1-min walk from Exit D3, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Juchheim is a German cakes and sweets shop that originated from Japan. Their Baumkuche (German-style spit cake) and Apple Baumkuche are quite popular. The Apple Baumkuche is a whole apple on the inside surrounded by the spit cake on the outside. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (94)
Level4 2021-08-04
☆ 𝙅𝙪𝙘𝙝𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙢尤海姆年輪蛋糕銅鑼灣軒尼詩道555號崇光百貨B2樓46號舖想搵返少少旅行感覺,行sogo super market 個層係幾好,因為都有d似係日本行超市(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)每次去日本都會買年輪蛋糕做手信,所以扮下野買返個返屋企食當做行街嘅手信。✦ 伯爵茶年輪蛋糕淡淡伯爵茶味,唔會好甜,層層分明,幾好。不過我好似隱約食到d茶葉碎咁嘅野,但唔太影響。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Juchheim年輪蛋糕專門店,係德國人Karl Juchheim 先生係1909 年係中國青島創立,再帶去日本,宜家已經有過百年歷史。因為蛋糕外型似一個樹輪,寓意幸福同長壽,所以日本人會將佢當做祝福賀禮。要做到蛋糕一圈圈樹輪既效果,要先係不斷旋轉既鐵棒塗上一層,等蛋漿烤熟至金黃色,再塗上另一層,重覆大約14次呢個步驟之後,年輪蛋糕就完成。.年輪蛋糕除咗有大件裝賣之外,仲有bb版!啱哂我呢啲想一次過試多啲味既人🤭 從橫切面睇,蛋糕既每一個年輪都清晰可見!為確保新鮮,會以密封包裝,可以保存好幾日!.日本Juchheim 迷你年輪蛋糕 獨立包裝禮盒 (1盒5件)FYI 下面既介紹係已經切左一半既份量.📌伯爵茶年輪蛋糕蛋糕偏乾身!蛋糕夾雜點伯爵茶粒,食到一半,淡淡既伯爵茶香味先慢慢滲出黎!.📌朱古力年輪蛋糕最外層係朱古力脆皮coating,豐富左整體既口感。食落同預期有啲出入,朱古力味薄弱,主要靠蛋糕表面個層薄、脆、甜朱古力帶出,味道唔錯,但朱古力濃度略嫌不足。.📌士多啤梨年輪蛋糕 (季節限定味道)蛋糕質感濕潤軟熟!雖然眼見蛋糕入面係有啲士多啤梨籽,最外層亦有一層好薄既士多啤梨Jam,但士多啤梨味唔出!.📌檸檬年輪蛋糕蛋糕質感鬆軟,濕潤!味道好清新,但稍微甜左少少🤏🏽 個人黎講,五款入面最中意呢款!.📌抹茶年輪蛋糕望落好濃味既抹茶味🍵唔夠濃,反而蛋香味係五款入面最重,整體甜度恰到好處!如果抺茶味可以多啲就PERFECT🤣.總結嚟講,其實呢但蛋糕整體味道OK,但未如想像中咁出色!食落口,牛油🧈味同蛋味都無聞落咁香!對我嚟講試一次就夠!不過佢既包裝確係好大方得體! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It was Sunday afternoon and I was shopping around in Sogo to see what to eat. Actually I had noticed this Cheese Pie for quite a while and this time finally decided to try it. These Cheese Pies should be a fusion of Juchheim and Kobe Beef Meat Pie because I saw the same pies be sold there as well, except that there were more different flavours here. At least there were cheese, chocolate and strawberry flavours during my visit. These were kept nicely in a glass display cabinet but were actually in room temperature only. We were asked to take out the pie base plastic if we would like to reheat it before eating. Cheese Pie at $22If you buy 3 at the same time, you only need to pay $60. As it was our first attempt, we had better try one first. The cheese on top was very very rich and it was my favourite flavour of cheese indeed - thick and very slightly salty! The pie base was super super crispy and consisted of numerous thin crisps. The pie base had really grabbed the best of Kobe Beef Meat Pie, while the whole thing was made to appear like those 年輪蛋糕 by Juchheim but actually it had nothing about 年輪蛋糕. There was no need to reheat it before eating and I didn't find it too greasy after eating. At a price of $22 given such quality it was not too expensive!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Juchheim係年輪蛋糕專門店,前排出咗限定嘅迷你版焗芝士年輪蛋糕,HK$60有三個,細細個當下午茶茶點啱晒~芝士嘅味道同曾經hit過一排嘅芝士撻好似,半熟流心嘅芝士加上軟綿綿嘅年輪蛋糕口感又幾得意,不過有得揀嘅話都係覺得焗芝士同撻皮夾啲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-03-21
我一向都係呢間店舖嘅粉絲, 無論係佢嘅年輪蛋糕, 蛋捲 曲奇餅禮盒等等, 唔單止係送禮自己都買呢啲禮盒返屋企食。 幾好嘅就係而家有一啲禮盒裝比較受歡迎嘅餅類都可以有獨立買嘅選擇,不過就唔平成54蚊一小包。今次就買佢最出名嘅年輪蛋糕, 包裝很精緻, 有紙托和靚紙袋封得靚靚, 打開時代有陣牛油嘅飄香撲鼻。 未能大哥嘅外牆有一層薄薄嘅糖霜包住牛油香嘅蛋糕, 蛋糕軟綿綿但係挺身, 覺得呢一個size剛剛好,切成8件,剛剛好係bite size. 我習慣咗只係放一至兩日,因為放多兩三日蛋糕就會變硬,冇咁好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)