4-min walk from Exit A1, Tsuen Wan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
10:30 - 20:00
Mon - Fri
10:30 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
07:30 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
荃灣炸雞快餐店來自菲律賓嘅炸雞連鎖店🇵🇭開係呢個商場真係岩晒!🍗C2 2件樂脆雞配指定美食 汽水$49(可選細薯條、薯蓉、粟米或白飯)炸雞有得揀辣唔辣 辣味就惹味啲🔥炸雞外層勁脆 厚薄適中 炸粉吾會太厚 入口不會一團粉~炸雞嘅肉質都唔粗糙乾身仲保留到啲肉汁幾juicy😍 食雞嘅味道點埋Gravy醬就更好 濃度剛好唔會太鹹 口感更上一層樓🔝🍟薯條都新鮮炸起熱辣辣!C4 2件樂脆雞配蘑菇飯 汽水$49🍚蘑菇飯香濃惹味有咬口 個醬汁真係送飯一流呀🍄🟫Ps. 開係健身室隔離咁邪惡真係好咩?!😆快樂蜂 (力生廣場) (荃灣)荃灣青山公路 - 荃灣段269號力生廣場3樓A號舖
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I stopped by jollibee in Tsuen Wan for a snack with my friend.The corned beef with rice was saltyand hearty,with shredded corned beef,rice,egg,and tomato.The corned beef was tenderand savory,and the rice was fluffyand fragrant.The egg was softand runny,and the tomato added some juicinessand acidity.The muffin was moistand sweet,with blueberriesand streusel on top.The tapa with rice was spicyand satisfying,with marinated beef strips,rice,egg,and vinegar.The beef strips were thinand chewy,and the marinade was spicyand sweet.The rice was fluffyand fragrant,and the egg was softand runny.The vinegar added some sournessand freshness,and balanced the spicinessof the beef strips.The muffin was moistand sweet,with chocolate chipsand frosting on top.We enjoyed our snack very muchand felt indulgent.The food quality was highand the price was cheap.I would recommend this restaurant to anyone who wants a Filipino-style breakfast.
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今日路經荃灣見到呢間好有童年回憶既jollibee 快餐店😍,N年無去過了,以前細個時成日食的,入到去都有好多人,唔同國籍都有,我地叫左兩個餐,一個炸雞柳配薯條,個薯條好香脆,雞柳味道一般,另外叫左🍔🍟,個🍔都好新鮮熱辣辣的,好有當年兒時感覺🤭
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今日去開隔離嘅健身室,因為早餐食唔夠,做完之後受到炸雞香味嘅誘惑就去食個下午茶。紅日嘅放假日子多工人姐姐呢度, 地方算大,都仲有好多位。 單叫可以揀上脾,計返都ok。 炸雞熱辣辣, 皮好脆食落唔油, 肉嫩多汁。蘑菇汁就唔係好重味,淡淡地得嚟但係同雞嘅味又好夾。
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快樂蜂,早在中學時期已出現了,以前常吃的是意粉,炸雞,不錯的回憶。在荃灣工作已久,地理不算方便,臨走才有空。菜品比較少。目測漢堡來自嘉頓,有點乾,還是不考慮了。炸雞最穩陣。其實都不是現點現炸。員工工作有點混亂,有好幾個點餐只欠一樣都走唔到。點了辣雞。都尚算有汁,尚算脆皮,尚算溫暖,尚算有味,尚算可以。粟米,唔掂,完全係清水白烚,無調味,貨源又差,結果係又靭,又唔熱,又無味嘅粟米。其實都唔算有汁,醃料入唔到心,有腥味。所謂的gravy 燒汁,就係用粉開出來,公仔麵味粉個種味。整體而言,如果睇住佢係即炸出嚟,係可以嘅,但其實無所謂的好。
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