6-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
The restaurant specialises in omakase kaiseki. The executive chef Hiroyuki Saotome creates dishes with unique touches, such as sea urchin truffle rice and charcoal grilled Wagyu beef. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2010-20)
Additional Information
Opening Hours
*Last Order: 21:30
Mon - Sat
18:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
18:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Kagoshima from Japanese cattle Black truffle and sea urchin rice
Review (4)
Level4 2020-02-27
香港一星的日料不知道為什麼有兩家一直沒有吃,附近位置的sushi masataka還有takumi by daisuke mori都吃過很多次了,但是kaiseke den by saotome卻是第一次來,而且居然沒抱什麼期待。但是一餐後,十分驚喜,大獲滿足。無論從服務、食材、味道、擺盤都深得我意。沒有失誤的菜,每一道味道都讓人滿意,其中海膽壽司、wagyu sirloin sukiyaki style、海膽松露飯、以及最後的橙子著哩都留下了深刻的印象,味道讓人流連忘返。如果說懷石是一場結合食物味道、質地、外表、顏色的藝術形式,那kaiseke den by saotome絕對是一件優秀的藝術作品。吧台位可坐六人,廚房裡的架子上各色碗碟整齊擺放,懷石料理餐具是重要的部分,這家的餐具絕對精美不已。hamaguri clam, urui, fukinotou, kinome 文蛤湯搭配山菜、蜂鬥菜、椒芽。鮮湯開胃。lobster, egg yolk vinegar, nanohana with julienne, caviar 龍蝦肉搭配蛋黃醋,少許魚子醬,至於橘碗中,味道清新。ice fish, dried fish roe  冰魚、自家制的烏魚子削、苦菜天婦羅matsuba crabmeat ball, kyoto carrot, mushroom, vegetables, yuzu,松葉蟹肉球湯搭配蔬菜,先淨喝一口湯,再混入柚子皮,湯清味鮮,加上柚子皮的清爽,非常好喝。蟹肉球里的蟹肉清晰可見,肉質十分緊實,讓人吃的非常舒服的一道。chef selection sashimitoro搭配wasabi和蘿蔔泥,魚肉很肥,但是筋路明顯,口感並不是很好煙薰張目魚,這片很好吃sushi: hokkaido sea urchin, toro with chive, steamed sticky rice topped with bean curd sheet and abalone北海道馬糞海膽壽司,海膽質量極佳,異常清甜香蔥吞拿魚茸壽司,味道極其濃郁好吃這兩道壽司魚肉和飯的比例恰到好處,味道也不輸專門的鮨店蒸鮑魚片,搭配柔軟的豆皮置於糯米飯上,整體味道軟糯,鮑魚彈牙,十分有趣grilled kinki marinated with miso, mizuna, kyoto taro with grated turnip sauce, yuzu 烤味增醃過的金吉魚,搭配水菜和芋頭,置於蘿蔔泥湯汁里,佐柚子。烤金吉魚還有酥嫩的質感,蘿蔔泥湯質密,但味道清新。柔軟綿密的芋頭、清脆的水菜,一場和諧的共舞。wagyu sirloin in chef saotome’s sukiyaki style,和牛西冷,用主廚獨特的壽喜燒風格,上面裹著濃郁絲滑的蛋黃醬,牛肉入口即化滋味濃郁,搭配蔬菜和蔥,完美!charcoal grilled wagyu beef chateaubriand,chateaubriand就是tenderloin中最厚的部分,脂肪雖少,但是肉質依然柔軟,搭配的甜薯非常甜膩,有幸福的感覺。牛排上放蘿蔔泥,再沾醬汁,融合出多層次的口感。clay pot rice 海膽松露土鍋飯,介紹說這道菜從餐廳開就有了,這麼多年菜單的其它菜都隨著季節變化,只有這道菜一直沒變。土鍋蓋打開是簡單的米飯,上覆海膽、松露醬和香菜。服務員先給我們盛出兩小碗,每碗刨新鮮黑松露片,松露的清香加上海膽的甘甜,味道雖然不重口,但是依然飽含香氣,很快一碗遍吃完。這時服務員再給每人盛上一碗,每人一顆溫泉蛋,把溫泉蛋放在米飯上,攪拌後,濃郁金黃的蛋心流出,覆蓋住每一粒米,多了更多滑膩口感,別有一般風味。最後服務員又為每個人盛上一小碗飯焦,飯焦又香又脆,細細咀嚼,越嚼越有味道。三碗飯我都吃的精光。這道菜不愧是這麼多年的經典菜系,一鍋米飯三個吃法,每一種都獨具特色,味道的細緻讓人難忘。甜品是橙子著哩,橙蓋上還有新鮮橙肉,用手擠新鮮橙汁澆在著哩上,著哩軟q,搭配新鮮橙汁異常清新,完美收場。