Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 00:00
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Signature Dishes
北海道野生金三文魚 可生食的味來粟米
Review (259)
Level2 2010-06-21
Salmon sashimi ($ 35) - good credit, the main reason the chef personally. Good large salmon, a total of six. Strength, G. The $ 35 sashimi, goodbye!Roast figs ($ 9) - is also part of for Disi, 4 large. Boyfriend feel good taste to the food a 2.Fire moxibustion Scallop ($ 20) - Scallop really delicious. Health fear for her boyfriend, be called fire moxibustion, presumably all Scallop series are delicious.Cheese and flying fish roe ($ 15) - both good cheese flavor, is.Fire moxibustion salmon ($ 9) - is burned off, there is d burnt smell, good food.Others:Jumbo tiger shrimp sushi ($ 3.5) - Tiger prawn meat than the real, ok.Salmon sushi $ 9It tastes fresh, portions are good enough, $ 9 a super-standard material, is one of the desirable choice. I left with the boyfriend a total of 3 CDs called Food, Good!$ 20 hand-rolled soft-shell crabGood taste, if it's sweet, because that is the whole relationship between both, so Laver Zhonghao crisp, but are considered more fatty, it is recommended to eat the first time in like a good call. My boyfriend We love it with one, Good! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-06-04
上Openrice看看才知該店於6月1日喬遷 = = "如果係板前的管理級看到這個食評,請用心看下去...控訴(1)下午5時多,人流不多,帶位的安排我們在近門口的corner位,朋友覺得好熱,問侍應:"點解咁熱既?",個侍應答"梗係啦,個冷氣壞左呀嘛!"咁點解入面咁多位唔帶,係都要帶我地企冷氣壞左的地方?控訴(2)之後,我地坐下不久,侍應又帶六位自由行坐0係我地隔離,但係明明我隔壁得5個位,要塞多張椅子,搞到我同朋友and自由行pat點pat咁坐最有趣的情況係,入面仲有好多位,足6人坐有突斟茶的侍應同可惡到幫我加茶後將我個杯放0係鄰座的男人檯面,情況當然係.....佢飲左我杯茶!!控訴(3)因為迴轉帶未有壽司,我地同侍應落單,我怕阻住人,已經指得好清楚,但係講到第三樣野食(中間冇間斷過,冇拖過侍應時間)佢冇聽落去就走左 = =" + 冇幫我落單*****食物方面:我地order左一個池魚薄切,點知"池魚薄切"變左"池魚碎上"!!要知道,大部份的池魚都有好多寄生蟲,唔只因為池魚本身的質地同口感適合做薄切刺身,仲有因為太多蟲唔薄切好有可能將啲蟲送埋入肚!希望情況能夠改善!謝! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
加連威老道板前壽司 will be closed since 1-6-2010. then today is its last day. If you have free time, please visit and enjoy its sushi.Bye! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-04-13
我真係超級中意食壽司 可能就會對佢要求唔高 有得食已經覺得好好味板前未必係最靚 但係我未遇過唔好食 最愛三文魚 幾肥美 有魚香 但比以前薄左 今日有響螺清湯 頗咸 但響螺都算鮮 另外推介魚背, 油甘魚腩, 海膽!!鰻魚同蛋就千両啦~永遠唔知食咩都會食板前 因為一定滿足到我 好味道!!!!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-03-30
下午要到尖咀辦點事,難得有時間可嚐板前的午餐,便即去今次點了火灼秋刀魚壽司+牛蒡卷+烏冬set,只$38元,另加點海膽軍艦一客火灼秋刀魚壽司:有三件,火灼壽司我特別喜愛,好味!牛蒡卷:有兩件,雖經酥炸,但由於有很多牛蒡在裡面,感覺很健康,加點沙律醬,好味!烏冬:好滑!由於很少有板前吃烏冬。它真比我想像的更好。下次再另點烏冬。海膽軍艦:唔駛講,板前的是我最喜愛,除新鮮外,價錢我覺得好抵,只$25。每次必點這餐…很滿足 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)