7-min walk from Exit A, Tung Chung MTR Station
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
星期日十二點鐘嘅大食代無乜人,嚟遠見韓國屋有人,埋去簡單叫個餐都要受氣。櫃檯兩個呀姐講韓文,傾得好開心。埋去講極 excuse me 都唔肯理我哋。可能落一個餐真係好難為佢哋。海鮮泡菜煲 $53個白飯煲得唔好食,可能唔係平時絲苗米。所以唔知啲米喺邊嚟個湯,平時自己嘅屋企煲嘅會好食啲,個湯唔夠辣醬的味道,而且海鮮好柴。佢嘅好處係,夠熱夠飽。
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Food court食物價錢唔貴,要求當然唔可以太高,所以這個泡菜豆腐辣湯,真係唔錯選擇。天氣涼涼地,食辣野都幾舒服,本人很鍾意韓國既湯,因為濃度好似醬汁咁,所以可以拌飯吃,酸辣開胃。今日揀左既係辣海鮮豆腐鍋配飯,拎到埋位時仲係滾熱辣,湯用左黑色既砵盤裝,裡面有豬肉,豆腐,泡菜等等,湯比較油,亦都帶點辣度,旁邊仲有一少碟泡菜,平時食得辣既我都覺得幾辣下,辣辣地既湯同泡菜配埋一大碗飯簡直一流,真係唔飽至出奇呀。
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so so唔夠辣可以加辣粉麵好彈!其實係肉片滑蛋面加紫菜飯糰其實咁大碗兩條友都食唔哂大家睇肉片????係大肉塊囉!!好食嘅攪錯呀~?係滑但係唔係我要嘅嘢湯勁多味精!!!四眼收枱嘅高白哥收枱時暴力菜汁四淺搞到我成身污糟
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every time i visit this shop, i always order the same kimchi tofu soup and ask them not to put meat. i love it. freshly made and still bubbling when presented to me. the kimchi is great, and the level of spiciness is just right. if the tofu can be just a bit softer, the dish will be even better. overall, it suits my taste and my preference for vegetarian food.
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