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09:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 21:00
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Review (3)
Level4 2018-05-27
雖然今年六月十八日才是端午節,但話明五月粽,當然一到五月就要食啦!但……五月粽是指農曆五月喎!唔理咁多,一見到奇華的五月粽就忍唔住,一於跟兩老齊齊品嚐,是最幸福的事。今日品嚐三款粽子,其中有兩款是新產品,不知會否帶來驚喜呢?好期待呀!******************************奇華近兩年都以Superfood藜麥創出新口味的粽子,今年也不例外。之前主要選用紅藜麥,今年更健康,採用了三色藜麥,推出原粒栗子藜麥素粽 Quinoa Rice Dumpling with Chestnut ($60),營養價值更高,怎能錯過呢? 細看包裝袋的成份,主要有糯米、栗子、蓮子、綠豆、紅棗,當然不少得三色藜麥(紅藜麥、白藜麥、黑藜麥),令口感更豐富。一打開粽葉便看粒粒藜麥 平均分佈在粽子每一角落,吸引!翻熱十五分鐘後, 熱辣辣,香噴噴。把其切開便見到有兩大粒甘甜的栗子,還有補血養顏的紅棗 和多粒粉綿的蓮子。以軟綿黏糯的糯米 配上有咬口的三色藜麥,挺有嚼勁。咦!?為何味道咁香甜?原來唔止有原粒栗子,還混入了香滑的栗子蓉,令栗子的味道更明顯,配搭富心思!。這隻素粽香甜而不膩,岩晒兩老,當然也討我喜歡,不知奇華下年又會用藜麥創出什麼新口味呢?期待……******************************而另一款新產品是用料矜貴的金腿瑤柱嘉湖粽 Shanghainese Style Rice Dumpling with Chinese Ham and Supreme Dried Scallop ($80),點矜貴呢?看看用料,粽內除了有大量金華火腿 外,還加了原粒大瑤柱,肉香鮮香集於一身,另外還有原隻甘香的鹹蛋黃 和鮮香油潤的五花腩肉,饀料滿瀉。糯米 完完全全吸收各食材的精華,又鮮香又鹹香,極之入味,啖啖均有味道香濃的饀料相伴,香氣四溢,齒頰留香,大家都吃得津津有味。******************************本打算只吃兩隻,但兩老話唔夠喉,要吃埋第三隻,就是極上珠姐XO醬五花腩肉粽 Betty’s XO Sauce Rice Dumpling with Pork Belly ($66)。成品主要有糯米、五花腩肉、金華火腿、蝦米、瑤柱 和蝦子,當然不少得珠姐XO醬。XO醬 均勻混入糯米 中,散發着陣陣的香辣味,馬上刺激味蕾。挾起腍滑的五花腩,滴出油份,充滿油香,再配上絲絲鮮香的的瑤柱、鹹香的金華火腿絲,為粽子帶來雙重鮮味,配起來既鹹鮮又惹味,辣味恰到好處,相當匹配。------------------------------一見到奇華的粽子就覺得是吃粽好時機,但其實現時才是五月尾,還有排也未到端午節,不知家中還有沒有奇華的五月粽呢?原來兩老留起兩隻,一鹹一甜,有甘香甜滑的陳皮豆沙梘水粽 Red Bean Paste with Mandarin Peel Rice Dumpling ($50)和份量十足,落足料的雙黃金華火腿瑤柱裹蒸粽 ($120)。正!兩款都是我的喜愛,快啲到端午節啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-10-03
所謂千里送鵝毛,物輕情義重, 有時人家送來的小小心意,也能令人窩心。臨近中秋,補習學生的家長送上了一個奇華餅家出品的迷你白蓮蓉月餅, 包裝是個小小的鐵盒, 上面印有一個小小的秦始皇, 整盒看起來像個月餅模型😆😜月餅直徑大約半隻掌心, 大小與冰皮月餅相近。用刀仔將月餅切開四份, 見刀片並沒有沾上半點蛋黃的油分, 便知道我不能對這月餅有太大期望了...以蓮蓉和蛋黃的比例來說,蛋黃分量仍能接受, 白蓮蓉香味也不錯, 蓮子成份算高, 不過能打磨得更香滑就好了, 整個月餅的餡料也應該更濕潤。不過講到尾平時放咗學之後攰攰哋都要去補習, 假期間仲要不斷加同幫佢預備考試, 此刻知道有人肯定你的付出,感覺仍是窩心的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-06-11
For Chinese weddings you are always given a cake coupon to get cakes from the designated bakery.They are mostly from Maxim's or Saint Honore so I was surprised when it was from Kee Wah.The value of the coupon is $62 and it is great that they have non bakery items such as Chinese tea which you can redeem it on.Great for expats because Chinese cakes just taste weird.Depending on the tea, there are two prices: $42 or $48.Got two of the $42 ones and one of the $48.After taking it out of the tins, you could see why their is a price difference.Each tea had brewing instructions in Chinese and English.For the cheaper one (left), it is vacuum packed tightly whereas the more expensive was vacuum sealed.The more expensive tea leaves are chunkier and flat hence they can't be packed tightly which would otherwise break them.The cheaper tea.The tea turned out to be quite strong so more water was needed.I used two coupons because my expat friend does not like Chinese bakery and we shared the teas!!◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $8Service: OKEnglish labelling: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)