Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
14:30 - 22:30
14:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level3 2016-09-16
相信大家對於西貢出名食甚麼不用多說,今天中午約上同事親臨此地進餐。比較了幾間餐廳後,最後決定於全記食,最大的原因是門牌有米芝蓮推介。我們共有5人,因此叫了一個開心四人共聚餐,此餐有5款海鮮選擇,我們選了A)特選芝士焗龍蝦(伊麵底),B)椒鹽瀨尿蝦,C)蒜茸粉絲蒸鮮元貝,D)薑蔥炒蟹,E)豉椒炒蜆第一道上枱的是特濃芝士焗龍蝦(伊麵底),龍蝦肉質鮮甜,爽口,與濃濃的芝士粉混合後,味道一流,加上廚師已細心地剪斷了龍蝦外層,基本上不需再用剪刀剪開,好方便進食。第二道上枱的是蒜茸粉絲蒸鮮元貝,由於下單前已告知店員少油、少鹽,因此元貝食後不會感靠油膩,而且元貝大大件,蒜茸及醬油味道不會覆蓋了元貝鮮味,正。第三道上枱的是椒鹽瀨尿蝦,瀨尿蝦的殼炒得香口、脆,可連殼一起進食,大家都對此款菜餚十分讚賞,第四道上枱的是豉椒炒蜆,5款菜餚當中略微蜆份量太少,基本上殼多於肉,醬料味道較為濃郁。第五道上枱的是薑蔥炒蟹,共有2隻蟹,蟹較為細小,但薑蔥味道溶入蟹肉後感覺好鮮,又不會腥。如果有人不能食海鮮的話,此餐廳有其他中式點心、菜餚選擇,而且分量大大份。此餐會附上一碟油菜及生果一份,因此我們5人食就非常足夠,而且平均消費是$200內,非常超值。下次如果有機會,大家可約上三五好友到此一遊及欣賞西貢的美景,吹吹海風,樂上一整天。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-04-15
好朋友來港探親,與太座當盡地主之誼,答謝他在多倫多讓我們入住其屋及帶我們北上滿地可,魁北克等城市,旅途愉快,實在畢生難忘。我們都喜歡遠足,擇日到塔門繞了一週,黃昏返回西貢,在碼頭逛一逛,又到晚飯時間,招呼好朋友,又來到西貢,吃海鮮是必然的事。整條街的食肆都在門外拉客,選哪一家吃?上網看看食評作參考,最後選了這間。由於食肆地方不大,裏面已坐滿人,見門外已加了大檯,坐了人,何不再加一張細檯?老闆娘親力親為,指揮若定,命人在門外加開細檯,又著小兒子帶領我們到附近街市自買海鮮。與好友到了街市,看其喜好,買了鮑魚,斑頭腩,大蝦,美國桶蠔,拿回店代辦。鮑魚用果皮蒸,鮑魚是大連貨,幾十元一隻,無乜鮑味,但幾彈牙,果皮亦味道單薄,叫做多味餸。清蒸斑頭腩,蒸魚豉油調得不錯,魚的肉質甜美,最愛塊帶膠質的魚皮,好好食。大蝦,豉油皇煎,吮一輪個殼先食肉,幾爽甜。桶蠔用砵酒焗,蠔是先炸後焗,所以有些少脆脆地,砵酒帶甜味,煮得不錯,美國蠔夠肥美,不會差去哪裡!加碟炒菜,幾爽脆多汁,送埋橙。自來海鮮油料錢,預咗! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
One of my qualms about eating seafood in Sai Kung or anything where else in HK for that matter is being ripped off and being served bad seafood. Sai Kung is a pretty touristy place so there's a few big establishments around that charges pretty high prices - just because they can. Kam Kee is one of those small local restaurants that offers great value for the best seafood you can get in SK. First, if you did not bring your own seafood, they will take you to their affiliated shop in the wet market building just down the street so you can pick your own. For our dinner between the 2 of us, we picked 2 abalone, 1 crab, 6 shrimps, and 4 razor clams. It's nice to be able to pick out exactly what we want and know the prices of the raw ingredient. You pay at the end of the meal along with everything else.Back inside the restaurant, we were seated on the second floor in the back corner. Now this is a cheap, no frills restaurant so don't expect a nice dinner setting. The "napkins" are toilet paper served in a round plastic container. Enough said. Once seated, they will know what you ordered at the wet market so they will ask or suggest how best to cook the seafood. You can also ordered other non-seafood dishes like veggies, sweet and sour pork, fried calamari, etc.The calamari is a dish I would recommend getting here. It's fried perfectly without being too oily and the batter is not too