5-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level4 2020-12-14
茶唔夠味珍珠冇味奶唔好味對唔住呀 除左讚你既良心讚你地公司logo簡潔讚你地綠色既theme colour睇得舒服讚你地員工有禮我讚唔到飲品請繼續努力,特別附近咁多茶飲店有進步才能屹立不倒Sorry to say, it tasted really bad.i ordered a jasmine bubble milk tea.could hardly tell that is jasmine teathe milk seemed to be made of formula with too much water addedthe bubbles were like tasteless chewing gumsplease improve so as to save your shop. after all, u are the first 清玉 in hk island. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-11-07
失策呀失策呀,點解會搞成咁㗎 !不嬲都知清玉係一間黃店嚟嘅,但係嗰日有丸茶同埋清玉都諗咗一陣揀邊間,最後都揀咗清玉。咁嗰日我就叫咗一杯冬瓜茶少甜少冰加蘆薈啦,咁等嘅時間都唔係好長,因為客人都唔太多。大概等咗5分鐘就有,可惜一飲落去極度甜,同埋平時叫咗小冰都唔會見到好多大嘅冰塊但係今次都見到,咁我就嗱嗱聲check一check係咪自己唔記得咗叫少甜少冰啦。點知個Tag又有嘅,雖然唔係好飲得慣但係最後都飲晒啦,費事嘥呀嘛。不過自己不嬲都係清玉fans,所以都係發洩下姐 下次唔好啦😤😤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-10-10
食完兩餐,都真係要行吓,消化吓, 行咗陣, 行到去灣仔。。。。 未肚餓,但係可以食少少嘢, 唔知點解,諗起清玉嘅檸檬三姐妹. 啱啱響附近, 一於去搵三姐妹清玉真係幾好, 佢寫到明"All from Taiwan", 台灣貨源, 可以放心食用~ 今日係雙十, 食台灣嘢, 真係特別有感覺.好快就有得飲, 我叫咗少甜少冰, 味道啱啱好, 有黑糖珍珠,蘆薈同愛玉, 其實飲晒成杯之後, 都真係幾飽佢嘅黑糖珍珠煙煙韌韌咁, 食吓食吓, 真係唔多覺咁食晒, 真係好好味, 我應該就嚟會變咗檸檬三姐妹嘅打手 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-06-01
清玉是香港一間性價比出名好高的台灣飲品店,在香港有奇多的分店,同時都是黃店之一,相當受學生歡迎,其價格比其他台飲店低,但份量及質素都不比其他差。然而我卻直至今時今日才有機會品嚐,只怪自己不喜歡飲台飲,以及多選擇少分店的黃店支持。今次在午餐時間來到工作附近的清玉,原來價格會比其他地區高?朋友告知才知道,不過還可以接受啦~~~鐵觀音鮮奶茶  27元  4/5分 微糖少冰1. 夠大杯又夠凍,鐵觀音的茶味夠,用上鮮奶會再令飲品的質素提升,夠我飲一個下午了^^由於本人不喜歡珍珠,所以通常選擇純茶飲品,今次感受良好,下次在其他區再遇到可以再買,謝謝支持黃店^^ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
見到附近有間清玉就想買返杯野飲之前淨係飲過佢地既珍珠奶茶呢個價錢飲到呢個質素都算係咁😆今次就試下至愛既百香益力多仲加左愛玉 有咬口百香果味係幾重 但就無乜益力多味所以有小小失望😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)