Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
走著走著,無意之中發現一間叫《J-Dog》的熱狗店,於是走了進去。店子的裝潢是一貫街坊式的快餐店風。熱狗的款式頗多,且蠻特別的。還可選擇六吋或九吋長的熱狗包。最後要了薯條餐($42,跟六吋熱狗)及九吋熱狗餐($36,跟汽水),一大一小,相映成趣。Daikon Dog(九吋),夾著的是牛肉熱狗腸、白蘿蔔、青蔥、燒肉汁及沙律醬,他說挺好吃。Sabi Dog(六吋),這個則是芝士熱狗腸、青瓜、日本芥辣及沙律醬,青瓜的份量多得滿溢,感覺健康又清新,烤烘過的熱狗包鬆軟香口,芝士熱狗腸又夠juicy,日本芥辣微辣而不嗆鼻,整體表現讚讚讚。薯條屬現點現炸,面層還灑上芝士及紫菜絲,惜吃來偏稔身,表現比熱狗略遜。 兩口子覺得店子的熱狗質素及定價比連鎖式熱狗店好而便宜,甚至比之前吃過的熱狗小店更好,果真是誤打誤撞之下的驚喜! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-08-30
午飯時間,在灣仔一帶搵野食,見到間熱狗店叫J-DOG,餐牌上的相好似幾靚,決定試一試。我挑了的套餐,可選「任何一款飯 + 任何一款6吋熱狗 + 罐裝飲品」,加$8仲可以升級9吋熱狗。是日,挑了鰻魚飯和Nori Dog。Nori Dog 9吋版,含紫菜、洋蔥、燒雞汁、沙律醬、雞肉熱狗。在熱狗上加上紫菜碎外觀算是特別,但吃起來的卻沒有甚麼分別,因為感覺不到紫菜味,都被濃烈的燒汁和洋蔥味搶掉。熱狗包被烘過,還算香口。鰻魚飯內,只有鰻魚碎,飯有少少硬,但鰻魚汁好好味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
售賣特色熱狗為主的小店,惜早餐並沒有熱狗提供。每朝經過,門可羅雀﹗今早約七時五十分經過,店子剛門門不久,開放式廚房前仍放著供應商送來的新鮮麵包,兩名店員正忙於工作。因時間尚早,店員表示未有熱飲提供,小妹就要了蟹肉牛乳滑蛋包配凍檸茶(另加$2)外賣返公司食。即叫即整,稍候之時,小妹四圍影相,過了幾分鐘,就取包走人了。回到公司,一打開外賣紙袋,發覺蟹肉牛乳滑蛋包以一個硬身紙盒盛載。嘩,外賣成本頗貴喎﹗再打開紙盒,麵包香及芝麻香撲鼻,包及餡還是熱騰騰的,惜包面略略燒黑了,隱約中有陣燶味。一咬,包鬆軟好味,黑芝麻有點睛之用。五成熟的炒蛋夠奶味夠滑夠濕潤,蟹柳味道口感也不錯,吃起來香味十足,又滑溜順口,yummy﹗不過,盛惠$25的早餐,可說是不便宜啊﹗飽肚有餘,荷包重傷……凍檸茶茶色較深,茶味不足,普通貨色。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
蟹籽新鮮青瓜爽脆 蟹柳選料ok有兩大條覆蓋整個9吋包喱生吃有紫菜配熱狗腸那個 他説份量足紫菜脆雞肉腸質素好整體味道不錯 優勝之處:材料新鮮 足料9吋包男生也能吃飽 口味創新也美味外賣用上特製盒子很貼心 別家只用包裝紙的會令醬,饀料黏到飽外面 吃時就會黏到咀和臉 改進之處:店面粉飾燈光空間感不足(沒錯我是比較喜歡在舒適環境裡享受食物的挑剔顧客)如果店方設定一些優惠給外賣的顧客可能就可以令他們常常光顧 \香港跟世界大部分的都市比較搵食相信是要付出比別人多打工和當老闆的都一樣因為租金相對收入不便宜J-dog老闆們奸巴爹!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-07-06
I got there after a random walk seeking lunch choices. The ambiance is cute and comfortable with wooden decorations. A girl came immediately to help as the cashier. I could see there were 3 staffs in the small restaurant, a girl and two boys, ALL good-looking lol.I ordered french fries set and got to pick a type of 6-inch hot dog and soft drink. I picked the hot dog with tomato and hot dog sausage. The french fries were warm and soft, offering a nice texture but lacking the taste. The tomatos were quite good but the bread and the sausage was too plain. You feel that if only there is one thing that they put into more efforts and thought, you would have a pleasant surprise. But fact is, the sauce, the bread, the sausage, were all just so-so, as if you are buying a random piece of bread and sausage from the convenient store. I didn't try their seemingly famous over-sized hot dog, nor other recommendations. But judging from the lunch set that I had, it certainly could have improved in devoting more creativity and attention to offer us. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)