Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level3 2021-10-08
今日黑雨一起身就好想食早餐,但有礙於要保持完美身材,健康飲食係生活嘅一部分。大家應該知道香港好多人有「乳糖不耐症」,飲親奶就會屙,我都係所以選擇咗呢一個rice milk,佢係我最愛嘅hazelnut chocolate!!!佢仲寫到明係gluten free同no added sugar, 我即係入手無誤!!大家都應該好小認真睇成份,但我屋企有人係食keto diet所以我對睇成分係例行工事。當然大家如果無接觸過健康食物嘅朋友,會對無澱粉,無糖呢一類嘅野好懷疑,懷疑佢唔好食,無乜味。但而家其實產品出到好多選擇,係有好多都好好食好好飲㗎!如果大家都想我分享多啲飽肚又好食又減肥嘅產品,留言這話俾我聽吖!Issue market: 💋$55/ one continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-08-15
I wanted a  drink at Taikoo and saw the photo of their Izzue Mocha(Dalgona Coffee version) on their shop directory and came here to try it. The whipped coffee on top was thick and creamy. The layers of the drink were distinctive and pretty. Despite being a mocha and the sugar needed to create the whipped coffee on top, the drink overall was not too sweet. Would love to try their original Dalgona Coffee soon.The servers were polite and gave me some extra tissues as drinking a Dalgona coffee can be a bit messy sometimes. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-01-22
見太古城開左間Izzue Coffee就黎試吓,靚靚嘅Dalgona Coffee望落好吸引,不過今日唔想飲凍野。☕️🥲最後都係飲最普通嘅Latte ($42),飲落味道好淡,無咩咖啡香,感覺加左水咁,下次要飲Latte唔會再黎呢度,畢竟附近有唔少質素唔錯嘅咖啡店。見Dalgona coffee有好評,下次想飲凍野就黎試多次吧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食店: Izzue coffee張梁點餐👦🏻🧒🏻 1)$88《龍蝦包餐》評分(10分滿分):8⃣食評💬:🦞龍蝦包配朱古力400次凍咖啡😍麵包係有烘過有少少脆,中間夾住好多龍蝦肉😋鮮味十足!而朱古力400次凍咖啡係以韓式嘅沖調方法,將咖啡打400次打成奶泡,然後放係鮮奶上面,飲落又滑又濃郁,咖啡味好香!套餐仲會包埋薯片,呢個份量啱晒下午茶~2)$42《雞肉黑松露卷餅🌮》評分(10分滿分):8️⃣食評💬:呢個係墨西哥風格嘅餡餅,薄脆嘅餅皮包住雞肉、粟米、牛油果醬同辣番茄醬,好惹味!P.s 店舖同隔離嘅izzue market有賣好多蔬果同比較少見嘅零食,例如🥑牛油果薯片,記得去去睇下有無野啱食~izzue coffee (太古)📍太古城中心1樓101B號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-11-22
某個weekend去太古城行街,經過一間店鋪見到放咗新鮮水果喺門前。再望真啲原來係Izzue嘅期間限定cafe。▫️Lobster Roll Set (HKD88)套餐有龍蝦包加一杯朱古力400次凍咖啡。麵包烘過特別香脆,裡面嘅龍蝦肉爽口彈牙。個龍蝦包size啱啱好,食完唔會太飽😆仲有胡椒味薯片做伴碟呢。杯400次咖啡甜度適中,面層印有Izzue字眼,夠創新之餘亦都好搶眼😝 ▫️Banana Nutella Pancakes Set (HKD58)不喜歡鹹點嘅話可以試吓呢個pancake set!~ 一片片厚切香蕉片放喺熱辣辣嘅班戟上面,再淋上惹味嘅榛子醬,甜品控必試!餐飲係鹹焦糖脆趣鮮奶咖啡。一邊食班戟一邊嘆呢杯暖笠笠嘅咖啡真係好relaxing。店舖用嘅咖啡豆係來自紐西蘭咖啡名店,味道確實不錯。除咗Izzue Coffee,對面仲有間Izzue Market,食完可以入去行吓~有來自世界各地嘅高級特色食品、美酒等。追求優質生活品味嘅人又多一個選擇了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)