6-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Kapok on Sun Street is a French bakery and coffee shop. Their popular menu items include their Cappuccino, Earl Gray Tea and Red Velvet Cupcake. Apart from foods and drinks, they also have a fashion store connected. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:30 - 20:00
11:00 - 20:00
11:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Eco-Friendly Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Cappuccino Earl Gray Tea Firefly
Review (6)
Level4 2011-04-14
等老細回香港交待事情, 通過電話後才知道老細要成兩點幾三點才能到金鐘. 遊遊蕩蕩的, 先蕩來日月星街, 上次南瓜介紹過, 而我亦不合天時地利人和的來過兩次. 一次食得過飽飲唔落野, 另一次特登來, 小店竟然俾人包了場拍野. 這次三顧草廬才能有一個Half Chance飲到呢一杯傳奇咖啡. 究竟有什麼好呢, 真係要飲過至知.由閂街轉月街再入新街. 清靜的一個小角坐滿了三班人, 三班人都是聚集於此街的三家不同既食肆外. 行多一個鋪位, Kapok, 就是我要找的咖啡店. 呢一間野, 其實不是單純的一家Coffee Chop咁簡單. 說正確一點, 此店是一間Gadget Shop. 出售各種各樣的潮物及designer物品. 此店, 基本上是一間小小的精品店, 內設一個小Cafe咁解, 好讓顧客選購精品之餘, 又可以嘆下咖啡. 在外國, 已經有不少Botique, 賣衫賣鞋之餘, 也整間Cafe仔, 好讓客人享受一個休閒. 一看其咖啡Counter既drink menu. 全法文的, 就知道這兒是以沖調法式咖啡為主. 不過, 始終都是意式咖啡較為多人喜歡. 所以也有Cappacin (可能串錯), 同Cafe Au Lait. 我就要一杯Cafe au Lait. 即是我們常叫的Cafe Latte. 店內的咖啡店, 主要是賣進口的法國咖啡. 但其賣的包裝咖啡, 其品牌叫做蔡李陸, 經查核, 原來此咖啡是台灣的品牌, 由台灣著名導演蔡明亮創辦, 從世界各地精心挑選咖啡來製成其品牌的咖啡粉. 相信, 此咖啡店的咖啡, 也是用此品牌的咖啡沖調而成.星期六的下午, 係日街呢一個市區小綠洲, 令人感覺到一點點的歐陸美感. 永遠的一句, 是難得的休閒生活. 室內冇位, 室外的位又坐滿了, 反正要朝太古一、二期而去. 那就邊行邊飲吧. 呢一杯咖啡, 香味就不錯, 但飲落夾帶少少鞋口. 泡仔未算打得幼細, 比上是嚴重的不足, 但比下, 就卓卓的有餘. 香濃味道好, 但咖啡未夠滑, Cream味奶味一般, 就令其失色了少少.... 始終不是正宗的咖啡店, 就原諒一下呢.....這不是我杯咖啡. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-01-22
Kapok's espresso was not too mild and not too strong (to me), which taste good, however, if the cup can get more heat up, which will be much better! the taste was so familiar, according to the barista (who really look like 陳奐仁, also interestingly he only speak english and mandarin ), Coffee Assembly is their beans and equipment provider, and bean of the day was using FUOCO.Kapok is a select shop which sells hip and interesting stuff, magazines, books, CDs, tote bag....!@#$%, on that day Kapok also holding a local artist exhibition ...... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-09-07
