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Review (20)
Level4 2019-08-24
因為要買比朋友,自己都買左盒黎食入面有4 隻味~熱門的四味奶油曲奇今次買左1 大1 小保存期限只有一個月啊啊啊排得好靚,每次睇都好治癒最鐘意就係拉花既曲奇, 好鬆散好有口感~但食得多係覺得有小小膩 ! 哈哈買小盒就比較岩女仔食依家市面好多假貨,記得去專門店買😄 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-07-30
又好一段時間沒有品嚐珍妮的曲奇了,某天回家,發現檯頭有一盒,多好!現在珍妮的分店好似減少了,且看看是否能保持水準。這盒是大的,4種口味,分別就是兩款牛油、咖啡以及提子味。打開盒蓋,牛油香氣四溢,似乎跟以前差不多。馬上放幾件入口,牛油的仍是鬆化,香的厲害;咖啡的同樣是鬆化,而且味道香濃;最後的提子味,會是比較脆口,味道唔差,但個人還是最喜歡牛油的那款。相比起這裡的鳳梨酥,我仍是較愛曲奇多一點。據說依然是十分旺場,也特別受強國人歡迎,那當然都是大手的交易。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-19
今日為左買呢到好好味既餅乾,朝早10:15到了,可能因為落雨掛,等到11:00到我買喇!之前人地送過4MIX比我地好好食!今次買4MIX比人自己就試8MIX啦! 唔係好記得有咩味係入面啦,但係咖啡味真係好好味!另外朱古力味都幾好食!!!其他普通OK啦無咩特別,,不過好似都係4MIX好食啲!但係細盒$105試下唔緊要啦!始終4MIX係夠特別姐! P.S.我張相影得好令牙! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-01
Despite the 8 Mix, the 4 Mix is pretty nice too. The main difference between the two mix is the texture of the cookies - 4-mix are cookies with softer and fluffier texture, while 8-mix are cookies with harder texture with more buttery taste. If you like more fluffy and soft cookies, you should definitely get the 4-Mix.Butter Cookie - Extremely Fluffy and Soft Cookie which literally melted in your mouth! The buttery taste was very stronge, you feel like having a block of butter in your mouth but without the oiliness. It made me feel extremely guilty indulging in it, but it was too good so I didn't care.Buttery Coffee Cookie - The buttery cookie was as fluffy and soft as the butter one. The Coffee cookie had a nice coffee aroma and taste. The butter taste was still strong but less when compared with the butter one.Butter Cookie - This cookie is a hard version of the fluffy soft version. The butter taste was as strong, and tasted quite heavy on the palate.Rasin Wheat Cookie - This cookie was a hard cookie with mild sweetness. The sweetness was mostly brought by the Rasin, which was on the hard side but added on chewiness to the cookie. The butter taste was just mildy strong. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-05-29
I finally got the chance to try these famous Jenny Bakery cookies! I tried the 4 mix cookies, and it had 2 types of original flavored butter cookies, and 2 coffee flavored ones. Yes, the cookies are very rich and melts in your mouth. But since I bake pretty often myself, I can tell these cookies consist way too much butter for your own health! These cookies are calories overload! The original butter cookies are the worse! When I picked one up, it instantly fell apart and that shouldn't happen to a well made butter cookie. The only one that I can bare from the bunch is probably the coffee one with some dried fruits and nuts. This one atleast didn't fall apart and is the crunchier one out of the 4. Also, the coffee flavor is very strong in these cookies, so if you are a coffee lover, I think you'll enjoy the coffee flavored butter cookies. Besides that, I honestly don't understand why these cookies are so special. They should post up their nutrition facts in their shops and see if people are still willing to eat it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)