4-min walk from Exit A, Lok Fu MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay
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Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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上海婆婆獅子頭 招牌鮮味無骨雞 原條蒸浸星斑 堂剪即燒皇子豬 掛爐燒鵝
Review (25)
天福軒 下午茶 要等位 價錢比富臨高啲啲 相比食品點心係高一線伙記唔少 走來走去 但想落 order 就要有啲耐性下午茶優惠 燒鴨湯米線 ~~ 2:45 沽清  皮旦瘦肉粥 -- 份量大碗 煲得很棉 皮旦香 糖心 但瘦肉嚡 食咗唔頸喝 豉味炸茄子 -- 即炸 釀咗魚肉 香口無腥味 有4件 驚喜 香煎蓮藕餅 -- 兩片雲吞皮包注魚肉 炸香很油 食唔出有蓮藕味 退 菜肉餃湯麵 --  味清 餃子細細件 一啖一隻 幼麵爽 略嫌重皂水味 埋單可出收銀處 要讚讚👉收銀員 有禮貌有笑容 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-02-08
This plate of roast pork was quite expensive because it cost $1xx, the texture of the pork was soft but I found it too sweet.The roast belly cubes fared better because it was crispy and the pork was delicious.I also liked the fish because flounder fish is my favourite even though there is not much fish on it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-11-15
婆婆住樂富,要飲茶就只可以落樓下,間間都超多人,等勁耐先有位,坐低又趕人走,服務態度超差。鹹水角,熱同脆,係可以食得過叉燒腸,皮都算簿,但叉燒比較少叉燒包唔夠熱,鳯爪好甜潮州粉果皮太厚,糯米包偏硬,唔好食咁嘅質素要幾舊水,實在貴夾唔好食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-11-12
上次同師父去九龍灣利苑食飯,極之望,今次師父話事嚟呢間「屋邨酒樓」,反而非常有驚喜,直頭係近年食過最好味中式酒樓。七點到,只有兩三張枱有客,地方闊落。例牌燒鵝雖然叫例牌,但份量好大,四個人食都仲得,新鮮新辣,皮脆肉嫰,油潤飽滿,值得安哥再安哥。蒸扇貝size絕不欺場,成隻碟咁大,滿足 馬介休炒芥蘭一上枱已經香到隔離枱都「聞」到,超級夠鑊氣,而且份量同樣十足另外點咗盅杏汁白肺湯,足一大枱人share, 因此我哋最終要打包總括來說,如果利苑有一星,咁佢應該有三星 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-11-05
星期六同屋企人一齊飲下午茶,本來滿心歡喜難得星期六可以同屋企人聚一聚傾吓計。點知食咗個下午茶發生好多事,留單、有小昆蟲。下午四時,還有很多客人。但有酒樓已關燈可愛的小昆蟲出場,雖然不是曱甴,但我已經覺得食物衛生差。這個罐湯餃和吧流沙包是留單,留完單再錯,只是來了個罐湯餃,來了一個我們沒有點的牛柏葉。罐湯餃裏面的料不多,味道方面比較淡。蘿蔔糕內裏的都是粉,沒有任何味道流沙包,流沙是假的!味道方面都算唔錯,比較甜,有蛋黃味。麵包很鬆軟,總括而言這不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)