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Mr. Lam is well known for knowing his stuff in terms of food and drinks. This I believe is one of his high-end restaurants and in fact he has a few around this area, all ran by famous/talented Japanese chef and all quite hidden for some reason (I suspect rent related). However, frankly speaking I was never a fan of his restaurants as I always thought it's more pricey than it has to be given the quality of the food they are presenting. We decided to go for the premium tasting menu with all the signature dishes of the restaurant. As there were too many dishes unfortunately I can't show each and everyone in the right order. I would skip most of the appetizers as I didn't find them that impressive. Menu of the night. Prime Tuna with simmered abalone. The tuna was fabulous. Sakura shrimp ball, this was one of my favorite dishes of the night. With a yuzu peel the whole dish was elevated and it's refreshing yet rich. The grilled crab meat served in crab shell. Excellent presentation and absolutely delicious. The sushit bento box was a surprise to me. Not only were the portions very small (albeit delicious), the whole presentation was very impressive. And then before dessert there was a truffle clay pot rice which was supposed to be their signature dish. By that time because the portions were so small you will become quite hungry and will probably binge eat the rice. I didn't find it that amazing though, was rather underwhelming at this point as everyone was looking forward to this final dish. Finally the dessert, a fresh Japanese orange jelly stuffed in the original orange and an ice cream red bean cake. This was delicious. In conclusion, I think this restaurant is very good for Hong Kong standards in terms of quality, but I remain my same view that the restaurant is still quite pricey for the portions/qualities they offer. I would only come back if there are special occasions.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-12-05
朋友來香港一起去吃這間日本人的法國菜、懷石料理、食足三個幾鐘、每到餸菜非常精緻、服務質素、食物質素、價格也是上等!樓下的房間可坐10至12人、私隱度夠、廁所同日本一樣非常乾淨、不過就冇景⋯冇計香港地小不同日本會整一個小景、⋯但裝修也算上等、師傅都係日本人!非常地道!裝修和所有設備都是非常日本的!我們都加了現在季節的白松露和海膽飯 不要看小一粒粒白色的米花這裏就是這個精粹呢個芝士蟹蓋好好味本人就最鍾意食佢哋嘅自家製甜品!為何去這間餐廳就係因為朋友的朋友介紹說這裏的白松露海膽炒飯好好食這個白松露海膽炒飯不錯、佢好食之處係因為海膽撈飯唔係炒最憎就係一齊炒因為會有尿味炒熟左嘅海膽係好難食的非常滿足的一餐、不過如果你真係坐唔定3小時真係好攰!飲飲食食傾吓計咁就一晚了⋯⋯ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
兩個人埋單6千5,仲只係叫左啤酒,有人說不值,飛去日本食都得,窮家女如我就算飛到日本,要自己買單的話都俾吾起甘貴既一餐。買單既就因為成日話飛日本就飛日本所以覺得太貴了,我就覺得就算只睇個presetation同聽個待應答我既無聊問題都值回票價。人生總要試一次由4個待應隨傳隨到係咩感覺。食物無從挑剔,每一道都係1st rated continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)