6-min walk from Exit B1, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station; 麗新商業大廈對面 continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 22:00
17:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
咖哩美食 雲南米線
Review (58)
Level1 2024-06-06
今日同公司同事去食飯 本身午飯時間得一個人喺度做落單煮飯已經唔合理 然後想叫咖喱以外嘅嘢俾老闆推卻話有排等架㗎你要叫咖哩以外嘅食物要等好耐 然後局住要我哋叫其他嘢食然後老闆不斷係咁吹我哋食乜 明明係佢自己唔想提供其他食物,最後我哋四個人只係叫到三個餐另外叫咗嘅飲品,最後冇嚟到,明明叫檸茶變咗可樂,不知所謂買單嘅時候,由於同事有需要分單claim公數 又比個老細爆粗話我地麻煩 貼錢買難受 張單只需要寫價錢又唔知寫咗啲乜嘢出嚟結論; 比錢受氣 幾好食嘅都俾佢嘅用餐體驗破壞晒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
突然好想食咖哩同事就帶我黎呢間。餐牌有生咖哩同熟咖哩揀。個人覺得生咖哩係偏似印度咖哩而熟咖哩係偏似辣嘅葡汁。加辣要小心。真係都幾辣。平時三哥食5少/3少。今次加微辣都食到流鼻水自己揀咗什菜咖哩但係可惜佢除咗3粒薯仔全部都係椰菜同大白菜。同自己期望嘅印度風花椰菜薯仔蘿蔔有D唔同。但係都係好食嘅。個咖哩汁真係出息同事食嘅鴨肉咖哩望落都好好食同埋隻貓真係好磁人。我地一座低佢就上咗黎瞓喺同事中間。最後仲要上埋我大髀繼續瞓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-02-25
一間門口掛滿大紅燈籠嘅咖喱專門店,感覺有啲獵奇,令人幻想中式咖喱到底會係點。今次叫左兩款生咖喱,羊同埋豬膶,落完單後師傅即刻開鑊煮,都算比較少見。咖喱味道的確同日式、印度有啲分別,多洋蔥就有少少似巴基斯坦,但佢加埋花椒八角一齊煮,辣度都偏高,應該係老闆自創嘅風格。咖喱豬膶配搭幾有新意,效果我就覺得一般般。咖喱羊就做得幾好,可惜餸嘅份量真係好少,比例可能仲少過銀咖喱,連熱飲開價近百蚊,定價有啲進取。雖然定價偏貴,但店內兩隻貓貓都非常親切,見到每位客人都會主動打招呼,甚至會坐喺身傍陪你食飯。如果以幫襯貓Cafe嘅心態就會覺得價錢合理晒😹 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-02-20
今日食左個生咖哩,同熟咖哩分別就係濃味啲,撈飯好好食好惹味京䓤鴨胸餅有啲似扁皮鴨,幾過癮咖荲原味都有辣,如果唔食得辣就叫原味就夠了,少少辣都好鬼辣總結咖哩味夠特別,會再幫襯老闆一手一腳自己做哂收銀洗碗廚房,親力親為抵讚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Passing by this resto for few times, finally I had a chance to try it. I was attracted by its outsides ‘old-school’ labels and photos. It looks very authentic.There are two cats in the resto and they are so friendly. Please note, if you have allergy or if you don’t like cats.I ordered two types of curries. One of it is their signature curries – Raw Curry. I ordered Oyster Raw Curry with naans. The naans are super good and crispy! Must Try it! The raw curry is with a lot of onions and the less spicy level is quite spicy for me! (The chef told me their spicy level doubles other restos!)Another curry I ordered is Ox Tongue Curry (normal curry) which contains coconuts milk, along with rice. It is more like Hong Kong Style Curry but it is still quite good and there a lot of ox tongues!If you are a curry lover, you can visit and give it a try! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)