Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:00 - 23:45
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fried Bone Garlic chicken
Review (57)
Level1 2012-04-02
估不到一百三十八元的寵仔蟹蓋糯米飯咁好食,真美味!豬肺湯又甜又真材實料!Bb鴿不太細,很入味!豆腐蝦仁,蝦仁又大又新鮮!粉絲什菜煲,非常大煲,好味!算很抵又美味的一餐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2012-03-29
Tonight our family went to Sai Wan Ho 權發 to celebrate birthday of my niece. My wife picked a beautiful birthday cake for the little girl. When we arrived the staff offered to help us put the cake into the frig for having it after the meal.In summary, the quality of the food is really bad. Not a single dish one can say delicious. The service is also poor. Staff cannot wait to take away the plates even though there are obviously still food in them. It feels like we are rushed to pay the bill and go!Ok, now 權發 is not a high-end restaurant so we might not be fair to ask for too much. But then when we told the staff to take out the cake to the birthday girl, when we saw really pissed us off!!! When the box was opened, the cake was almost crashed! All the toppings fell to the side!!! It feels like someone drops it on the floor!! And the staff has not even aplogize!!!!! What the....?!?Imagine how you would feel if your birthday cake was trashed like that?! We will never go to this rubbish restaurant again!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-08-13
約了老友們落堂後聚餐,肚子已餓得打鼓,今晚必定要大吃一番首先到場的兩隻為食鬼,已先行叫了湯和白飯,坐底時剛好有野食,時間剛剛好。木瓜雪耳唐排湯,侍應先把湯渣舀起,份量確是極之多,可謂真材實料。此湯向來是我所愛,入口鮮甜無比,喝不出有味精,正! 香酥荔芋鴨:一道功夫菜也,先將鴨件拆骨,外面包上荔蓉,再蘸粉酥炸而成。份量非常可觀,由於新鮮熱辣炸起,外層酥皮夠鬆化。鴨肉十分之少,不太試到真味。芋蓉則是頗多,香滑得來又不黏口。生根田雞煲:其中一個姊妹點的,她說同事不喜歡田雞,今天終於可以大快朵頤!煲仔上枱時煙冒彌漫,鑊氣十足!田雞肉地結實,生根吸收了醬汁,入口一咬,所有味道釋放出來,很捧。最喜歡大蒜及香蔥等配菜,見大家都大手大手夾,十分痛快。家鄉煎藕餅:又是重量級之作,每碟八件大大舊。咦!是火喉太勁了嗎?原來煎即等如炸,加上之前那碟香酥鴨,好熱氣呀!但食物當前,懶理它!蓮藕非常爽口,釀料則有豬肉、馬蹄、雲腿,好像還有魚肉,配合得很好,讚。蠔仔浸豆苗:可能之前點的餸菜較膩,這一味來得正好。蠔仔隻隻脹卜卜,很是鮮甜。肉碎滿佈湯面,場面壯觀。豆苗鮮嫰無渣,配合魚湯來吃,天衣無縫。另有免費糖水紅豆沙,但已吃得太飽,所以只試了兩口。怎料阿姐再送來生果,嘩,很抵吃呀!這裏服務不錯,侍應很注意食客需要,收碟也快手。雖然當晚我們坐到十一時多,但他們絕不會給你壓力,無show出趕收工的樣子。唯一要改善的是,餐牌中很多菜式也沒有,我們前後轉了很多次。無論如何,今晚十分盡興,有機會會再光顧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-07-15
其實都一段時間之前幫襯嫁啦, 襯我依家開左個戶口, 就補返個食評俾佢啦!!之前禮拜成日都同屋企人落權發飲茶, 次次都勁多人等位! 因為權發D點心真係抵食又大件! 而且水準唔錯!不過有一次吃晚飯就真係失望左少少, 不過可能係晚上又禮拜的關係, 真係又係勁多人! 等好耐都冇位!但有點過份的就係等左真係勁耐, 耐到EQ高都發脾氣, 點知佢仲夠膽死話分開兩張台俾我地坐! (我地都成10幾人)我真係忍唔住爆粗, 一來嘈佢等左勁耐都冇位, 二來仲要要我地分開坐, 真係冇用腦!!不過依個又唔算好大問題, 因為始終唔係D乜0野大酒樓大飯店, 所以這點可以原諒佢。話雖如此, 但晚餐小菜都真係唔錯, 記得當晚再正的就係"芝士焗龍蝦", 佢真係唔會呃你!!真係大大隻龍蝦勁好肉!! 而且D芝士真係好味好香, 唔係得個肥字溜字, 真係幾正!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-06-26
20110624 8pm冬瓜盅- 是日最後一個, 差點兒走寶。XO醬西蘭花帶子桂花pon - 少少辣好味道。乳鴿 - 蝦片是即炸既, 乳鴿無得剩, 我估應該好味道。蟶子王 - $30一隻, 今晚麻麻地。 腿蓉蓮藕餅 - 小朋友話, 好重呀 唔講唔覺, 又真係幾重手喎。香口o野好快無晒。琵琶豆腐 - 穩陣之選。上湯龍蝦伊麵底 - 我好記得係唔好食既, 我無食。- 結果竟然食剩, 好食極有限啦。送綠豆沙- 眾人意見太甜啦。九大一小盛惠$1300, 好抵食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)