3-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
Level4 2019-02-24
二月最後一個星期天,閨蜜暢談。在尖沙咀吃過點心,逛了非常擁擠的海港城後大家已經吃不消,閨蜜建議到一家她非常喜歡的喝手工啤酒的地方。店裡不大,有向街景的座位,賣的全是本地手工啤酒,其中on tap的有10款,其他全為瓶裝,品牌不算很多。點了一杯獅子山的萬佛朝宗,酒精濃度8.1,苦度74,算是中等。這酒加入5款酒花,聞一下,有濃烈柑橘味。雖說苦味值不低,應該是水果味關係所以入口順滑,稍有回甘,實是舒服。服務方面,店員們未能提議客人或可嘗試的酒款,這不是賣耳熟能詳的啤酒的地方,店員建議不可或缺,但她們明顯對店裡在賣的啤酒不熟,我只能盲選,這點是扣分的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-02-10
Cute little local craft beer place in Tsim Sha Tsui. Got good selection of beer and is a cozy place with a pretty good playlist. The staffs don’t have good knowledge on the local craft beers when you do ask for recommendations and do act slightly rude/strange sometimes as it feels like they try to rush you. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-02-05
由於有開心野慶祝,上晝完成慶典之後,就去咗呢間已經訂好位嘅餐廳大擦一餐,誰不知明明book咗中午12點,去到竟然未開門 😳 咁咪打電話睇吓有冇人應囉,又冇人接電話喎🤷🏽‍♀️,四周圍行吓行吓行左差唔多半個鐘,再試吓打去餐廳,終於有人接電話啦,咁我哋咪折返去餐廳。真古怪!明明已經book好枱,都可以未開門😵!仲要服務員毫無悔意!🤦🏽‍♀️不過都無損我哋慶祝嘅心情!每樣食物都平平,冇乜嘢好突出,不過雞翼超辣🔥鍾意食辣嘅人可以挑戰下! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
系尖沙咀番工有咩lunch好食 梗系去亞士厘道explore下啦 🤔🤔今日朋友介紹左Kowloon taproom...系一間食burger飲下酒嘅好地方 朋友上網用app訂位 仲有discount offer 正丫喂😍😍朋友叫左一杯手工啤 幾香果味 幾岩女仔飲兩個女仔叫左fish & chips 同 Taproom special burger 🍔 Fish & chips $118薯條真系整得幾好食 熱辣辣魚 有三大條 不過條魚唔系好夠味 可以咸少少Taproom special burger $138有beef, cheese, bacon個beef 叫左medium...我覺得生熟岩岩好不過略咸 重口味朋友會中意不過呢 呢道嘅食物要等好耐 我地差不多等左半個鐘 如果午餐時間好趕就唔太適合 夜晚黎食就perfect! Waiter好好人 好有禮貌 又會推介食物 讚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-06-30
My friend just broke up with his girlfriend, what I can do is listen, and drink a bit with him. .There was not much people when 21:30, but after one hour, it changed to full house. Many foreigner, looks like tourist, came here. .I ordered 3 pint of moozen brewery. That was with mango taste, which was a bit sour..Chicken wings were good and tasty ! . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)