2-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
10:00 - 17:00
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (2)
Level4 2014-07-11
I've been eager to try this place since I saw it open. Things like salads and sandwiches make perfect lunches, especially in the heat, but until now, there weren't any good salad places in Sheung Wan. I'm happy to say that's changed.I got a custom salad. Even though they have all the toppings laid out like Subway, you order everything in advance at the register and then they make it.Here's what I got:Iceberg lettuceCarrotsCherry tomatoesBlack olivesGrilled chicken (+$10)Cheddar cheese (+$10)Croutons (+$4)Buttermilk ranch dressingYes, I know that's not a healthy salad. It's what I wanted. The whole thing was $84.Negatives: I wish the lettuce were chopped up more, I had many very large pieces, which made the salad difficult to mix and to eat. The cherry tomatoes are enormous (much bigger than cherries, for instance), and I'd prefer them smaller or chopped up. The croutons were tiny and limp with no crunch or flavor. I wish they had pickled jalapenos.Positives: the salads are generous portions. You can't see it too well from the picture, but the bowl it comes in is deep. The carrots are perfectly sliced for salads. The chicken is good quality and nicely cooked, though I'd prefer to pay more to get more chicken. The ranch is great-- I wouldn't bother to say that, since it is almost definitional, but I have gotten bad "ranch" in HK.Could go both ways: all the vegetables are hydroponic, which means they're grown in a strictly temperature-controlled and humidity-controlled greenhouse. They're fresh and possibly more nutritious, but the carbon footprint of such an operation is way bigger than getting ordinarily grown vegetables off the boat. My wife got:Mesclun mixCherry tomatoesChickpeasRed pepperGrilled chickenCroutonsOlive oil and balsamic vinegarHers was $74. She liked it a lot.Will I come back? Yes, definitely. And I'll try to get something healthier next time. Great B+ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2014-06-24
上星期一,我經過上環永樂街,有位漂亮的鬼妹派傳單,我看一看,原來是一間新開的沙律店 Jenny's Salad!我向她拿了一張來看,她很有禮說 Thank you!   並告訴我剛剛當日 Grand Opening!  夏日炎炎開得真合時! 我去新餐廳 <盛弘餐廳> 買外賣之後,順道找一找這間沙律店 Jenny's Salad,順便問一問營業時間!正值開業當日,以試食沙律作招徠!不過,食客要留姓名、電話及電郵作店方推廣之用! 試食沙律的確是不錯的宣傳手法! 當我回到公司大堂,保安叔叔見我拿著 Jenny's Salad 傳單,他笑說他取了一份免費沙律! 在香港,不乏連鎖沙律店,自家沙律店卻少之有少!  而 Jenny's Salad 則選用香港種植的水耕菜,不經農葯及免卻泥土污染等因素,新鮮衛生又健康!  加上以香港本地運送,亦可減少因長途運送而增加之食物里程,絕對保護環境!也是鮮有選用水耕菜的沙律店! 店方供應 10 款沙律,琳琅滿目!令人花多眼亂! 亦可自選心水配料做沙律!  款式及價錢如下:  10 款沙律:凱撒沙律 $60、閃亮精選 $72、至 fit 男女 $68、凍蔭功 $68、華道 $68、鴨芝東方 $60、清甜樂$63、BLT 俱樂部 $68、和牛薈 $78、吞拿一 $62。  Custom Salads 自選沙律 $60 (包括:1 款主菜 + 3款配料)水果及蔬菜 (附加每款配料 +$6)、蛋白質~肉類及蛋 (每款+$8~$30)另有汽水及果汁 $7~$20 不等。這裡把所有配料整齊放在器皿中,而 ready made 的沙律則放在雪櫃,方便食客選購又衛生! 店方的水耕菜當中,我發現有 3 款不同的生菜,問老闆娘有什麼不同之處? 玻璃生菜看起來比較淺色味道較清!牛油生菜帶有牛油味!羅馬生菜充滿水份富有光澤!食落零舍爽脆!鴨芝東方 $60見到水耕菜沙律,令我食指大動!沙律充滿田園氣息!  混合了新鮮爽脆的雜錦沙律菜、牛油生菜、清爽的紅甜椒、滲入水份而缺乏香脆的薄脆等,  沙律菜切段容易進食!灑上芝麻粒帶來一點嚼感,倒入芝麻沙律醬,跟鴨胸很夾!色香味俱全!口感層次豐富!令人食過番尋味! 吞拿一 $62包括:牛油生菜、玻璃生菜、火箭菜、吞拿魚、雞心豆、紅腰豆、菠蘿配田園牛奶醬!  這款沙律纖維較為豐富!而且滿載整碗份量真不少!  特別一提店方的火箭菜,雖然不似一般火箭菜的外型,卻保留獨特的苦味!我無 idea 什麼是田園牛奶醬?據店員稱,這是 butter milk!  用上牛油混合牛奶,香滑帶酸幾開胃! Custom Salads 自選沙律 $60 (包括:1 款主菜 + 3 款配料) + 溫泉蛋 +$12 : $72玻璃生菜 + 粟米 + 葡萄 + 青蘋果 + 溫泉蛋 配橄欖柚子汁玻璃生菜本身味道較清!  因此,我要求配橄欖柚子汁!橄欖柚子汁充滿酸香!  倒入之後,令沙律味道生息不少! 口味變得更精彩!  葡萄是來自澳洲的無核紅提,入口爽脆超清甜!  溫泉蛋拿上手仍是暖暖的!  蛋白入口即溶又滑溜,輕輕用膠叉刺穿,蛋黃即時流出!  略嫌自選沙律份量較少!不太划算! 奇異果汁 $20由於加了糖及水,減低酸度,相對較食原個富有天然果酸的奇異果更易入口!飲到尾有好多奇異果籽,粒粒咬感很特別!士多啤梨汁 $18混合士多啤梨賣相紅卜卜的! 加了糖及水,質感變得不再濃稠!酸甜有致又香甜!沙律可給自己一個好理由,食多一點蔬菜也不錯!口腔清新之餘,腸道又健康! 水耕菜沙律成本相對較貴,定價屬於中價!未必人人捨得食啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)