Kapok carries a range of cupcakes from this online bakery called Meringue Bakery and they're all really good! The texture of the cake is always really fluffy, moist and fine. The buttercream frosting on top is always creamy and fluffy but dense with no hint of greasy aftertaste unlike other frostings that contain artificial whip. I've had flavors like a simple lemon cupcake with vanilla frosting, this choco chip cupcake with vanilla choco pearl crunchies frosting which frankly looks molded and a chocolate cupcake with fluffy marshmallow center and chocolate frosting - ALL DELIGHTFUL!28 bucks is quite pricey for a tiny cupcake...but I just keep coming back... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
放工後想靜靜的喝點東西,去Happy Hour嗎?不。本人都是喜歡喝咖啡多一點,放工後才喝咖啡不怕睡不着嗎?冇得喝就真的睡不着了。是日走了到較為偏僻的日街,是一所新開的咖啡店,被食友nothingtse的食評吸引來了此店,怎說也好,總之是任何咖啡店都想嚐嚐,來到店子,其實也不是只賣咖啡,也賣不少法國進口的精品,甚至乎是衣服,一件Tee四百五,一件Shirt一千三百五,Tee比起另一又攪飲食的法國時裝品牌要便宜得多,而Shirt就差不多,但摸過上手,質感舒適,比那品牌是有過之而無不及,鬼咩!人家的貨物通常都在東歐做,此品牌的就全都在法國本土做,這也難怪。嘩!也胡扯得很遠了,都是談回咖啡吧,看見咖啡餐牌的黑板,寫上的全都是法文,本人真的不懂看,最後都是先來一杯La Café,即是Espresso,在等喝的時候,都是看看店家的設備,用上的是法國品牌Reneka的咖啡機,果然是貫徹始終的用上法國品牌,那咖啡粉又如何,法國Verlet品牌的咖啡粉在法國是非常有名的,素聞Café Verlet的名聲,但說老實話,本人未有到訪過,也希望他朝一日與您在巴黎會喝一口咖啡,輕輕鬆鬆過上大半天就好了。說回這杯Espresso,面層的Crema是淺棕色,而且很明顯是過薄了,真的一看就知道是有點Under-Extracted,在摸一摸個杯身就知出了什麼問題,咖啡明顯的非常不夠熱,故造成萃取不足,咖啡內帶來醇味的脂質根本都未能被乳化,所以咖啡喝起來有味而不挺身,喝入口有點甘但味道不長久,但至少這杯咖啡不酸,味道又不苦澀,似乎這個品牌的咖啡粉是有點潛力的。之後再來一杯Caffe Latte,原來其法文名稱是La cafe au lait,店家用的是雀巢的全脂奶,沖煮好一杯Espresso之後,再打好奶泡之後在其面層以一支棒在掃掃掃,看來是弄出一個Latte Art,可是坦然本人不太恭維用棒掃的Latte Art,用上拉花壺一倒出來而直接混成的,才是最為美好,說回那杯咖啡,一摸上手也知出事,又是非常不夠熱,看來它的Espresso Base也出得很隱定,是隱定的低溫!哎!果然入口咖啡味薄,相對上襯托出不錯的奶香,奶泡層其薄也很鬆,咖啡的質地不太滑,有如簡單的將座熱的鮮奶溝咖啡,莫非店家想煮出最經典的Caffe Latte?但看店員的手勢就不似了。咖啡的質素是有點令人失望,只可以說是至少不難飲,因為其品牌的咖啡豆口味溫馴舒服,味道平衡,粗俗點說,是怎也不會死錯人的款式,所以正好用上這個OK臉來表面出來,也和之前兩位來過的食友不謀而合。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2010-08-24
Kapok Cafe is a corner cafe inside the French designer/concept store by the same name. It's located in 'the' new up-and-coming neighborhood in Wanchai - Sun Street.Arnault, owner of Kapok, says that the shop/cafe feels right at home amongst Star Street's concept shops and trendy eateries. Tucked away at the back of the store, Kapok cafe feels like home away from home. The venue has dramatically high ceilings, white painted walls, a ceiling fan, a big shelf showcasing books and CDs, and two long tables displaying utensils. On the day we tried their food we had their coffee and cupcake which tastes quite good. On the same evening they were doing an art event too so the atmosphere there feels like a lofty hangout for a designer, artist or writer. Full review with image: http://www.hiphongkong.com/eat/restaurants/cafes/kapok continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)