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Review (47)
Level4 2008-08-15
Got some takeaway donuts from Krispy Kreme, tried 3 of their new flavours out of the 6 choices of lime, mango, melon, pineapple, blueberry and cranberry.Cranberry:This was my favourite, since cranberry was sprinkled evenly over the icing, giving it some chew to the donut.Blueberry:Not bad, tasted of blueberries too.Pineapple:This was my least favorite, since the pineapple flavor was a bit artificial, if it had a little sourness in it, it would mimic the real pineapple taste. Also there was only one piece of the pineapple in the donut, not as good as the cranberry, because that was sprinkled all over. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-07-28
不知是否今次走cream? 味道比上次相差很大,甜味少了,朱古力味又欠奉. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-07-24
行過見有咁多不同款式既冬甩,即管買個試試,我揀左黑白朱古力…如眾人所言,係甜既,但味道都可接受,甜品呢d野係咁架啦,凍凍地,ok~全港只此一間?包婆話呢間美國野係澳洲好紅好出名添喎 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2008-06-26
妹妹去開旺角,又知我鍾意食lee間ge冬甩,所以買左2個冬甩番屋企*杏仁朱古力:好味**最鍾意食朱古力,好香,好軟熟,食完想再食~朱古力紐紋:呀媽食~佢覺得好甜,不過好軟熟,佢話如果無咁甜,就會好味好多~不過我偷食左一啖,覺得唔係太甜,ok~幾好味~我自己好鍾意食甜野,所以覺得幾好味,每次食完都想食多一個(因為個冬甩唔係好大個)~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
店門前玻璃冷櫃擺放著七彩繽紛排列得整整齊齊既冬甩令人唾涎欲滴,吸引小朋友之餘也令大朋友止步。經過此店多次也未有機會試,剛巧五月收到銀行Coupon,免費品嚐兩款冬甩&一杯咖啡﹔哈哈...太好了 Coupon 指定揀選一個原味 & 任揀一款,我揀咗原味半糖衣 & 紐約芝士 & ICE MOCHA 另自費一杯芒果冰沙 ($28/大).冬甩雪住都仲好軟身,但真係....真係....好鬼甜 自問唔係甜食愛好者,咁甜既冬甩真係半個已經好夠,再加埋杯超甜 ICE MOCHA,真係唔拍住拖黎吃都一樣甜到漏﹑甜到爆。我地食咗一半已經放棄了。兼且上個星期報紙﹑電台仲大講反式脂肪,一個成年人食一個冬甩已經係一日既上限 但即使唔講什麼反式脂肪,也不會 " 再來一個 " continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)