2-min walk from Exit N4, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 02:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (62)
Level3 2024-11-02
Oh no! They don't sell lamb anymore 😭. I miss their lamb roll. It was very good and that why I wanted to try it again. Unfortunately, they only provided beef and chicken. I couldn't find lamb on the menu anymore. The guy there said people didn't like lamb, therefore, they stopped making lamb. (But it is so weird that their menu on openrice still has lambs)I've finally ordered chicken roll (wrap). It was not as tender as the lamb I had before. 😕🥺😢 The wrap was melted and the sauce leaked out everywhere (to my hands, my bag and on the ground) after I had just finished half of the wrap. It might help if the wrap was thicker. It's sad that I won't go back to eat if they don't serve lamb anymore. 😢🙁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
轉轉雞卷今日去食嘅時候,已經差唔多收舖,所以淨係試到佢嘅雞肉,羊肉已經賣晒。老闆係外國人都叫有啲風情,所以佢整出嚟嘅轉轉雞卷,都有啲外國嘅味道。首先佢個皮又唔會好乾,另外加夠足夠嘅醬汁落雞肉度,臨尾食完成手都係醬,雞來講肉質都比較滑,唔會太乾,所以都幾推薦。轉轉雞配飯由於佢賣晒羊肉,所以叫多個飯都唯有叫雞肉,雞肉都係同轉轉雞卷一樣,肉質紅色,唔乾身,加埋佢有三個醬汁,分別係蒜蓉醬,薄荷醬同辣椒醬。個人建議就係蒜蓉醬溝辣椒醬一齊食,咁先最好食。羊肉雞肉拼盤呢個係最貴,但係最唔推介嘅一個拼盤。初頭叫嘅時候諗住有啲羊肉食吓,點知嚟到全部肉都好鞋,同好乾。啲醬都救佢哋唔到,羊肉就比較臊,我個人就食得到嘅,不過加埋柴皮肉就爭啲。環境佢開喺K11對面,地理位置都算唔錯。佢起身,不過佢通常都係坐吧枱,隔離有間鋪仔有三個位左右。亦都冇冷氣,夏天去就爭少少。但係勝在有南亞風情,職員都好好人,好熱情招待,呢個價錢算係咁啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-03-28
我住尖沙咀附近都有兩間Kebab 餐廳,試過都麻麻哋,有一日行去K11見到呢一間,心態係不妨一試,叫咗一個chicken roll,同一個lamb roll, 味道唔錯,塊皮仲熱。比起之前我食嗰兩間仲要平,地方又乾淨企理,服務仲好好,雖然只係嗌咗兩個rolls, 但係負責收銀嗰個員工or老細都特登走出嚟問我哋味道如何,讚!我後面張枱個顧客問有咩飲品,佢哋答完之後,仲話唔介意佢哋帶其他嘢飲入。Nice!我臨走嘅時候,同佢講 ‘I will be back’! 😁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-10-18
🔸️ Kebab Bistro 🌍 土耳其菜📍尖沙咀麼地道16號半島大廈地下2號舖做完運動,想快手搵野食,上網見到近近地,又想食下啲肉,補充蛋白質。岩岩去到門口,以為得take away,轉角位原來有位座,睇落簡陋,本身想走人,但附近無野好食,唯有試下。好在試左,發現左間好野😋🗨️ 土耳其烤雞肉串 $70女店員好nice,佢話係配飯同沙律。座左一陣,比左碗湯我,佢話係送既。湯就唔岩口味,當係濕下口。主菜一黎到,我勁開心,因為擺得勁靚,亦都無期望過甘大串,仲好香架,一定好食!係即叫即燒,啲雞醃得味道岩岩好,非常juicy . 上面個燒椒先正,一流,大愛。必定會再來🥰🗨️ 土耳其烤羊肉串 $98試完雞,再黎就試羊。兩位店員都唔同左,擔心味道唔同。我order既時候都再問係咪有沙律同薯條,佢話無跟,只有串燒。甘諗住食番雞啦,佢都係話無跟其他配料,再講左一輪,佢最後肯做比我,不過擔心再下一次又唔同。羊黎到失望少少,但感覺都好食既。羊肉醃得咸左啲,唔重羊so味,係我鍾意既羊味,薯條一般。注意,中東野佢地既羊係唔重so味,所以我先選擇試埋羊,要so味請食番中式野🙃今次無送湯,不過唔岩飲就算啦。另外,都算幾常食中東野既我,串燒一般會配埋沙律+飯/薯條,可能店員見menu張圖無就話無呱。同埋會免叫doner(轉轉肉)一般太乾身,唔夠juicy ,唔係我個type, 不過呢間味道唔錯,下次再試埋先。補充,兩次店員都好友善,會再黎~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-10-05
係歐洲旅行食得最多就係KEBAB, 係香港都比較少食, 今日係尖沙咀做完野就順便買外賣番屋企食!呢間KEBAB小店係K11隔黎, 門口好光猛好容易就見到!見到燒雞做特價, $99 一大隻, 店員會幫我再re-heat, 再斬件, 一路整都聞到好香!另外叫左1份雞肉kebab, 同埋芒果乳酪~雞肉kebab都幾大卷, 1個女仔食晒都幾飽下, 雞肉好多, 好滑, 又唔太咸, 我鐘意佢個汁唔會好漏, 好fresh!燒雞好大隻, 雞肉一樣咁滑, 而且好多香料既味道, 好香!!芒果乳酪係我既必叫! 因為好開胃好好味, 酸酸甜甜好似食緊雪糕咁, 真係停唔到口架! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)