thick so you can still taste the texture of the squid. The vinegar dipping sauce that is served along with the dish goes perfectly with the calamari as it offsets the oilyness of the fried batter.Next, our seafood started to come. Our abalone is steamed with dried fruit peel and dosed in sweet soy sauce. The abalone is steamed perfectly as it is easy to chew and the sauce does not overcome the original freshness of the oyster.These shrimps looked quite pretty at the market, so we got them and they suggest that we cooked them with soy sauce. I was surprise when this dish came that the shrimps were actual'y fried first and then sauteed with soy sauce, which made the shrimp full of flavor! I was fully expecting just some plain shrimp with soy sauce dipping sauce. The skin is easy to pull off now that it is fried and can actually be eaten if you want since it's covered in sauce. The shrimp itself is cooked just right as it can be easy to overcook esp if you are frying and cooking again. This is my favorite dish of the night.Our razor clams were cooked with black bean sauce. The razor clams must be in season as each clam had a lot of meat. The clams were steamed perfectly again and the sauce was great in taste. Another successful dish.The only disappointment of the night was the crab. We had come here before and last time we had gotten a bigger crab and it was suggested to us to bake it. I loved the dish last time so I was really looking forward to it. We got a smaller crab since it was just the two of us, but maybe that's where it went wrong. For some reason, the crab we got this time was not that flavorful and the meat was not as sweet. I'm not sure if it's the crab or the cooking that went wrong.This place really knows how to cook seafood so if you're looking for a cheap and good value place for some fresh and delicious seafood, then look no further! Not recommended if you're looking to impress your guests though. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-11-13
一心只想吃些簡單小菜, 既然身處西貢, 一於選一家傳統飯店, 裝修不堂皇的便是了肥美鮮魷, 不厚炸粉, 超香脆, 金黃色的熱騰騰被端來, 很吸引, 椒鹽味洽到好處, 讚!美味香口, 很多豆腐及其他蔬菜, 調味剛好!很夠鑊氣的炒飯, 飯夠乾身, 配料很足, 唯一美足不足是味道可以再多一點, 事關稍為淡了些呢!雖然味道是不錯, 雞肉很多亦很嫩滑,但似乎不是經這個煲煮出來的, 因為沒有'啫啫'的聲音, 內裡的足料沒有在上枱時繼續被煎香於煲內.. 最出色是這生炒骨, 多肉少骨, 味道很香及酸甜適中, 真難得! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-09-16
從碼頭旁的船家買了東風鑼 、花甲、蟹、瀨尿蝦還有到街市買了墨魚然後就拿去食店煮!!這一間之前已經試過。。價錢ok ~~又煮得好味!!好多街方幫襯架!東風鑼白灼。。吃時伴些甜醬~~~ 好好味呢!!油鹽水煮花甲。。。男友覺得下些糊椒會更好!!這裡你想點煮就點煮同老板娘傾傾就得gar la~~~ 白灼墨魚。。。剛剛熟。。好鮮甜呀!炒蟹。。夠鑊氣,正!!吃完蟹加罐冰可樂!!正呀。。瀨尿蝦。。。又是煮得剛剛好!!很鮮甜呀,肉質鮮嫩又唔會炸到好乾!!其實之前都有去過其他店吃,可是還是覺得這裡最好!雖然這裡冇豪華裝修,又唔會有好多服務員。。但呢度地方細細,只要等一陣姐姐就會泥招呼你! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)