5-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
This pizzeria specializes in 10” mega-sized pizza. There are spicy Mexican Bolognese, Italian salami and smoked salmon for choices. The sauce is homemade and matches with different ingredients. Burgers, pasta and salad are also served. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level3 2018-12-27
a very reasonable lunch menu which I was told would change weekly  Apparently the food comes from the thai chef of L16 down frrom Swatow Street. No wonder the food seemed so familiar as the ones from L16 Hong Kong Park.  Also liked the fact that there was no service charge! Very affordable for us Wan Chai office ladies.My friend had the yellow chicken curry with rice and really liked it, saying that it was very authentic. My Hainan chicken rice dish was full of meat, which I was very fond of since I wasn't expecting it for the price I was paying at a sit-down restaurant with servers. Wonderful lunch sets, keep it up guys.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
系 eatigo 往往會發掘到新嘢 👉 今次呢間係新開冇耐嘅的式西餐廳,位置隱敝但其實都就腳。平日夜晚好少人岩晒兩個女仔包場傾計 😂 店主哥哥幾有心介紹 menu 野食俾我哋聽,服務唔錯 😙 佢哋 set menu 間唔中會轉,所以每次番去都應該唔怕嘢食重複~唔貴且包埋餐湯沙律~食完先發覺今次嗌嘅所有嘢咁岩都係🍅番茄做主題香煎南美蝦·茄汁濃湯扁意粉 ❤️ ($98)評分:7/10.正正常常,番茄汁夠濃,但因為係濃湯嘅關係就比較濕。材料好足嘅兩隻大蝦成隻上,不過就要自己剝殼先食得 🤗 整體還好錫紙焗番茄汁鯰魚 ❤️ ($108)評分:7.5/10.重點其實想講呢個!! 😆 多數西餐香煎煎鱸魚見得多,鯰魚真係少見到。雖然幅圖乜都望唔到 😂 但其實好大份!! 好似食極都食唔完咁~根本就係一塊魚扒 😍 其實本來鯰魚系配白酒野菌汁嘅,不過冇晒就轉咗做番茄汁,我覺得白酒汁會更出色啊~因為番茄味太強烈喇搶咗魚肉嘅味有啲可惜 😐 但幾特別同埋因為用焗嘅方式魚一啲都唔乾身感覺亦冇咁熱氣。整體幾滿意香草伴乾茄炒雜腸 ❤️ ($58)評分:7.5/10.嚟到先發覺所有野都系橙色 😯 包括香腸 😂 其實作為小食茄醬真係幾開胃嘅 😉 香腸嘅份量都幾多,雖然話小食但份量似小菜總括黎講小店嘅食物 value for money, 亦都幾有心機製作 👍 成個環境好岩朋友小聚或者情侶拍拖慶祝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-12-01
I had made a reservation last late night at L' Pizzeria but advice to cancel after receiving a call from L' Pizzeria staff an hour prior to the reservation informed that it was the last day of the Chef. He even applied that food could have run out due to high consumption of customers yesterday.Being attracted by good comments here, I feel sad of not able to try before the Chef left. It is difficult to retain a talent Chef nowadays. I wish L' Pizzeria a good luck and hope they could find a good replacing Chef to retain the standard. Should anyone knows Chef's new direction, happy to be informed continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-11-21
有日同3位同事開完會,經過哩間餐廳,見到有SET LUNCH,決定入去試試。同幾位揀咗4份唔同嘅餐,咁就可以同同事齊齊開心SHARE,揀咗SET A E F 同G。沙律就普普通通啦,冇咩特別,菜算幾新鮮同爽脆,湯就要咗羅宋湯,蕃茄味再濃啲會好啲。食物傾一陣計,好快就到。順序講啦:A) 海鮮龍蝦汁扁意粉 大大份食極都食唔完 味道又幾好 意粉唔會太淋有咬口 龍蝦汁如果落多少少會更好E) 錫紙焗白酒汁野菌有皮鯰魚錫紙整完之後 魚嘅鮮味KEEP到 加埋白酒汁同野菌令味道更上一層樓 F)秋之果烤豬肋排伴燒野菜一嚟到見到嚇親 以為畀錯咗 因為 勁! 大! 份! WAITER都即刻過嚟解釋返冇畀錯到 而係哩份豬肋骨係真係咁大份味道方面就幾好 幾入味 肉嘅質地而唔會因為係豬而好嚡 整體上幾好食G) 經典安格斯牛肉漢堡哩個BURGER又係幾大個 哩個包我冇份食 (因為最近戒緊牛) 但就咁睇起碼佢真係厚身嘅漢堡 而唔係好似M記嗰啲"安格斯" 同事話味道唔錯 下次有機會再叫價錢方面算係咁啦,而家喺香港地,隨便食個飯都已經一百幾十,哩到一個SET包前菜主食茶/咖啡,計埋加一大約100蚊。 總括而言,味道好,價錢實惠,讚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-10-29
見公司附近開咗, 同同事一齊入去試服務態度很好,因為意粉的湯很好喝,很惹味辣得泥有層次,要求俾多啲湯,服務員都好樂意又主動建議不同的菜, 互相分享。而且對菜色內容都很熟悉。最好吃是辣海鮮湯意粉,加入雜菌,,炸蒜,洋蔥絲,香草,令湯好有複雜性,有層次,口感 。牛肉漢堡夠厚,很 juicy,反而pizza就沒有好大印象了!值得下次再試,支持本地小店! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)