1-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (20)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 23:30
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (17)
Level2 2024-12-25
这家餐馆的服务态度让人非常失望。服务人员显得冷漠,对顾客的需求不闻不问,甚至在顾客主动招呼时也表现出不耐烦的样子。餐厅内缺乏基本的礼貌和热情,给人一种被忽视的感觉。不仅如此,上餐速度也极其缓慢。点餐后长时间没有任何动静,甚至连前菜或饮品也迟迟未上。当顾客询问时,服务员的回应敷衍了事,完全没有解决问题的诚意。有些顾客甚至在等待过久后不得不催促多次,才能勉强拿到餐品。这种服务和效率不仅浪费了顾客的宝贵时间,还严重影响了用餐体验,让人感到不愉快且不愿再光顾。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-04
先唔講其他,個服務非常之差,尤其是個白人女人,我一時之間聽唔明佢講嗰句英文呆咗一呆,佢就即刻喺度反白眼,仲要唔止一次,瞬間咩都唔想食 如果你哋間店淨係歡迎外國人嘅話,咁麻煩喺門口插塊牌寫明呀嘛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-22
N年前有Jolibee 好鍾意,跟住又冇咗一排,但又有返之後真心未去過,點知今日同事話要食,咁就即管入去睇吓炸雞連鎖店,通常俾人感覺地方都有油煙味,但係入呢一間,幾ok 喎!午餐有呢個平靚正嘅嘢,改咗凍飲都係$43 ,四件雞叫做勉強可以,大個白飯補救,但要讚下個薯蓉汁撈落飯同雞度係好好味,即刻醒神晒!如果啲飯熱少少會更好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食早餐一入去冇staff等左2分鐘先唔知係邊走出黎又聽唔清楚我要乜等得耐追佢又話廚房整緊點知比左我個包下一個客頭尾等左15分鐘先拎到一肚氣食茶記仲快靚正Staff唔知掛住傾計定唔做野我話要投訴個女人冇理我,然後個男人經過叫我scan個code,(個人意見認為個菲律賓女人應該平時好多甩漏叫人執屎,所以人哋善意提醒我去投訴)我不是上帝客俾幾多錢要咩服務快餐15分鐘有啲離譜there is no people on floor and cashier.I wait for a few minutes, a chubby and short lady come out from kitchen and order for me. I order pancakes meal with Iced black coffee and bacon sandwiches with iced coffee. She asked me black coffee or not. I told her 1 ice black 1normal.(since I love pancakes and sandwiches very much, I know they are fresh made and have to wait about 5-8minutes. Last time I appreciated and commended to them with Filipinas on Tuesday 28May 09:58.The staff are really nice.)ok, today I ordered on 10:06 my ticket is 2781 and go to my seat, later I go out to check and wait for my meal. The same lady ask me to wait at seat and the indicator will shownwith bad attitude.At 10:19 I am feeling anxiously and wait in front of the desk . I saw  an iced coffee normal and the bun wrapped with a “B” label on the tray. I think the meal should be mine , after that a man take the tray I mentioned with the ticket 2782.i am feeling angry at the moment, and ask the lady how come you shop so called fast-food restaurant?I wait for 15 minutes already. How come the 2782 order faster than mine . Don’t you according to the order to make the food?She said kitchen is doing now.I asked the lady for the complaint information, she repeats sorry mom, and didn’t provide to me.there the man behind her and show me about the open rice and the link for express my feeling.Finally I get my meals at 10:21 am ,after 15minutes from the order.worst management and speed. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
第一次中午去呢間食野.店舖細,冷氣吾夠凍,門口位置偏熱.由於中午時段無乜客人,人流少有位坐.店舖已經細,店裡面好多餐檯擺晒未執既餐盤,由我進入到食完野離開都有餐檯未執食完既餐盤.叫咗一個套餐$65,有2件炸雞+茄汁意粉+可樂.炸雞難食,表皮油膩,雞肉無乜味.感覺好似雪藏雞解凍後,直接上粉拎去炸熟.意粉焯熟淋上醬汁.茄汁意粉份量少,大約一個碗仔份量.茄汁裡面只有2粒切碎好細好細既腸仔,茄汁偏濃味.整體感覺:價錢偏貴,品質一般. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)