4-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
It is an Indian restaurant offering a variety of kebab, grilled meat and salad, etc. Their signature dishes Kebab are crispy with rich ingredients such as chicken and fresh vegetables served with spicy sauce. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (35)
Level1 2019-01-16
Stone cold in every way. from cold service to cold kebab. I work in this area and have eaten here a few times for lunch, each time there's a different server and cook. Today I ordered a mixed kebab $75 with a drink and it was cold, the wrap was so cold it felt like fresh out of the refrigerator. I didn't see them prepare it this time and didn't feel like it was pressed to heat it. I had to take off the foil and reheat it in the office. dissapointing. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-08-16
先講講背景,自從我起荷蘭食左餐超好食既土耳其菜,我就一直回味果種長條形既中東米(Basmati rice)。今次食呢間印度菜,竟然就係用左呢隻米!口感軟綿綿,飯質乾身,配上燒好既羊肉食,真係好回味!燒羊肉好香口,一d都唔燶,調味粉恰到好處,適合食唔慣濃味野既人食。價錢方面,我個餐係$65,鰂魚涌黎講唔算太貴。但環境比較窄,所以takeaway會比較好。lunch時段黎食有機會要排隊等下。整體黎講,我會再次光臨。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-06-10
約左朋友係鰂魚涌食飯,諗唔到食咩,朋友介紹去試kebab land 。舖頭細細間,位置唔多,似Subway咁,大多數人都係take away。星期日晚,人流好少,得一個店員,但上菜都算快。叫左個二人套餐,叫左一個羊肉kebab,一個雜肉salad。份量夠大,兩個都好好食😋😋😋😋😋羊肉kebab一啲都唔酥,啲肉味道剛好,多汁又唔「鞋」,原來佢標榜係用新西蘭羊肉。😋😋😋😋😋雜肉沙律都好好食,啱晒我呢個食肉獸,有羊、牛、雞肉,份量又多👍👍👍👍👍由於呢間唔算正式餐廳,只係有位坐嘅外賣店😂所以都好難要求有服務,我同朋友都係自己係雪拎野飲😂但158可以食到咁好味嘅kebab 同salad,真係好抵😋👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-04-26
海光街一向有好多小餐廳,呢間kebab land係每次經過都唔起眼唔為意既餐廳,係突然有日好想kebab既時候,openrice發現原來返工附近竟然有食kebab既餐廳,放工就即刻走去食。店鋪不大,得兩排高凳,我食既時候得我和男友兩個客人,店員都即刻為我地播翻印度歌。kebab同飯我都有興趣試,所以就叫左一個雞肉kebab和羊肉飯share食。雞肉kebab入面除左雞肉仲有包生菜洋蔥番茄等等,雞肉煮得岩岩好,滑,調味都不錯,再加埋好多唔同既醬,全部野夾埋好好食。跟住到羊肉飯,叫既時候其實有小小怕會有騷味,食完之後覺得一d都唔騷,好好食啊!羊肉飯同kebab一樣都有好多唔同既醬撈埋一齊食,飯隔離有個沙律,我既食法係將隔離d菜撈埋入個飯到食,感覺口感豐富d,仲冇正係食肉咁膩!佢飯既質地唔似中菜既米,係長條型既,特別又好味!兩樣野望落好似細細份咁,但其實我地食曬之後都飽到上心口,大滿足啊!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間小店係位於鰂魚涌一個比較偏的位置,雖然冇乜裝修,但感覺好溫馨好家庭式, 同埋都幾乾淨已經食過幾次,覺得佢肉好有燒烤味 (比中環的好味十倍 )今日照舊都係食雞肉 kebab,雞肉肉質鮮甜,新鮮, 加辣汁簡直係最好食,wrap 入面嘅蔬菜都係好新鮮 唔食辣嘅朋友可以試下yogurt 醬汁仲有嗌埋samosa , 炸得好香好鬆脆, 亦都唔厚粉老闆好人,家庭式經營,是有誠意的小店 好多朋友食過都話好好食 食完非常之飽肚其實我喺好多地方都有食過 kebab,海外香港都有, 本人係kebab瘋狂粉絲XD 但係覺得呢間可以話係香港最好食嘅~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)