Kyo Hachi Japanese Restaurant is a very latest japanese Restaurant under the umbrealla of the RC Gastronomic Group. It offers the most tempting cuisine complemented by the msot stunning scenery.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
差係差但其實都不算很差, 這裡的刺身價錢昂貴而且分量不多, 賣相不錯但味道一般. 前菜味道尚可, 銀雪魚比較乾.這裡的鐵板餐更是嚇人, 價錢貴肉類差但賣相差, 不值得. 大蝦天婦羅稍為油膩, 減分. 安格斯肉眼稍為燒得過火, 扣分.魚生飯的三文魚子不太新鮮, 皺了的蛋很易破穿. 其他材料似乎都一般不是貴貨. 雜菌粒粒和牛的牛肉燒得過火如黑炭一般帶苦澀味.不明白為何刺身會同鐵板等煎炸食物一同地方處理, 這樣刺身不就沾了鐵板得油煙味道嗎? 這還會清新好食嗎?風景是九十分的, 環境絕對一流, 服務也不差, 但其他東西就和這兩樣不配合了, 刺身小炒壽司不合格,且真的太貴了.刺身分量少,凍但掩飾不了不鮮味淡的缺點,感覺不值得.這裡的刺身價錢昂貴而且分量不多, 賣相不錯但味道一般. 這裡的鐵板餐更是嚇人, 價錢貴肉類差但賣相差, 不值得.不明白為何刺身會同鐵板等煎炸食物一同地方處理, 這樣刺身不就沾了鐵板得油煙味道嗎? 這還會清新好食嗎?風景是九十分的, 環境絕對一流, 服務也不差, 但其他東西就和這兩樣不配合了, 刺身小炒壽司不合格,且真的太貴了.刺身分量少,凍但掩飾不了不鮮味淡的缺點,感覺不值得.
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今日想對這間餐廳寫少少食評今日我地食左兩樣野一個係海鮮烏冬 另一個係叉燒拉麵首先講下個海鮮烏冬份量足夠 有帶子,青口,魚片,蟹柳,同埋一隻炸蝦天婦羅我朋友話個烏冬湯底 唔太鹹 0岩0岩好 烏冬好彈牙上面再加適量既紫菜 (因為有D餐廳落太多紫菜 完全影響晒個湯底味道)跟住就係我食既叉燒拉麵湯底係豬骨濃湯底 叉燒有4片 味道好好 同埋我覺得佢地既叉燒同其他日本餐有D唔同唔知係咪自己整呢叉燒真係好香 又夠淋 好正
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It was my mother's Birthday, I wanted to take her somewhere with a view on The Peak for a nice meal before I go tomorrow back to the UK.After not able to get a table at Pearl, I called 巨八, they said I can have a window table, but cutting Birthday cake would be extra 100 dollars, so I declined. I should know this might not be the best choice. Why did I not come here and have a look at reviews!?In the end I left the cake at home and went up with expectation of high quality seeing it is at The Peak.We were taken to a taken near the end of the restaurant, the windows were so dirty we could not get a good view. We were also sitting under the viewing tower, there was constant noises coming through, it was like being in a 茶餐廳 the WHOLE TIME. There were some fake reserved signs on tables to pretend they were more popular than they really areWe ordered set dinner for 2 Toro Sasimi - There were tendons all over it, very chewy, definitely bad toro. We told the waitress, who said she would tell the chefs, but nothing happened.Lobster Tempura - Not very crispy, but okay.Baked Oyster - Mayonnais didn't go well with it.Dumpling - Can taste MSG all the wayFried Rice with Bacon - Terrible, cheap bacon with normal Chinese rice. Seaseme Ice Cream - It had ice inside, must have been very oldYou can get better Japanese meal in Tin Hau at half the price, only went there for the view, which wasn't really there.Overpriced, poor ingredients, bad view. Avoid!
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情人節當然要浪漫晚餐才有氣氛,在山頂撐枱腳就最好。在凌宵閣行了一圈便選了巨八,因為情人餐的菜式頗吸引。笫一度上的菜式是鮮活龍蝦刺身加三文魚刺身,龍蝦的眼睛和腳仔還在動,非常新鮮大蝦笀果沙律,清清地,好味。香蔥吞拿魚壽司,制成心形,有心思。 明太子鷄翼叫做比翼雙飛,唔太鹹,幾好。大蝦天婦羅稍為油膩,所以減分。法國鵝肝安格斯肉眼厚燒:鵝肝暖暖地,安格斯肉眼稍為燒得過火,扣分。三文魚炒飯不太鹹,吃了不口乾。𩶘魚清湯,不太鹹,但似乎太清,無料到,加少少豆腐粒可能充實一些。紅豆雪糕,不太甜,合格。食物材料質素算好,環境一流,服務都算OK。不過飲品非常貴,提子乳酸一杯$52,太貴。Asahi 小支裝$60,非常貴。
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