3-min walk from Exit C2, Sham Shui Po MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (20)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 21:30
Mon - Thu
07:30 - 21:00
Fri - Sat
07:30 - 21:30
07:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Level4 2024-12-31
今次聖誕節我地帶埋工人姐姐慶祝下,佢就最鐘意食炸野所以揀左過黎食🎄Jollibee相信好多人都好熟悉既快餐店,專賣炸雞既,最近就有個2人餐係聖誕節推出左,我見都好多野食揀係叫番個🐥聖誕派對2人餐($158)樂脆雞4件我份炸雞佢新鮮炸起夠熱夠脆,仲好有肉汁,最特別就係呢度係配有gravy去點雞食😋咖喱酥脆雞飯主食可以揀佢地最出名既意粉,磨菇飯,或者我揀既咖哩飯,呢個咖喱酥脆雞飯原來係新出既,咖哩汁偏杰,味道唔錯,雞粒就係來自小食既酥脆雞塊🍚酥脆雞塊(細)個餐仲包有小食既雞塊,我就比較鐘意雞件多,因為雞塊相對冇乜肉汁,但係肉質都係唔錯👍🏻大薯條薯條味道正常,我用炸雞既gravy點黎食覺得都夾😆香芒蜜桃批2件一般食批就都係蘋果批,呢度就有蜜桃批,我覺得都幾適合做批,味道都幾夾🍑青檸茶梳打2杯套餐包2杯推廣中既青檸梳打,見佢普通餐要加$8先有得升級,呢個餐就包埋,唔想飲都可以轉番普通汽水既,我就幾鐘意,因為我鐘意檸檬茶多過汽水😌呢個2人餐都真係好多野食,我地3個人食都夠食,大食d既話就2個人都一定夠,呢個餐我覺得係正既,同埋佢地既雞都真係好食🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-17
🎉🐝 Jolibee Party Combo for 2Holiday is near, let’s celebrate with the famous chicken joy! Honestly their deep fried chicken is way juicier than Kentucky’s, and there’s a yummy gravy to dip your drumsticks into! Party combo ($158): 🍗 4 pcs of Jolly chicken (original/ spicy)- extremely juicy and skin is ultra light and crispy, I recommend getting the spicy one 🍝 Main of choice: Curry rice with chicken bites/ spaghetti bolognese/ Jolly spaghetti/ mushroom rice- the broccoli on the side is well-blanched and tender 🥭 2 pcs of peach mango pies 🐔 1 set of crispy chicken bites Dipping sauces: Mayonnaise/ honey mustard/ honey sauce - These are so tasty, we had ours with honey mustard and there were 4 big pcs of boneless meaty bites 🍟 1 box of large fries 🥤 Calamansi tea soda-This new tea soda is surprisingly good and fruity, I like this so much more than cokes. We think Jolibee has been constantly renewing their recipes and it tastes better & better over the years!! Yum!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-24
一直都中意吃Jollibee的炸雞,今天在西九龍中心見到有一間好大間,入去吃個午餐。C2套餐 2件雞配薯條辣味樂脆雞+薯條+熱奶茶有兩大塊炸雞,包括炸雞腿和炸雞胸,外皮都炸的金黃酥脆,好香濃,咬下去時瞬間釋放出絲絲香辣感。雞腿部分肉質鮮嫩,充滿肉汁液;而雞胸肉則更加緊實,卻不失多汁,真是好高超的炸雞手法!一包薯條倒出來都幾多下,脆脆地好味!C4套餐 2件雞配蘑菇飯原味樂脆雞+蘑菇飯+芬達同樣是兩大塊炸雞腿和炸雞胸,好有雞肉的純正風味,保持了最自然的鮮美和鮮嫩與多汁!蘑菇飯香氣四溢,帶著濃郁的蘑菇風味,還多配一盒蘑菇汁可以再添加到飯中。快樂蜂真的好抵食,不到一百元兩個人都吃得好飽,真是快捷又實惠! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-20
Jolibee 出咗聖誕堂食/外賣二人套餐,一人都唔使$80,就已經有雞粒、炸雞、薯條、飯或者意粉、飲品同埋甜品,真係平靚正!我自己一向都鍾意Jolibee嘅炸雞,皮脆肉嫩,又唔會太鹹,點埋gravy食好好味。 呢個餐一人有兩件炸雞,再加埋其他嘢食真係好飽!我哋今次第一次食香芒蜜桃批 ,有驚喜喎,味道酸酸甜甜唔會好漏👍食飽飽之後飲杯青檸梳打,好爽~除咗二人餐,佢哋仲有四人餐㗎,嚟緊聖誕節開party可以諗諗佢!🎄😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-11
連鎖炸雞店🌟Jollibee🐝講起炸雞,你又會即刻諗起邊間店呢🤔每次經過餐廳都會見到長長人龍,座無虛席~咁啱今日見啱洗等,就即刻快閃🤣。C2 2件樂脆雞配指定美食及中汽水$49。C4 2件樂脆雞配蘑菇飯及中汽水 $49炸雞嘅外皮香脆,肉質好嫩滑多汁,非常Juicy有得揀辣同埋唔辣,辣嘅比較惹味~另一重點係炸雞汁,真係同炸雞勁夾!快樂蜂 (西九龍中心) (深水埗)深水埗欽州街37K號西九龍中心2樓208-209號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)