Exit B2, Tseung Kwan O MTR Station continue reading
以抹茶為主題概念的餐廳,採用京都宇治「森半」出產的抹茶融合不同食材,製作出不同種類美食。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
宇治十勝刨冰 京都雪糕葛軟糍 京都霜淇淋甜點 抹茶盛合料理 特盛芭菲 溫泉蛋抹茶冷麵
Review (49)
Level4 2017-02-07
想食呢個燒鯖魚定食 ($68), 一定唔可以趕時間, 事關佢係即叫即燒, 但絶對值得等待! 賣相靚仔, 定食包括麵豉湯, 漬蘿蔔, 白飯頗大碗, 飯上灑上少少"飯之素", 更好送飯!條鯖魚唔細條, 上枱時已聞到好香燒魚味, 魚身燒到皮脆肉香, 點少少酸酸地既醬汁, 更能帶出魚既油香味, 估唔到係平民日式店都可以食到咁有水準既燒鯖魚定食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-07-03
晚飯唔知食乜好,想搵間坐得舒服嘅餐,隨便入左京都抹茶屋。呢度雖然係主打抹茶,但都有晚市套餐。朋友點左醬燒金菇美國肥牛卷石鍋丼$78有前菜漬物,味噌湯,肥牛卷石鍋丼有五件肥牛卷。溫泉蛋玉子照燒鰻魚石鍋丼$88溫泉蛋、鰻魚都係我最愛。成日覺得用溫泉蛋撈飯便失去左佢嘅意義,所以一啖將佢放入口就最能感受到半熟蛋黃加蛋白嘅味道。鰻魚味道普通,無驚喜。夏日炎炎最岩飲沙冰,芒果當造,沙冰有少少口感,芒果味唔假,OK啦。抹茶蛋糕無乜抹茶味,同普通蛋糕無分別。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-03-15
已唔係第一次光顧的餐廳,冇諗過有咩驚喜,叫左個鐵板醬炒豚肉烏冬,甜甜地,好好味,鐵板上,一路食仍然熱辣辣,烏冬彈牙唔痴口,評分中上級另一味是咖喱吉列豬扒飯,日式咖喱,有d辣度,港人完全接受得到,好味道,吉列豬扒,外脆內滿有肉味,唔係炸到乾爭爭,外皮炸到脆卜卜,係新鮮炸起,唔係翻炸或炸左好耐,豬扒非常高分,90分都值得拎。飲品,芒橙絲慕,叫餐8折,即係3x蚊一杯,味道十足雪條橙汁冰冰,不過橙汁冰冰好似幾蚊一條,值唔值?見仁見智 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-07-28
Came here a few years ago and the food was crap but went here again because I was thirsty.There were more choices for food and drinks so I ended up getting a dessert as well.The floor was not very clean because there was lots of rice all over the place.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆Uji matcha with chocolate milk:The drink tasted very powdery with a mix of green powder and chocolate powder.It was pleasant to drink but it wasn’t impressive.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆Uji matcha beancurd pudding:Beneath the black biscuit crumbs was matcha tofu which had a light matcha taste and no tofu taste.There was a layer of cream in the middle which wasn’t necesssary and ruined the taste.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎The bill: $7XService: OKService charge: 10%Yummy factor: Could be betterSweetness levels: just rightNapkins provided: yesToilets: noNoise levels: NoisyGlass of water provided: yesEnglish Menu: YesAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-07-18
週末在將軍澳區商場搵食, 原來也不容易的! 已經過了午餐時間, 但到處都要等位.最後選了這家吃輕食坐商場中間的日式店等. 由於我們一行多人, 所以眼見一對一對的情侣入座都無我們份. 忽然, 店員就說有座位, 但座位一眼見晒. 原來它和另一家叫”櫻花” 的日式自助餐料理店是有關係的, 所以可以安排我們入去座, 繼續叫出面的野食.由於下午茶時候是無乜人吃自助餐的, 所以我們有包場的感覺. 是很好嗎? 也不是. 因為職員都處於一個”落場”的心態, 又或者真的沒有職員留意到會有一枱客人在這隱藏的位置.我原本只是打算吃個綠茶蛋糕的, 因為這裡的綠茶產品好像很有名的, Display櫃中很多都是綠色的. 但我的朋友好像很肚餓, 加上有些優惠叫main course可以半價食某些甜品和飲品, 結果我們叫了很多東西. (在叫東西方面, 我們也用上好些時間, 因為要弄清楚哪些有特價, 又怎樣配合才叫到大家想吃的東西) 當然, 如果你”唔置在” 錢的話是無問題的.回說我的綠茶卷, 期望高, 但味道正常不特別出色, 也沒有如圖片中有的靚靚生果在旁邊.朋友吃的餐, 有湯. 有炸物. 有午餐定食. 個人覺得炸物較好.另外朋友因半價而叫了的芒果雪芭, 真的很大, 很多cream, 很肥美. 我相信味道也不會太差, 因為那些材料的味道不會相差很多, 只是mix在一起. 但朋友實在沒辦法吃完, 放棄了半杯. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)