Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level4 2023-04-10
餐廳屬於小店,位置不多,只有室內兩張同室外兩張枱椅,大部分客人都係買外賣,所以當日到訪只有我地一台客。由愉景灣行山行到梅窩,男朋友又鐘意飲拉茶,所以我地就揀左呢一間店,同埋我們選擇左坐室外,一路品嚐美食同嘆咖啡,一路感受下寧靜既小島氣氛。嗌左個黃咖哩雞,佢會配埋薄餅同沙律,我地加埋個印度拉茶兩份飲,拉茶嗅落已經超香,飲落超級重奶味,而且用鐵杯,保持到個熱度。我自己就嗌左杯mango lassi,芒果較酸,同樣地奶味好重。黃咖哩夠香濃,好多舊肉,佢算中辣,不過我地受到,如果唔食得辣,唔知可唔可以同老闆講少辣架呢? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-01-15
🍛蔬菜咖喱飯- 用嘅係長條形嘅米,粒粒分明但唔會太乾,每粒都好軟- 咖喱唔會太辣,好香,有月桂葉,好有風味,撈飯/沙律都一流,如果再多啲就正,次次食到最後都係咁用羹𢳂所剩無幾嘅汁嚟送飯🤣雖然啲飯就咁食都已經好好味- 咖喱入面係三色豆,但冇雪味- 份量好夠,女仔一個人食絕對夠飽👍🏼. . . . . . .🥧巴卡拉(唔記得影相就食咗)- 偏甜- 咬落去一層層嘅口感好正- 咬落去有果仁香- 偏細粒,雖然呢個甜度的確應該淺嚐🤣. . . . . . .總括而言係好吸引我一直encore嘅味道👍🏼👍🏼好適合唔想食日式甜咖喱時食. . . . . . .ps. 雖然外賣自取10分鐘就有得攞,但建議早啲返舖頭等因為老闆娘又要湊囡又要煮嘢食好忙有次過咗10分鐘先返去攞,見有袋外賣擺喺櫃檯但冇人,唔肯定係咪我嗰個就企咗喺度等😂結果差唔多10分鐘先等到佢帶埋啲細路返嚟. . . . . . .但老闆娘好好人,有次見我架單車前後籃爆哂都幫手諗計擺埋個飯盒落去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-06-17
Every time I eat here I feel like I am having a meal at a friend’s house. The staff are warm and friendly, the food is cooked with love and care and it shows in the taste! Not the place to go if you are expecting a snooty fine dining experience, but if you like fast, comfy and satisfying this place gets top marks. I admire the dedication of the mom-chefs who can multi-task in filling orders and mind their kids at the same time. Not an easy task but they do it with such grace. Love the place! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-06-17
I bought a lamb kebab and when I took it home to eat it, the bread was not baked and it was raw dough. The lettuce was very old and the meat was full of grease. I had to throw it away. To make things worse, the staff was arguing that their food is great and wouldn't offer a replacement. Worst food and service ever! The food will make you sick and the kebabs are the worst I've ever eaten. Better try Beyrouth in Central if you want a nice kebab. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-07-12
Food is not going to win any awards but is filling enough. It’s ok if you are ok with one stressed woman struggling to cook your food with two kids crawling around the kitchen floor and work surfaces. Amazed they are not covered in burns and scalds. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)