKE. OK. 依, WHY 用真手, 冇手套? OH, SORRY, JUST用晒. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-08-26
今(26-8-2012 Sun)朝起身後,陪男友食(早)餐,由於我要去報旅行團,就同佢行落荃灣,o黎到都11:00am,呢間o岩o岩開o左門,佢就決定食呢間o既lunch.我o地好快揀o左set lunch中一號$54.00o既蒜香蜆肉意粉同四號$68.00o既蒜香牛仔骨飯.首先到o黎o既係兩個南瓜湯同餐包,餐包烘到好熱,湯亦都係好熱,唔錯o既.而南瓜湯味道就算甜同埋夠杰身.味道: 4分之後我o既蒜香蜆肉意粉到o黎,份量唔多,但蜆肉都算多,落單時女侍應提醒我係辣,問我要唔要辣.上次o係八王子拉麵時,男友就o左我唔叫辣o野,今次就佢啦,要小辣.食落,嗯,辣度o岩o岩好,惹味,意粉係外軟內硬,男友話係正宗意大利煮法,呢個算唔錯.味道: 4.3分之後到男友o既蒜香牛仔骨飯,我試吓啲飯,用雞湯煮過,小小鹹,而牛仔骨呢?味道較得幾好,好香濃,可惜牛仔骨略嫌煎得過火,實實地同硬硬地.味道: 4分然後到餐飲,我要凍奶茶,男友要凍檸茶.o黎到,要我自己加奶同糖水,但由於紅茶唔係咁濃,所以加少少奶同糖水就好夠,不然就冇茶味.味道: 2.5分價錢同服務:埋o左單後我至同男友計有冇加一,原來冇,唔怪得服務一般啦,又冇畀水又唔理人,不過可能時間真早,只有一個女侍應返工o掛.環境:冷氣幾凍,枱與枱之間o既距離有啲窄,不過整體都幾舒適. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-11-16
下午大約1時半已到,剛好沒有位,需等....等到2點才有位,真是激氣我看過它們今天的午餐套餐,不太適合我,我唯有散叫吧....一個南意大利茄醬意粉 $40 想快點吃完,快點走....南意大利茄醬意粉 - 雖然外觀精緻和新鮮炮製,但其份量太少,醬汁也不是醬汁,而且汁料醬汁怎麼可能那麼稀???意粉煮得過久,腍了,不太好吃。茄醬,吃得出有新鮮番茄的鮮味,酸酸甜甜的。幸好不用加一服務費,因高店的東西素質真是較差而且就以我叫的意大利粉為今,要$40吃一個我懂整和整得比它好的意大利粉,真是不值,我不會再去的p.s餐牌資料 continue reading
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